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Reflections & Outlook at the end of EGF2007

Reflections & Outlook at the end of EGF2007. Hendrik Ferdinande STEPS by EUPEN chair UGent (BE). Thematic Network (TN) in the frame of the ERASMUS / SOCRATES / LLL programmes of DG XXII / DG EAC / EAC EA (grant budget ~ 150 k€/a) ‘European Physics Education Network’

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Reflections & Outlook at the end of EGF2007

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  1. Reflections & Outlookat the end of EGF2007 Hendrik Ferdinande STEPS by EUPEN chair UGent (BE)

  2. Thematic Network (TN) in the frame of the ERASMUS / SOCRATES / LLL programmes of DG XXII / DG EAC / EAC EA (grant budget ~ 150 k€/a) ‘European Physics Education Network’ EUPEN I 1996/1999 EGF97 Brugge (BE), etc. Diss. EUPEN 1999/2000 3 ERF! EUPEN II 2000/2003 EGF2003etc., Uppsala (SE) STEPS by EUPEN 2005/2008 EGF2006 Gent (BE) ‘Stakeholders Tune European Physics Studies’ New TN application: deadline 29 February 2008 Setting the scene

  3. AIM: Harmonisation & misunderstood ’Standardisation’ & Transparency vs REALITY: “Branding” & “Ranking” & Centres of Excellence e.g. Shanghai ranking (next page): by HEI CHE in DE, NL & BE(nl): by discipline and HEI www.MeinPROF.de (cfr. “Die Zeit” 2007-08-30) already 250 000 assessments!!! DISADVANTAGE: “Student en recht”, [‘Student and his rights’], 832 pages for BE(nl) L. Van Hoestenberghe en R. Verstegen (eds.) Acco, Leuven 2007 Bologna Process

  4. Top 10 allen-speaking # of HEIs out of first 200 HEIs in: US 88 FR 9 CN 2 UK 23 CH 6 C&EE 1 DE 14 IT + ES 9 IN 0 NL 9 Lat. Am. 4 Afr. 0 Shanghai Ranking

  5. SUPA (Scottish Universities Physics Alliance)(cfr. results in: Nature, Vol. 447, Issue no. 7148, 28 June 2007, p. 1031) Midlands Consortium: Birmingham + Loughborough + Nottinghamhttp://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-09/uon-mcd092107.php Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr: Duisburg-Essen + MIWFT + Bochum + Dortmundhttp://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/rektorat/themen/universitaetsallianz/index.htm BE: (nl) UGent + VUB (‘hard sci. & med.); (fr) UCL + FUNDP + FCM “Großregion/Grande Région”: 110 HEIs in Saarland, Lorraine, LU, Rheinland-Pfalz, BE (fr) & BE (de) Networking of HEIs and/or Disciplines

  6. TREE = ‘Teaching and Research in Engineering in Europe’http://www3.unifi.it/tree/ ECTN = ‘European Chemistry Thematic Network’http://www.cpe.fr/ectn-assoc/network/ectn3.htm TechnoTN = ‘Archipelago’ of Sci. & Eng. TNshttp://www.upv.es/TechnoTN2004/geninfo.htmlh.f. co-ordinator for 2006/07 & 2007/08 Open Workshop on 'Scientific & Technical Education and the Bologna Process' Università 'La Sapienza', Roma (IT) 2007-11-14 info: guiliano.augusti@uniroma1.it registration: trine.hundebol@sefi.be free attendance for 3 EUPEN members STEPS by EUPEN vs other TNse.g.

  7. ‘Tuning Educational Structures in Europe’ J. González, U Deusto (ES) & R. Wagenaar, RuG (NL) http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningeu/ or http://www.relint.deusto.es/TuningProject/index.htm or http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/educ/tuning/tuning_en.html Physics Tuning Brochure: in print (Dec. ’07) Sectoral Qualification Frameworks (SQF): proposal Natural Sciences (Università di Padova, IT: L. Donà dalle Rose) Social Sciences (Universidad de Deusto, ES : J. González) (Fine) Arts & Humanities (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL : R. Wagenaar) Tuning Georgia Tuning Russia: e.g. Moscow (RU) 2007-10-17/18 Tuning América Latina: e.g. Lima (PE) 2007-10-29/31http://tuning.unideusto.org/tuningal/ ‘TUNING’

  8. ECA2007 "Defining and measuring learning outcomes in higher education" ETHZ, Zürich (CH) 2007-09-03/04 all presentations can be found at the following website: http://www.oaq.ch/pub/de/Conference_LO.php by ‘Organ für Akkreditierung und Qualitätssicherung der Schweizerischen Hochschulen’ (OAQ) 'ECA dissemination conference. The benefits of mutual recognition of accreditation and quality assurance decisions‘ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (ES) 2007-12-10/11 http://www.ecaconsortium.net/conference/ by ANECA Learning Outcomes

  9. http://www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/roa/reflex/ Survey 35 000 graduates in 15 EU countries (+ JP) Effects modes of teaching Some support for student-centred methods, like problem-based learning: they provide a good basis to start working and develop career But traditional methods often more effective in imparting relevant competences: stressing theories and facts and practical knowledge are important components to develop expertise and this professional expertise is crucial for later labour market success #1 in ranking: Harvard U, but! Harvard’s Allston Initiative (30 billion $/50 yrs) (cfr R. Dijkgraaf’s contribution in green info guide to EGF2007) http://www.allston.harvard.edu/ ‘A compact to enhance teaching and learning at Harvard’ http://www.fas.harvard.edu/home/news_and_events/releases/taskforce_01242007.pdf ‘the development of graduate students and younger faculty does not convey the message that teaching and pedagogical improvement are also central to scholarly careers’(p. 6/7) Reflex

  10. Management Committee Meeting Gent (BE) 2007-10-26/27 1st Thematic Group Meeting Vico Equense (IT) 2008-01-11/12 2nd Thematic Group Meeting Lake Balaton (HU) 2008-05-16/17 EUPEN General Forum EGF2008 Iaşi/Sinaia (RO) 2008-09-04/06 ‘Physics Studies – Global Views, Local Needs’ STEPS by EUPEN: acad. year 2007/2008

  11. “EAPT” vs AAPT meetings: ~ 500 participants (?) vs ~ 1000 participants ? EU vs US ? if united EPEC + GIREP + MPTL + EUPEN + PTEE and global ??? EUPEN + ASPEN + ARAPEN + LAPEN + AAPT ??? ‘I have a dream’ Nicosia (CY) 2008-08-18/22 Delft (NL)2007-10-25/27 part of SEFI partner in TREE Opatija (HR) 2007-08-26/31

  12. Many thanks to all contributors to EGF2007 and for support by [E.C.] EAC EA, EPS & UGent! EUPEN Consortium Chair:Hendrik Ferdinande Secretary: Sophie Butt STEPS by EUPEN - UGent Proeftuinstraat 86 BE - 9000 Gent, Belgium T + 32 9 264 6539 F + 32 9 264 6697 Ehendrik.ferdinande@ugent.be & sophie.butt@ugent.be Wwww.eupen.ugent.be

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