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CAI Central Asia Institute

CAI Central Asia Institute. By: Rachel Stucke. History. Non profit organization founded in 1996 Initial funds were made by Dr. Jean Hoerni , a Swiss physicist, who appointed Greg Mortenson as director Mortenson also co-founded the institute. Dr. Jean Hoerni.

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CAI Central Asia Institute

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  1. CAICentral Asia Institute By: Rachel Stucke

  2. History • Non profit organization founded in 1996 • Initial funds were made by Dr. Jean Hoerni, a Swiss physicist, who appointed Greg Mortenson as director • Mortenson also co-founded the institute

  3. Dr. Jean Hoerni • Born September 26, 1924 in Switzerland • Died January 12, 1997 • Received his two PhDs from the University of Cambridge and the University of Geneva • He moved to the United States in 1952 • In 1964 he was awarded the Edward Longstreth Medal • Contributed $12,000 to the Korphe school fund set up by Greg Mortenson, as well as $1 million to start the CAI

  4. Greg Mortenson • Born on December 27, 1957 in Minnesota • From 1958- 1973 he grew up in Tanzania • Parents were humanitarians • Served in the United States army in Germany from 1975 to 1977 as a medic • Has received the Commendation Metal • Co- founded the CAI • Wrote the bestseller, Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School At A Time

  5. About the CAI • As of 2009, has established 130 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan • All of those schools provide and have provided education to over 51,000 students • This organization focuses more on education for girls. • Programs have been extended out to several regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan which emphasize education, health issues, environment and culture preservation

  6. Sources Photos: https://www.ikat.org/about-cai/history/ http://www.invent.org/2009induction/images/Jean_Hoerni.jpg http://www.speakersla.com/images/2008-09images/speakerimages-large/GregMortenson.jpg http://news.stanford.edu/news/2006/october18/gifs/macon_packard_mug.jpg http://thaakat.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/greg1.png http://www.prsecrets.com/images/centralasiainst-logo.gif Facts: https://www.ikat.org/about-cai/history/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Hoerni http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Mortenson#Early_life

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