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Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem Cells. What is a stem cell?. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have two defining properties: the ability to differentiate into other cells (form into any cell) the ability to self-regenerate (is the ability of stem cells to divide and produce more stem cells).

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Embryonic Stem Cells

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  1. Embryonic Stem Cells

  2. What is a stem cell? Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have two defining properties: • the ability to differentiate into other cells (form into any cell) • the ability to self-regenerate (is the ability of stem cells to divide and produce more stem cells)

  3. Embryonic stem cells. • These stem cells come from embryos that are four to five days old. At this stage, an embryo is called a blastocyst and has about 150 cells. • These are pluripotent stem cells (they can form over 200 cell types). • Embryonic stem cells have the highest potential for use to regenerate or repair diseased tissue and organs in people.

  4. Controversy about using embryonic stem cells Embryonic stem cells are retrieved from early-stage embryos —cells that forms when an egg is fertilized with a sperm. Extracting stem cells from embryos raises big ethical questions.

  5. Controversy about using embryonic stem cells The embryos being used in embryonic stem cell research come from eggs that were fertilized at IVF clinics but never used for a pregnancy because they were no longer wanted or needed. Stem cells can live and grow in solutions in test tubes or petri dishes in labs.

  6. How things can be effected Apart from replacing parts , stem cell research has other advantages. For one thing, stable amounts of human cells would be a benefit to the pharmaceutical industry, which could test new drugs on real, live and fairly normal human cells. If the meds worked, they could be put through animal and eventually human tests. Stem cells could increase the accuracy of early drug discovery tests while reducing costs and the need to use animals.

  7. How things can be effected • Knowing more about the change and specialization of cells could help in two diseases where such processes go wrong - birth defects and cancer. In birth defects, some cells fail to become their intended tissue type, while in cancer, cells change to a less-specialized form and lose the usual inhibition on endless multiplication.

  8. How Stem cells are related to Genes, DNA and Chromosomes • By studying the series of genes that turn on and off during specialization, we could learn to control and treat these diseases. • The DNA in stem cells fully develop into actual “blueprints” for the cell when it knows what cell it will be.

  9. Where I got my info from… • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stem_cells • http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/glossary.asp • http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics1.asp • http://whyfiles.org/127stem_cell/2.html • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stem-cells/CA00081 • http://www.google.com/imghp

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