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Binary numbers & computing

Assignment II . Binary numbers & computing . By Jennifer M. Rivera.

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Binary numbers & computing

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  1. Assignment II Binary numbers &computing By Jennifer M. Rivera

  2. Have you ever wonder how a computer operates? If so, the answer is the binary number system. A command of 1’s and 0’s allow the computer to operate the way a user wants it to. Without these system of commands a computer would not operate to it’s full capability. The reason computers use the base-2 system is because it makes it a lot easier to implement them with current electronic technology.  Binary numbers…

  3. Where is the binary system used?

  4. So how does the Binary Numbers System work? • In order for an electrical device such as a computer to operate it must receive a binary command. Binary numbers consist of 1’s and 0’s.

  5. How does it work?  In this base, the number 1011 equals. This base is used in computers, since all numbers can be simply represented as a string of electrically pulsed ons and offs. In computer parlance, one binary digit is called a bit, two digits are called a crumb, four digits are called a nibble, and eight digits are called a byte.

  6. Binary Counting… • The way we are all used to counting is by using the numbers 0 through 9. Then when we start all over again, we put a 1 for the first digit and increment the second digit from 0 to 9 again. The same goes for binary, except that we can only use the numbers 0 through 1. Check out the counting below: 0 = 0 1 = 1 2 = 10 3 = 11 4 = 100 5 = 101 6 = 110 7 = 111 8 = 1000 9 = 1001 10 = 1010 11 = 1011 12 = 1100 13 = 1101 14 = 1110 15 = 1111 16 = 10000 17 = 10001 18 = 10010 19 = 10011 20 = 10100

  7. In this assignment we will learn how to speak BINARY! • Use the sheet of paper I’ve placed on your keyboard and begin to write your name using the binary number system. • After you write your name, you will now see what it takes a computer programmer to do in order to have the computer display your name….

  8. Review on what we’ve learned: Bit and bytes • Apple iPod 64GB • Nintendo DS Please break into your groups!

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