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The Change in Technology in Psychology

The Change in Technology in Psychology. Dean Davidson School of Psychology University of New England. Types of Experiments. Perception Physiological Brain function (Cognition) Behaviour. Perception. Stroop BLUE Muller Lyer. Physiological Experiments. Signal Amplifier. Processor.

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The Change in Technology in Psychology

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  1. The Change in Technology in Psychology Dean DavidsonSchool of PsychologyUniversity of New England

  2. Types of Experiments • Perception • Physiological • Brain function (Cognition) • Behaviour

  3. Perception • StroopBLUE • Muller Lyer

  4. Physiological Experiments Signal Amplifier Processor Recorder

  5. Physiological Experiments KymographEarly (1900s) mechanical recording equipment

  6. Physiological Experiments GSR AmplifierValve based, 1950s

  7. Physiological Experiments Grass Recorder Transistor based 1970s Combined amplifier, processor and Recorder in the one unit

  8. Physiological Experiments Biopac Transistor & IC based 1990s Amplifiers feeding into an ADC and processor. Outputted as data files to a PC for processing and display

  9. Physiological Experiments “Stress-O-Meter” Silicon Chip 1998 - IC based “Dumb” hardware given intelligence by a program running on a PC. Analysis and results display using Excel or SPSS

  10. Rat Experiments Control Panel (1960s) Transistors and logic blocks

  11. Rat Experiments Control Panel (1970s) Transistors and ICs

  12. Rat Experiments Serial Interface (1980s) Provides computer control of experiment. Serial interface was used as it provided signals both to and from the computer. The computer was either a PDP 11 or PC

  13. Rat Experiments Activity box (current). Signals are sent to and from the box using a digital I/O card, available in kit form

  14. Rat Experiments “Sniffy the Rat”Computer simulation used to model rat behaviour.

  15. Hardware to Software CardmasterUsed for displaying images for a short amount of time Jpeg images are now displayed on computer screen and reaction times are measured directly from a press of a key on the computer keyboard, or via a push button box and interface to the PC parallel port

  16. Hardware to Software Chronoscope -Displayed reaction times Timer -Turned apparatus on/off for a specified time Now all timing is done by computer programs

  17. Hardware to Software Spinning Disks Now a sequence of images, rotated by 1 degree or so. These are sequentially displayed on the computer screen

  18. Hardware to Software Tachistoscope Displayed images for very small amounts of time Now done using CRT displays. Limitation is screen refresh rate. 10mS is the minimum

  19. Hardware to Software Muller-Lyer Apparatus Wooden frame with pulleys and cords. The illusion is presented on white cards Now easily done on the PC

  20. Hardware to Software Voice Operated RelayUsed to measure reaction times by the subject speaking Now, using a sound card on a PC, not only can the reaction time be measured, but also the subjects response can be recorded

  21. 1930 1 Logic Circuit (with external discrete components) 80mm 10 μS 6SN7 Valve

  22. 1940 1 Logic Circuit (with external discrete components) 50mm 1 μS 6J6 Valve

  23. 1950 2 Logic Circuits 150mm 10 μS Transistor Logic Card

  24. 1960 2 Logic Circuits 50mm 1 μS Potted Transistor Logic

  25. 1970 4 Logic Circuits 20mm 100 nS 7400 Integrated Circuit

  26. 1980 100,000 Logic Circuits 50mm 250 nS Zilog Z80 Microcomputer Chip

  27. 1990 1,000,000 Logic Circuits 30mm 20 nS Intel 386DX Microcomputer Chip

  28. Printer Data Port 8 bit Analog to Digital Convertor 8 bit Digital to Analog Convertor (DAC) 10 mS Time Constant 10 mS Time Constant 5 Volts 5 Volts Difference Amplifier Games Port Charge Resistor 100K GSR electrodes Stress O Meter

  29. Voice Operated Relay

  30. Staffing 1990 • Professional Officer -Technical coordination, PDP11 operations • Technical Officer - Animal house, Audio Visual, Presentation Graphics • Technical Officer - Electronics and Computing • Technical Officer - Electronics and Mechanical

  31. Staffing present • CSO -Technical coordination, Computer programming, Computer Support • Senior TO - Audio Visual, Presentation Graphics Computer Support • Technical Officer - Computer Support (Part time)

  32. How do we survive? • We outsource some of our Computer support and any electronic/mechanical construction. • No electronic design has been needed in the last four years. We either buy ready made products or build up interfaces from kits. • All of us are capable of carrying out trivial tasks such as soldering, cable manufacture, etc.

  33. Future Trends • Behavioural Genetics • Brain function mapping • Web based programs

  34. Ongoing Technical Support in Psychology • Large Animal Houses will always need technicians/lab assistants. • Experiment generator programs can’t do everything. • And of course, there remains the need for someone to arrange outsourcing both for new projects and breakdowns, or even changing the laser printer toner cartridge.

  35. Future Trends • Less requirement for “manual” trades. • Greater need for computer training • Greater need for understanding the discipline • Greater need for interpersonal and team skills • More interesting and varied work

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