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Engaging with Mathematics: A journey for teachers, learners and families

Engaging with Mathematics: A journey for teachers, learners and families. National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. The National Centre: promoting engagement with Mathematics. Professor Celia Hoyles OBE Director December 2009. Vision. The NCETM aims to

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Engaging with Mathematics: A journey for teachers, learners and families

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  1. Engaging with Mathematics:A journey for teachers, learners and families National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

  2. The National Centre: promoting engagement with Mathematics Professor Celia Hoyles OBE Director December 2009

  3. Vision • The NCETM aims to • meet the professional aspirations and needs of all teachers of mathematics • realise the potential of learners

  4. Objectives 2009-2011 To stimulate demand for mathematics-specific CPD, contributing to the strengthening of the mathematical knowledge of teachers. To lead and improve the coordination, accessibilityand availabilityof mathematics-specific CPD. To enable all teachers of mathematics to identify and access high qualityCPD that will best meet their needs and aspirations some highlights since our last national meeting in June

  5. Personal Learningthe Self-evaluation Tools Almost 6500 members have used the SETs Primary teachers account for 49% of the interactions Content knowledge Embedding in practice Pedagogy

  6. NCETM funded projects Awarded on basis of proposals from collaborative groups have to report on portal and at NCETM events with reporting supported by NCETM 90awards to date with reports on portal … more ……

  7. Teacher Enquiry Funded Projects (TEFP) 13 new projects awarded funding of between £1 700 and £5 000 Outcomes to be reported in January 2010 Further round of funding in February & awarded in March 2010

  8. Mathematics Knowledge Networks (MKN) Themes Developing discussion in mathematics Embedding the effective use of ICT in mathematics teaching Exploring rich mathematical tasks Exploring the different mathematical experiences of learners at primary and secondary level The teaching of mathematical proof Strengthening mathematical knowledge Supporting gifted and talented learners in mathematics Using assessment to promote learning in mathematics. 48 groups awarded funding of £2000 in July 2009 Funding for 30 more networks, predominantly to support teachers working with learners of level 3 mathematics in Sep 2009 approximately 600 teachers will be involved in MKNs In 2010 we will invite a single round of applications during April with awards being made by the end of May

  9. STEM Funded Projects We are funding 12 STEM TEFPs through the National STEM Centre at least one in each region Projects will complete and submit a report by end April 2010 Joint National STEM Centre and NCETM dissemination conference in York on Tue 29 June 2010

  10. Extending our reach Core team 6 Advanced Skills Teachers (ASTs) working one day a week supporting regional and national activity 28 voluntary Ambassadors taking forward the NCETM’s work in schools and colleges across the country supporting networks of teachers and animating the portal

  11. New to the NCETMSpecial Schools Conferences Special Schools Conferences Leicester in July & London in November 60 delegates at each conference, both were over-subscribed • Workshops provided by practising teachers • active starters • sequencing • enjoy Maths • setting up a mathematics knowledge network • Specially created community • Follow-up networks around the country

  12. New to the NCETMThe First Five Years project Retention: What professional development opportunities should be available to teachers in the first few years of their careers? Collaboration: What is the role of stakeholders in providing, supporting, publicising and ensuring take up of such opportunities & how best might they work together? Six ‘think-tank’ meetings around the country in Oct/Nov 2009. Funded activities during 09/10 focusing on professional learning journeys, typically involving collaboration between a range of players. Report summer 2010 with dissemination through a range of NCETM mechanisms

  13. New to the NCETMLesson Study project Based on work carried out in Japan and America Teachers decide on an overarching aim Look at where students are and where the teachers would like them to be Think of ways in which to close this gap Plan a lesson with the overarching aim in mind Collaborative lesson produced and then one teacher teaches it. Focus on the students’ responses not on the teacher…shared responsibility for the success of the lesson Meet to discuss findings - how well did we anticipate the learners’ needs? Use this to re-plan the lesson, usually with another group What the NCETM has done Set up Professional Learning Community microsite 15 schools involved primary & secondary Mentor appointed to maintain regular contact with the schools, including telephone calls, conference calls and online contact Teachers will share findings next year

  14. New to the NCETMSelf-evaluation Tool (SET) Projects Aim to collect feedback on how useful the SET is and how it might be improved. Some project groups are cross-phase and are using the SET to explore subject knowledge and how it might be developed and supported with SET.

