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Question : How many students and school buildings do other districts have?

Question : How many students and school buildings do other districts have? Answer : Providence 23,872 students 41 schools Cranston 10,664 students

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Question : How many students and school buildings do other districts have?

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  1. Question: How many students and school buildings do other districts have? Answer: Providence 23,872 students 41 schools Cranston 10,664 students 18 schools Warwick 9,615 students 23 schools Pawtucket 9,300 students 16 schools

  2. Question: What is the present class size average at Aldrich, Gorton and Winmanand what will be the consolidation class size average? Answer: Present Average Class Size Aldrich - 15.94 students Gorton - 14.28 students Winman- 14.67 students New configuration class size average: 17.02

  3. Question: Why was the current school data used as a starting point and not next Year’s? Answer: The current school data was used to offer the school committee and the audience the opportunity to see the numbers that were used during the short term meetings that provided a view of our district 10 years out to 2022.

  4. Question: Why does Winman have more teachers than Aldrich and Gorton? Answer: Winmanhas more “intensive special education programs and students” than the other 2 Junior High Schools. Aldrich – 55 teachers Gorton – 53 teachers Winman- 59 teachers Note: Gorton has 100 fewer students than Aldrich and Winman.

  5. Question: What are Warwick’s plans for the junior high school given the suggestions by some to move towards the middle school concept/model? • Answer: • Contractual restrictions and Certification • As of 5/6/13: Elementary teachers 247 ---7 have middle school certification

  6. Presently 38 6th grade teachers --- 2 have middle school certification Secondary Gr. 7-8 teachers --- 40 have middle school certification Dilemma: 36 elementary teachers would be dismissed . School with in a school model . Increase in costs

  7. Question: With declining enrollmentand alleged shortage of funding, why would you request additional administrative positions? Answer: We are not.

  8. Question: Please explain classroom usage and why some people question itsaccuracy? Answer: Classroom usage was examined by the principals of each school as to the number of rooms in each building and the capacity of those rooms as classrooms and not what they were presently being used for. For example:

  9. Rm 3a Math Enrichment Room 14 students Rm3b Team Room 14 students Rm105 Conference Room 28 students Rm200 Dept Head Office 14 students

  10. Special Education Rooms Room 207 28 students Room 14 28 students Room 102 b 15 students

  11. Question: With students having to be transported to Aldrich and Winman instead of Gorton, how will this affect the time students are on the bus? Answer: Minor to not at all.

  12. Present longest bus ride in the city- Potowomutto Winman---30 – 40 mins Present Gorton bus Ride from WNeck--- 23 - 26 min Proposed ride from Church Avenue to Gorton --- 23 -26 min

  13. Present Gorton bus ride from Surburban Oakland Beach --- 8 min Proposed ride from OB Ave/W.Shore Road to Winman --- 9-10 min Note: Routes were driven and timed

  14. Question: Where is the vision? The long term plan? Answer: It is in the Strategic Plan that was developed by teachers, principals, administrators, parents and school committee members and approved by the school committee 5-0 at the school committee meeting in April. Identified were the following:

  15. Vision- to educate all students to become self-directed learners, highly productive responsible citizens, and contributors to a technological and global society. Initiatives as of 2013- educational evaluation system, curriculum development, common core standards, graduation by proficiency, multi-tiered systems of supports, data use, comprehensive assessment system, and long term facilities planning.

  16. Goal 1- teaching and learning Goal 2- technology Goal 3 school environment – to provide the students, teachers, and families with innovative structures that support 21st century learning and living. Buildings/structures- continue with LRFPC to reflect declining enrollmentand student needs.

  17. Question: Middle School/JrHigh School? Answer: Research study – “Are Middle Schools More Effective? The Impact of School Structure on Student Outcomes.” by Bedard and Do.

  18. Lack of personal attention and monitoring in middle schools • Decline in sixth grade math and science scores • New York City elimination of middle schools • Lower on-time high school completion rates • Graduation rates and less able students

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