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    5. ???????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

    10. ??????? (??????) ??? 1 MBO 1. ?????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ? ????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????

    13. ????????????? MBO 1. ??????????????????????????????? (goal speculation ) 2. ?????????????????????????? (participant decision making ) 3. ???????????????????????????? (explicit time period ) 4. ???????????????????? (performance feedback )

    14. ??????? (??????) ??? 2 OBM ( Organizational Behavior Modification ) ??? ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????

    15. ??????????? 4 ????????? OBM 1. ??????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ????????????????????????? 2. ??????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????

    16. 3. ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????? Applied Behavior Analysis 4. ??????????????????? - ??????????????????????????????????????????? - ???????????????????????? ( Social Learning Theory ) ??? Bandura

    17. ?????????????? OBM 1. ???????????????????????????? 2. ?????????? Objective 3. ????????????????????? 4. ?????????????????????????????????

    18. ??????? (??????) ??? 3 Employee Involvement ??????????????????????? ??????? ????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ??? ?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????

    19. Employee Involvement Programs - Participative Management - Representative Participation - Quality Circles - Employee Stock Ownership Plans

    20. 3.1 Participative Management ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    21. 3.2 Representative Participation ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ???????? 2 ?????? ??? 3.2.1 Works Councils - ????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3.2.2 Board Representatives - ????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????????????????????????????

    22. 3.3 QUALITY CIRCLES QC ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????????? 1950 ?????????????????????? ????? QC ?????????????????????????? 1980

    23. Quality Circles QC ???????????????? ???????????? 8-10 ?? ?????????? (Supervisor) ????????????????????????????????????????? 1 ??????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????? feedback ????????? ????????????????????? QC ??? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????

    24. Quality Circles ???????????????????????????????????????????? 1980 ????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????? QC ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? QC ?????? ??????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????? ??????????????????????

    25. ??????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Quality Circles

    26. ??????????????????????? ????????? 1 ?????? ????????? ????????????? ??????????????????? ????????? 2 ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? QC ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? 3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? QC ??????????????????????? ????????? 4 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????

    27. ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????

    28. ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? QC ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    29. 3.4 Employee Stock Ownership Plans ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????-????????

    30. ESOP ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? CEO ?????????????????????? ????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Employee Stock Ownership Plans

    31. ???????????? ESOP ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????

    32. ?????????????? ESOP 1. ??????????????????????????????? ????????????????- ?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? 2. ??????????????????? ????????????????

    33. ??????? (??????) ??? 4 Variable-Pay Program ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    34. 4.1 Piece – Rate Plans ???????????????????????

    35. 4.4 Gain Sharing ???????????????? – Profit ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

    36. Profit Sharing Plans vs. Gain Sharing - Gain Sharing ??????? Productivity ????????????? ????? ???????????????????????? ???? - Profit Sharing ??????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????

    37. ?????-??????? ??? Profit Sharing ????? - ?????????????????????????????????????????? - ???????????????????????? ??????????? ????????????? ??????? - ????????????????????????????????????? - ??????????????????????????????????

    38. ????? Motivation Theory ?? Expectation Theory : Victor Vroom ????????????????????????????? 3 ????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? Goal Setting Theory : Edwin Lock ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????

    39. ??????? (??????) ??? 5. Skill-Based Pay Plan ??????????????????????????????????? ??????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? (Needs) ????????????????? ?????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????

    40. ???????? Skill-Based Pay Plan ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? Performance ?????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? Skill-Based Pay Plan ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????

    41. ?????????? Skill-Based Pay Plan ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ??????????? Performance ??????????????????????

    42. ???????????? Skill Based Pay Plan ????????????????.. ERG Theory ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? McCleland’s Theory of Needs :- Achievement Needs ??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????

    43. ???????????? Skill Based Pay Plan ???????????????? ( ??? ) Reinforcement Theory ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? Equity Theory ??????????????? Input ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????

    44. ?????????????????... ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    45. ?????????????????????????????????????????? Skill-Based Pay Plan ????????????????????????????????? Job-Based Pay ???????????? down size ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????????? Skill-Based Pay Plan ????? ??????????????????????? ????????????????? ( ??? )

    46. ??????? (??????) ??? 6 Flexible Benefits ????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? ??? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??? ????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ???

    47. “One-benefit-plan-fits-all” ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ???????????????????????????

    48. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????, ??????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????????? ????????? ???????????????????????????????

    49. ????????????????? 3 ???? ??????????????????? ??????????????? ??? ????? (Effort – Performance Relationship) ??????????????????? ????? ??? ??????????????????? (Performance – Reward Relationship) ??????????????????? ???????? ??? ?????????????????? (Reward – Personal Goals Relationship)

    50. Linking Flexible & Expectancy Theory ???????????????? ??? Victor Vroom ???????? “??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????”

