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_______________________ Le temps en vacances

_______________________ Le temps en vacances L/O: To talk about what you did and didn’t do on holiday due to the weather. STARTER Write the following out in French: 1. L’après -midi, il y avait du soleil et il faisait chaud 2. Le matin , il y avait du vent

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_______________________ Le temps en vacances

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  1. _______________________ Le temps en vacances L/O: To talk about what you did and didn’t do on holiday due to the weather STARTER Write the following out in French: 1. L’après-midi, il y avait du soleil et ilfaisaitchaud 2. Le matin, ily avaitdu vent 3. Le soir, ilneigeait et ilfaisaitfroid 4. La nuit, ilpleuvait et ily avait du vent 5. Le matin, ilfaisait beau mais, l’après-midi, ilfaisaitfroid 6. L’après-midi, ilneigeait et ilgelait. Il nefaisaitpaschaud

  2. ANSWERS 1. L’après-midi, il y avait du soleil et ilfaisaitchaud 2. Le matin, ily avait du vent 3. Le soir, ilneigeait et ilfaisaitfroid 4. La nuit, ilpleuvait et ily avaitdu vent 5. Le matin, ilfaisait beau mais, l’après-midi, ilfaisaitfroid 6. L’après-midi, ilneigeait et ilgelait. Il nefaisaitpaschaud In the afternoon, it was sunny and it was hot In the morning, it was windy In the evening, it was snowing and cold At night, it was raining and it was windy In the morning, it was good weather but in the afternoon, it was cold In the afternoon, it was snowing and freezing. It was not hot

  3. To talk about what you did and didn’t do on holiday due to the weather, we need to use ... CONNECTIVES and CLAUSES Can you remember what these mean? Parceque alors donc où que mais cependant néanmoins

  4. Now try to use them to make a complex sentence. 1. First use past tense to say where you went. Je suis allé à Bristol 2. Now add “que” to make a clause about where Bristol is. 3. Now add “où” to make a clause about what the weather was like. 4. Now add “ne pas” to make a negative about what you didn’t do. 5. Now add a connective to say what you did do. 6. Add an opinion using “c’etait”. Je suis allé à Bristol , qui estdansl’Ouestde l’Angleterre, et oùilpleuvait, donc je n’ai pas fait de la voile surle fleuve Avon, cependant je suis allé au centre commercial - c’était super!

  5. COPY • c’était it was • ennuyeux boring • joli pretty • effrayant frightening • passionant exciting • amusant fun

  6. Now it’s your turn! Use the images to say what you did and didn’t do on holiday due to the weather:

  7. i y c f s k r v d o a x x k g b c i d h i l y a v a i t n e s n u a g e s l i u e t y d l c w z d z w h o v b i w f o r h l n a u p h m p s y t k v l e o a r o q f j v v a k n r c z a c y s w g i f i t y x h p a h t r m r w a t p r w s t l q g w z l o i c a q i v i l y v n a i n d j n w g s o t t z a l n i v a b i a e b y y m g w v f d i g h p p k p c t s i j s z c y h m k t e a g g l d z c m i g z l r h u c t d l b s s x x e e m a a e u y b k u a u a d n o o i l v u s u f a k y i n l s i w x b a o r a r e v v l i p h k p o t t x r q i g h a f y f a i t p x r l s f w s z k l j y w g l f i i c t n e v u d t i a s i a f l i e i s c t v i o q z z u g n j a n y p v x s r g s l i l f a i s a i t b e a u y s r a r z v b b i o r w c q u m o q r g e m h f h l w g w w n c g a g l b l s b j c a m h

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