  15. Working in partnerships Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme (MaST) Set up a MaST microsite dynamic information pages for teachers and subject leaders, school SLTs and LAs closed site for HEIs, LAs and teachers registered on the programme interactive self-assessment tool (SAT)

  16. over 500 users …. last week was only 300 

  17. Working in partnershipsFurther Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) FM microsite www.ncetm.org.uk/fm launched in November provides links to the FMSP, relevant courses and other FM-related materials We are developing Further Mathematics SET 9 regional FM networks events in partnership with LSIS STEM Programme Offering funding for FM-focused MKNs 2 awarded so far others under consideration

  18. Working in partnershipsCPD for Development of Number & Algebra through the History of Mathematics In association with Mathematics Subject Associations represented by AMET Project will provide tools and resources that support making mathematics lessons more engaging through history professional development for teachers Materials will be published on the NCETM portal in March 2011

  19. Our portal: The Professional Learning Framework

  20. New on home page impact survey is now live on the portal and will close on 7 December you can now interact with the NCETM through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

  21. What’s new?Early Years Magazine The first issue of our Early Years Magazine goes live on the portal today.

  22. Early Years MagazineIssue 1 published

  23. What’s new?Excellence in Mathematics Leadership - launched on the portal on 27 November - offers support guidance & professional development materials for subject leaders and aspiring subjects leaders - includes case studies of ‘real’ subject leaders

  24. Excellence in Mathematics Leadership (EiML)

  25. Statistics

  26. NCETM user survey 2009

  27. Measuring Impact The NCETM has recruited a Workforce Mentor who is working with NCETM ASTs working with Ambassadors assessing impact Team at Sheffield Hallam will be researching impact through drawing together statistics telephone interviews case studies

  28. Coming soon:Impact and Influence Events Six Influence and Impact Conferences Newcastle 25/26 January 2010 Manchester 28/29 January 2010 Birmingham 1/2 February 2010 Exeter 4/5 February 2010 Peterborough 8/9 February 2010 London 11/12 February 2010

  29. Coming soon:STEM Activity Hope to have a stand at the Big Bang Fair 11 – 13 March 2010 Sponsorship has been made available by the Nuffield Foundation working jointly with The Clothworkers’ Foundation to promote mathematics engagement The NCETM is working with the British Science Association to establish criteria for the prizes

  30. Coming soon:Audio Reflection Tool A voice recorder, editor and player that allows portal members to record thoughts in their Learning Journal and share reflections with other members If trial proves successful the audio tool can be extended to other areas of the portal

  31. The NCETM at BCME The NCETM helped to plan the event in particular the ‘M in STEM’ day NCETM stand and cafe area where we will run ‘on the sofa’ meetings Provided advance publicity flyers in latest newsletter, and signposting on portal, Twitter and Facebook Leading some workshops Promoting event to NCETM funded projects Providing support in kind e.g. photographer for opening session and media advice

  32. Annual Conference 2010 The NCETM Annual Conference will beheld on 17 June 2010 at the Royal Society London

  33. Chartered Mathematics Teacher - CMathTeach a professional qualification for mathematics teachers designed to reflect the balance between pedagogy & mathematics knowledge essential for mathematics teachers to motivate, enrich and inspire their students initiated and driven by the mathematics teaching community for the mathematics teaching community to raise the professional status of mathematics teachers and make mathematics teaching a valued and respected career If you would like more information on the Chartered Mathematics Teacher designation, visit the IMA’s stand in the Knowledge Exchange exhibition during lunch

  34. CMathTeach On behalf of the Chartered Mathematics Teacher Registration Authority, I am delighted to launch the Chartered Mathematics Teacher designation and award the following recipients their certificate for this newly established designation

  35. CMathTeach Sally Barton * Vivian Brown *Julia Clare Croft *Michael George Francis Darby *Andrew J Davies *Sue Johnston-Wilder *Jill Mansergh *David Martin *Alison Jean Parish *Hayden BorthwickChristopher William ChippertonAlison Clark-WilsonJenefer GoldingLynne McClurePeter Alfred Joseph ThomasElizabeth Woodham

  36. Thank you Celia Hoyles celia.hoyles@ncetm.org.uk

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