    51. ?????? ????????????????????????????? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????

    52. ????? ??? ????????????????????????????? ??????? ????? : ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ??????? : ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????????? ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ????? : ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????? : ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ???? ??????????????????????????????????????????

    55. 3.  ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ???????????????????????? = Expectancy Theory 4.   ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????? = Equity Theory

    56. 5.    ?????????????????????????????????????? ????? = Job Characteristics Theory

    57. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????-?????????????? ( ?????? – ?????? )

    58. ????????????????????? - ??????????????????????????????? - ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????

    59. ??????????????????????? ?????? - ??????????????????????????? - ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????

    60. ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? “???????????” ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ?????????????????????? ????? ? ??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????

    61. ?????????????????????????? (???????) ??????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????! ?????????????????????????

    70. Skiing and Golf Resort Skiing and golf , two of the best amenities in the Bend , Oregon , region , are not designed just for visitors. However , most working – class locals struggle to find the time and the money to fit such costly recreational activities into their daily lives. Mount Bachelor Inc., which

    71. during the ski season hires about 450 employees , and Sunriver resort , which has 350 job to fill each summer , have teamed together to create a year – round recreational industry. Employees receive medical and dental benefits , free skiing and golf , and an opportunity to shift jobs each season.

    72. Although a group within the local workforce already transfers between these two employers each season, the companies are enticing worker to return to their positions each year with added medical benefits. Pat Gerhart , human resources director at Mount Bachelor , said creating the benefits package was a natural evolution from job fair efforts and active recruitment.

    73. Benefits bridge the gap between seasons if the first job is cut short before the next one begins. “Workforce availability shortages have prompted the human resources departments to put their heads together and find a way to bring people back year after year because once a seasonal employee leaves the area , it’ s hard to get them ( him or her ) back , ” Gerhart said.

    74. Experience wanted Both companies would like to benefit from the return of experienced and well – trained employees. Sunriver human resources director Joyce Luckman said the resort hopes to retain its core staffs , who will increase their customer – service skills in the reciprocal – employment program. “ There’ s a need in central Oregon for year – round employment and there’ s a perfect niche in this partnership. ” Luckman said.

    75. The program benefits both sides. Although paying for the insurance for the employees adds a cost for the businesses. Luckman and Gerhart said it’ s worth it. Plus , Luckman added , the employees won’ t file for unemployment insurance benefits when their seasons end.

    76. The program is available to all employees , but this year was limited to 25 employees on a first – come , first – served basis because the human resources directors wanted to keep the program small in its first year. “ We wanted to keep it manageable to see what pitfalls we might run into. ” Gerhart said , adding that they are still working out details.

    77. Program Will Grow Eventually, Gerhart said, she hopes that there are no number limits and that anyone who wants to participate can. Gerhart said the program will grow to include Eagle Crest employees, the Inn of the Seventh Mountain , and maybe the Riverhouse or rafting companies too. But employers would have to meet some

    78. minimum coverage requirement close to the packages offered by Sunriver and Mount Bachelor. Benefits don’ t kick in until the employees enter their second season, so last summer’ s Sunriver employees working at the winter resort would now be covered.

    79. Most jobs Pay Low Gerhart acknowledges that the majority of resort jobs don’ t pay family wages. She Therefore hopes to see more people take advantage of the program who fit on the higher end of the pay scale, like groomers and golf course technicians. These workers could make a year – round family wage while bringing their families in on the recreational benefits.

    80. Besides a season pass for the whole family. Mount Bachelor employees in the program receive a company – paid medical and dental program worth $ 185 a month. It’ s a major medical program with a $ 250 deductible and dental insurance with a $ 25 deductible. Employees also have 80 percent of most medical expenses paid and up to $ 300 worth of preventative care.

    81. Sunriver offers employees in the program a full recreation package, including free golf at Meadows and Woodlands, as well as bike and canoe rentals and other discounts at the resort. The employees in the reciprocal program receive health insurance for the entire family. The company picks up two – thirds of the premium, which can be worth as much as $ 450 per family.

    82. Management at Mount Bachelor and Sunriver hope that their initiatives in providing year – round pay and more employee benefits will help develop a more experienced and stable workforce.

    83. Questions 1. What does this case have to do with motivation ? 2. Referring to the two – factor theory, which set of job factor is management emphasizing : motivators or hygiene ? Explain your answer.

    84. 3. What other steps should managers at the golf resorts and ski resorts take to motivate experienced workers to return ? 4. What is your prediction of the success of the new pay and benefits in building a stable workforce ?

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