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Prospecting and List Building

All roads lead to your list

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Prospecting and List Building

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  1. System Training Step #1 Prospecting and List Building

  2. Our Challenge to You Develop a Passion for Our Mission Our Leadership Team is 100% committed to creating wealth for families. There is a critical need for the education delivered on a giant scale.

  3. Develop a Passion for Our Mission Your success for the most part will depend on how strong your passion is for our mission and how effectively you can get many other people to feel the same way. It’s a mission that motivates.

  4. Posture and Position • Your “Attitude” • An edge that comes from belief • Not selling a “product”… Changing lives! • Know what we have and what we can do!

  5. Run a Diagnostic on your business • Show me your list • Show me your appointments ……….I will show you your results

  6. Step #1 PROSPECTING Just as a building contractor cannot construct a building without a large supply of raw materials, An empire builder needs a large pool of prospects/people to plug into the system to build a distribution empire.

  7. Developing A Target Market You can divide prospecting into three areas: 1. Natural Market Friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers, social contacts, 2. Friendship Farming Turning strangers into friends to create a new natural market 3. Friendship Borrowing System Relationship marketing through our third-party referral syste

  8. Step #1 PROSPECTING Create a Target Market List Top priority!!! The start of an exciting business adventure. From this list, you will build a business and transform the lives of the people on it.

  9. Do with partner Put at least one Name next to each equals 300-500 names Don’t worry about contact info just yet

  10. Important Keys 1. Make your list with others. Complete your prospect list with your Leader, and make sure to involve your spouse when possible. 2. Add names, don’t eliminate them. Resist the tendency to eliminate people from your list because you think they’re too busy or make too much money. That is a major mistake. Remember, it’s not just who you know, but who they know also. 3. Use the “Executive Memory Jogger.” The purpose is to “jog” your memory for every quality person you know. 4. Identify the “Top 25” on your list. Your list should have a minimum of 100 names and grow to as many as 300, 500, 1,000. ….quickly identify the “Top 25” and begin contacting them immediately with your Leader.

  11. Chicken List • Recruit up- Never FEAR successful people • Don’t judge people • You never know where someone will lead you • Leave no stone un-turned MASTER the Three Way Call

  12. Friendship Farming Turn Strangers Into Friends As you go about your day, always be on the look- out for people with whom to start a conversation. Cultivate a new warm market by meeting new people.

  13. The F.O.R.M. Method There are four questions you can ask when talking with a stranger. This method flows more naturally if you “prime the pump”. F. Stands for “Family.” have kids, did he grow up here in town, etc.? You might ask him (or her) if he is a family man, does he O. Stands for “Occupation.” What does he do for a living? How long? Does he like his job? R. Stands for “Recreation.” Perhaps you have a common recreational interest. M. Stands for “Message.” Tell the prospect what you do to spark his interest. Get his name

  14. Friendship Borrowing KEY TO SUCCESS What they are missing is the number of qualified people to get in front of on a regular, consistent basis.

  15. “All Roads Lead to Your LIST”

  16. Referrals at each Contact Point “A closed mouth does not get feed”

  17. The List that Grows Recruiting…… Top 25-Top 100 Referrals…… 3-5 per sale Networking Online and Offline….. ……and In the normal course of the your day

  18. “Are you in front of your computer?” “Pick up the phone”! Then what?.....Call 5 people a day “Are you in front of your computer?”

  19. Prospecting You don’t go out recruiting You recruit as you go! Gather Names and Numbers

  20. Marketing Numbers 10 names a day = 50 contacts a week. 25 will answer when you call 12 will schedule an interview 8 will show up 1 will join your team Do this every week and you'll recruit 4 directs a month (48 year) and write at least 1 personal sale a week. ($100k personal income before overrides!) Now, you are back into a warm market! Numbers will improve as you do.

  21. Excuse me, have you got a minute? My name is ___________ and I'm a national recruiter with Freedom Equity Group. (Shake hands and get name) I couldn't help but notice you. (compliment contact by telling him what made him stand out.) Do you mind telling me what is is you're currently doing for work? (Let them answer)

  22. Prospecting Are you totally 100% happy with every aspect of your current career? (Let them answer) If the money were right, would you consider a position with my firm?

  23. Possible Answers 1. Yes - Great, if you give me your name and number, I'll give you a call and schedule a time for us to talk. 2. What is it you do? - I recruit, license, and train agency builders on a national level. - I rescue retirement plans. Or - I teach families the rules the banks and insurance companies don't want us to know. 3. No No problem, by chance do you know of anyone like you looking for a career change at this time? * Regardless of the outcome, thank them for there time and leave them with your card Get Referrals.

  24. Prospecting Excuse, have you got a minute? My name is __________. (Shake hands and get name) Are from around here? Great! I'm expanding my business in the area and I need your help. Who do you know that is looking for full or part time income? Possible answers: 1. My brother. ….Awesome, what is the best way to contact him? 2. Nobody…..No problem, do you mind if I give you my card in case you come across somebody? 3. What is it you do?.....Refer to above answers - this question generally indicates a personal interest. * Be sure to smile, have good eye contact, and a firm handshake ( no limp fish or crushing death grips). Relax - Have fun - be real - and watch your business EXPLODE!!!

  25. Referrals There is ALWAYS an opportunity to obtain referrals. “I appreciate that, May I ask you a quick question: I’ve found my best new associates come through referrals from quality people like yourself. “Who do you know that may be interested in a new business venture or a possible career change?”

  26. Prospecting “I appreciate getting to meet with you today. As you can tell, our concepts can make a huge difference in someone’s life._______, I work strictly on referrals. Would you be kind enough to introduce me to a few people who might benefit from our concepts?”

  27. Appointment Setting Next Training

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