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Jennifer Skuja , Mary Patterson, and Gordon Love

Jennifer Skuja , Mary Patterson, and Gordon Love. This presentation will tell you about Ireland, and its culture..... . G ENERAL COUNTRY INFORMATION. IRELAND. IRELAND.

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Jennifer Skuja , Mary Patterson, and Gordon Love

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  1. Jennifer Skuja, Mary Patterson, and Gordon Love This presentation will tell you about Ireland, and its culture.....


  3. IRELAND IRELAND Population: The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. Just under 4.6 million live in the Republic of Ireland and just over 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland. http://en.wikipedia.org Capital City: the capital city of Ireland is Dublin City Continent:Ireland is part of the continent of Europe, and is an island off the western coast of mainland Europe. wiki.answers.com • Currency • Republic of Ireland: The euro is the currency of the Republic of Ireland.  One euro consists of 100 cent.  • Northern Ireland: In Northern Ireland, the currency is sterling.  One pound sterling consists of 100 pence.  • .

  4. Banking In Ireland Banks:Banking hours are generally 10:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Some banks are open on Saturday. ATM (cash) machines are located at most banks and accept most credit and debit cards. Credit Cards: Any credit cards that bear the Visa, MasterCard or American Express symbol will be widely accepted in Ireland. Visitors with other cards should ask in advance or check if that card is on display where they wish to use it.  Traveller’s Cheques: Traveller’s Cheques are no longer widely accepted currency on the island of Ireland. Currency Conversion: The following link is a currency conversion webpage that will help you convert A Canadian dollar amount into Euros, (which are used in The Republic of Ireland), or from Canadian into Irish Pounds (which are used in Northern Ireland). click here for currency convertor

  5. Importing and Exporting Exports: Ireland’s trade has been the reason for the nation’s prosperity. Foreign companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and Intel, have kept the exports alive through their wide range of products. The main exported commodities are: machinery, equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and animal products.  www.economywatch.com Ireland’s exports partners include: * USA * UK * Belgium * Germany * France * Spain http://www.economywatch.com Imports • Ireland imports a huge amount • of wood because its own timber • industry has subsided due to • deforestation. • The economic recession faced • during the 2008 global financial • crisis also threw up large challenges • for Irish food and dairy products. • Ireland’s Importing Partners Include: • * USA • * UK • http://www.economywatch.com


  7. IRISH TRADITIONAL GREETINGS & WHAT TO WEAR • Man greeting Man: • Men shake hands when greeting one another. Handshakes are on the firmer side. If you are greeting someone that you areclose to, a hug is acceptable. • Woman greeting Woman: Women generally shake hands. Kisses on the cheeks are common if you know the person well. If you are greeting someone you are close to, then a hug is acceptable.Man greeting Woman: • Aregular handshake will do. Kisses on the cheeks are common if you know the person well. • http://www.culturecrossing.net/basics_business_student_details.php Irish BusinessClothing/Attire: Irish prefer modest and conservative business attire Gift-giving customs for business: • For business social events, small gifts are appropriate – a bottle of wine or a gift from your home country. Most Irish businessmen are golfers, so golf gifts are most popular. The gift is even more appreciated when customized with the logo or identity of your golf club. • http://www.giftypedia.com/Ireland_Gift_Giving_Customs

  8. COMMUNICATING WITH IRISH PEOPLE • Irish English is usually easy to understand for native English speakers. • Some people in Ireland have a tendency to talk very fast when excited. • Irish people generally dislike loud and boisterous behavior. • When someone is teasing you, try not to be offended. If you feel compelled to tease back, do so in an good manner. • Silence may make people uncomfortable. The Irish generally converse standing around, two to three feet apart. • There may be some physical contact with others of the same gender. Eye contact should be frequent, but do not stare at others.

  9. We hope you’ve enjoyed our presentation Hopefully you've learned about Ireland. And it’s culture Designer-Gordon Love Thank You For Watching ! Researcher-Mary Patterson Liaison-Jennifer Skuja

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