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WORLD WAR II. 1939-1945 (U.S. involvement 1941-1945). The U.S. is watching. The U.S. is frightened as dictators in Europe and Asia sought to solve their nations problems by extending their power at the expense of other nations.

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  1. WORLD WAR II 1939-1945 (U.S. involvement 1941-1945)

  2. The U.S. is watching • The U.S. is frightened as dictators in Europe and Asia sought to solve their nations problems by extending their power at the expense of other nations.

  3. In the 20’s and 30’s dictators came to power in Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union. Totalitarian government controlled life. They used terror to suppress individual rights. What was going on after WWI

  4. What is Fascism • Fascism places the importance of the nation over the value of the individual. • Germany and Italy were 2 countries that believed in this philosophy.

  5. Italy and Mussolini • Mussolini felt Italy had been shortchanged in the peace settlement after the war. • In 1919 he joined the fascist party with other dissatisfied war veterans. • His nickname was Il Duce, and he would later establish a dictatorship.

  6. 1935 • Mussolini invades Ethiopia, in eastern Africa.

  7. The rise of Hitler • He was frustrated by WWI and the terms of the peace settlement. • He belonged to the Nazi party • He tried to overthrow the government and was put in jail for 9 months

  8. While in prison. . . • Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. • Included was the Nazi philosophy • Germany’s problems • His plan for action.

  9. Who did Hitler blame? • He was very critical of the Jewish population. • He blamed them for Germany’s defeat in WWI

  10. What did Hitler want? • 1. Strengthen the military • 2. Expand the borders of Germany • 3. Purify the Aryan race. ( To purify Germany he wanted to remove undesirables or JEWS) • SO MANY PROBLEMS ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!

  11. Post WWI problems for Germany • Huge debts • High unemployment

  12. Promises by Hitler • Stabilize the country • rebuild the economy and restore the empire • (the people believed in him)

  13. Hitler as Head of State • Because of his promises of better times in Germany, he became head of state in 1933.

  14. Now that he is in, what will happen? • Silenced his opposition • suspended civil liberties • and was given dictatorial powers • he is now DER FUHRER.

  15. Hitler wants to expand • March 1936, he moves into the Rhineland. • This is an area in western Germany, around the Rhine River. • According to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany’s military is not allowed to be there. • But no one threatens to attack Germany.

  16. Also that year. . . • Hitler signs an alliance with Italy. • The two together will become known as the AXIS powers. • Japan would later join.

  17. What does he want now? • 1938- Hitler annexes Austria • Later demands the Sudetenland

  18. Why was Hitler getting away with this? • Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement- or giving into demands to maintain peace. • They remembered WWI and the costs associated with it.

  19. March 1939 • Hitler annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia • He is warned that further expansion risked war.

  20. Britain and France have had enough! • These two countries pledge support to Poland in case of attack.

  21. Hitler is still wanting more. • He signs a treaty with the Soviet Union, so he would have no threat from the east. • Also a smart move because of Russia’s size.

  22. Hitler invades Poland. WWII has begun!!! September 1, 1939

  23. September 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany.

  24. Blitzkreig • Germany is using the tactic of “lightening warfare” or blitzkreig. This is striking quickly and deeply into enemy territory. • Because of this, Germany will take Poland in less than 1 month. • Stalin and the Soviet Union attack and seize eastern Poland as part of their agreement with Germany.

  25. Another conquest for Germany. • April 9, 1940 • Hitler and Germany attack Denmark and Norway

  26. And still more for Germany • May 10 • Netherlands, Belgium and France are quickly overwhelmed

  27. June 14, 1939 • German’s enter Paris, France. • A few days later France surrenders. • How did this picture make France feel? • How did it make America feel?

  28. Who is left? • Great Britain is now the only ally left.

  29. 1936-1939 Germany has taken over most of Europe. Will they ever stop?

  30. NO STOPPING NOW! • Germany’s next target is Great Britain. • Their Prime Minister is Winston Churchill. • Churchill says “ We will defend our island at all costs.”

  31. A major battle is about to begin.

  32. The Battle of Britain • Known for the most massive air assaults ever. • 1,000 planes a day rained bombs on Britain.

  33. Churchill’s speech • What General Weygand has called the Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest hour." • Winston Churchill • House of Commons, June18th 1940

  34. Great Britain will put up a fight

  35. Just when you think things couldn’t get much worse. . . • Japan enters the picture

  36. What does Japan want? • 1. Raw materials • 2. Markets to sell their goods in. • 3. Land for their growing population • Japan is eager to establish an empire. • They have been on the move since 1931

  37. What is Japan doing in 1931? • Seize Manchuria

  38. 1937- Japan is in China • The leader of the Chinese army is Jiang Jieshi or Chaing Kai-Shek. • By 1940 Japan controls most of eastern China.

  39. America’s concern level begins to grow.

  40. What should we do? • We begin a naval buildup. • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is now the home for the American Pacific Fleet.

  41. What do citizens want? • U.S. should remain neutral • They support a policy of isolationism. WAR

  42. The Draft • September 1940 • U.S. passes the first peacetime draft. • All males 21-36 years old must register for service.

  43. Lend-Lease Act • March 1941- Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act • This authorizes the President to aid any nation vital to American security. • The U.S. begins sending aid to Britain.

  44. We are preparing for war • 1941- FDR freezes assets of Japan and cuts off all trade. U.S. officials know that Japan is planning to seize more land. • U.S. learns that the Japanese fleet is moving towards S.E. Asia. • The U.S. wants them to withdraw.

  45. At the same time another Japanese fleet is moving.

  46. Japan has decided that their goals cannot be achieved with the Pacific Fleet in Hawaii- they must destroy it!!!

  47. December 7, 1941“A date that will live in infamy” • Planes are headed towards Pearl Harbor • An officer believes it is American planes coming in.

  48. Less that 1 hour later • 180 warplanes attack • 2400 Americans killed • 1200 wounded • 300 warplanes damaged or destroyed • 18 warships down • Japan loses only 29 planes

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