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Quarkonium Survival in a Gluon Plasma: Spectral Function Analysis

Quarkonium Survival in a Gluon Plasma: Spectral Function Analysis. Ágnes Mócsy. with Péter Petreczky (BNL) and Jorge Casalderrey-Solana (LBNL).  c (1P). J/ (1S). ’(2S).  b ’(2P). ’’(3S).  b (1P). (1S). r 2  1/2 fm. 0.9. 0.7. 0.4. 0.2. T.

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Quarkonium Survival in a Gluon Plasma: Spectral Function Analysis

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  1. Quark Matter 06 Quarkonium Survival in a Gluon Plasma:Spectral Function Analysis Ágnes Mócsy with Péter Petreczky (BNL) and Jorge Casalderrey-Solana (LBNL)

  2. Quark Matter 06 c(1P) J/(1S) ’(2S) b’(2P) ’’(3S) b(1P) (1S) r21/2 fm 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.2 T Quarkonium - could probe deconfinement must understand its modification in a hot medium !  Traditionally - Debye screening in qgp rDebye rquarkonium quarkonium dissociation  Hierarchy in binding energy - qgp thermometer • Our approach - use spectral function - contains all info - from full nonrelativistic Green’s function also: Matsui,Satz 86 Karsch,Mehr,Satz 88 Satz 06 AM, Petreczky, hep-ph/0606053 AM, Petreczky, Casalderrey-Solana, hep-ph/0609205,hep-ph/0612… Strassler,Peskin 91; Casalderrey-Solana,Shuryak 04; Cabrera, Rapp 06; Wong 06 motivation for this study

  3. Quark Matter 06 PDG 06  T0spectral function NA50  T0 heavy ion dilepton rates  defined through the meson propagator measured on the lattice motivation - why spectral function

  4. Quark Matter 06 mass mQ  QCD Q velocity v 1 nonrelativistic QCD m mv NRQCD mv2 pNRQCD potential model 1/mv ~ tgluon 1/mv2 ~ tquarkonium models valid if tgluon tquarkonium “instantaneous interaction”  T0 hierarchy of energy/timescales potential can be derived potential model

  5. Quark Matter 06 mass mQ  QCD Q velocity v 1 nonrelativistic models valid if tgluon tquarkonium “instantaneous interaction” • T0 ??? no analogous effective theory: extra scales T, gT, g2T make derivation too complicated potential is unknown assume a phenomenological potential: (T) = mD Karsch,Mehr,Satz 88 (T) model parameter AM,Petreczky 05 other potentials Shuryak,Zahed; Alberico,Rapp; Wong; Nardi; potential models T0

  6. Quark Matter 06 +  goal: calculate the spectral function at finite T PDG 06 M (GeV) bound states/resonances continuum  ~ MJ/ - nonrelativistic   MJ/ - perturbative match medium effects in the gluon propagator  nonrelativistic Green’s function - contains all states spectral function approach

  7. Quark Matter 06 • pure gluon plasma Jakovác,Petreczky,Petrov,Velytsky,hep-lat/0611017 talk by K. Petrov c spectral function T0

  8. Quark Matter 06  pure gluon plasma  c spectral function TTc

  9. Quark Matter 06 • higher excited states gone • continuum shifted • 2S becomes merely a threshold enhancement Jakovác et al hep-lat/0611017  ground state identified • spf unchanged within errors, but details cannot be resolved • strong modification of 1S incompatible w/ data c spectral function TTc

  10. Quark Matter 06  correlation of hadronic currents G/Grecon 1 means spectral function unchanged Jakovác et al hep-lat/0611017  calculated and lattice correlators not compatible up to 1.5Tc decrease in correlator due to 1S amplitude reduction - not seen on the lattice c correlator

  11. Quark Matter 06 • lattice spectral function not yet reliable Jakovác et al hep-lat/0611017 • 1S survives with decrease in amplitude & some shift in mass b spectral function

  12. Quark Matter 06  no agreement at all with the lattice data Jakovác et al hep-lat/0611017 b correlator

  13. Quark Matter 06 • if the ground state properties are unchanged at finite T then the lattice correlators are recovered • dissolution of excited states is compensated by threshold reduction  lattice correlator compatible w/ dissolution of higher excited states AM hep-ph/0606124 if 1S unchanged

  14. Quark Matter 06 • we calculated the quarkonium spectral function • nonrelativistic Green’s function + relativistic continuum useful apparatus to study quarkonium properties in medium • we found that: • potentials don’t agree with lattice quarkonium data at finite T - tgluon  tquarkoniumnot satisfied need to think harder • the dissolution of higher excited states is compensated by threshold reduction • lattice correlator compatible w/ dissolution of higher excited states • future: • “short distance confinement” • pNRQCD at finite T ?! • finite momentum: quarkonium in motion concluding/closing remarks

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