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الابحاث المقدمة د. علاء محمد عبدالغنى حلاوه

الابحاث المقدمة د. علاء محمد عبدالغنى حلاوه. معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات قسم بحوث اكاروس الفاكهة للحصول علي درجة استاذ مساعد.

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الابحاث المقدمة د. علاء محمد عبدالغنى حلاوه

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  1. الابحاث المقدمة د. علاء محمد عبدالغنى حلاوه معهد بحوث وقاية النباتات قسم بحوث اكاروس الفاكهة للحصول علي درجة استاذ مساعد

  2. Biological aspects of predacious mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudeman), when fed on postembryonic stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch. دراسات بيولوجية للمفترس الاكاروسى نيوسيولس كيوكيوميرس عند تغذيته على الاطوار المتحركة للعنكبوت الاحمر العادى Ibrahim, G.A., A.M.Halawa and N.M. Abd EL-Wahed البحث الاول:-

  3. The aim of study • Study of biological aspects of predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris on the lab. at temperature degrees 25 Cº and 30Cº and R.H 65% • Determine of the food capacity of the same predatory mite when fed on movable stages of two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae • Effect of temperatures 25 Cº and 30Cº on food consumption and fecundity of predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris • The results of studies mentioned above helps to insert the predacious mite among integrated pest management

  4. Methodology -The pure culture of predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris was imported from Koppert center of producing natural enemies in Holland - The predator mite was individually reared on sweet potato leaf discs about 3 Cm. diameters. - This discs were put on cotton wool in Petri-dishes and add the water to maintain suitable moisture. - The discs were kept in incubators at 25 Cº and 30Cº and RH 65±5 % -The Individuals of N .cucumeris providing with movable stages of T. urticae during their life span - The dishes were examined twice daily

  5. Average duration ( in days) of various stages of predatory mite Neuseiulus cucumeris when fed on movable stages of Tetranychu urticae

  6. Number of prey consumed by different postembryonic stages of N. cucumeris at 25 Cº and 30 Cº

  7. البحث الثاني Biological control of the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch using the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudeman), on cucumber(Acari :Tetranychidae: Phytoseiidae) المكافحة الحيوية للعنكبوت الاحمر العادى باستخدام المفترس الاكاروسى نيوسولس كيوكيوميرس على الخيار Ibrahim, G.A., N.M. Abd EL-Wahed and A.M.Halawa

  8. The aim of study 1-The present study was carried out to estimate the efficiency of the predator mite Neoseiulus cucumeris as biocontrol agent under the Egyptian conditions 2- Using possibility of the predacious mite N. cucumeris to control of two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae in the field on cucumber plants 3- This study aimed to produce product free of acaricides

  9. Methodology 1- Source of predator: 1- The predatory mite N. cucumeris was imported from Koppert center of producing natural enemies from Holland 2- The culture of N. cucumeris was reared in the laboratory on bean plant leaves Phaseoulus vulgaris L. as stuck culture on Thrips tabaci and Tetranychus urticae 3- Small greenhouses were prepared to release predator and prey ( 6 m x 9 m) 4- The greenhouse was cultivated with host plant and after two weeks of plantation when the plant grows and became suitable to making infestation with prey (T. urticae) 5- The predator transmit from the stuck culture to host plant when the level of prey reached about 20-30 individual on leaves 6- The relation between predator and prey was pursued to supply the prey when exhausted 7- After four weeks when the rate of predator increased to reach 20 individual per leaflet, the predator was packed in small bags with few prey on bean leaves and transferred inside ice box to the experimental cucumber field

  10. 2- Design of the experiment 1- Half an feddan was planted with cucumber at Toukh district , Qualubia province and was left without pesticides treatment 2- This area was divided into two treatments including the control 3- The release was carried out on mid of Feb. 2005 by distributing the leaflet of bean with predator at rate 5 predators / bit. 4- Samples of 25 leaves were randomly taken from each treatment one just before releasing as pre-count and weekly samples were taken after release 5-Handling lens (10-15X) were used to examined the samples and count the motile stages of N. cucumeris and T. urticae 6-The percent reduction of mite pest was calculated according to the equation of Henderson and Tilton (1955)

  11. : Results Population density and reduction percentage of T. urticae after release of predatory mite N. cucumeris on cucumber

  12. البحث الثالث:- Effect of prey type on the biological aspects of the predatory mite , Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez تأثير نوع الفريسة على الخصا ئص البيولوجية للمفترس الاكاروسى Agistemus exsertus Sallam, Gihan M. E. and A. M. Halawa

  13. The aim of study The work is an attempt to study the following points:- • Efficiency of predator mite Agistemus exsertus to control different stages of Tetranychus urticae and eggs of the purple scale insect Lepidosaphes beckii. • Try to use date palm pollen grain as alternative food in case prey absence • Effect of food kind ( different stages of T. urticae , eggs of L. beckii and date palm pollen) on incubation period, adult longevity, fecundity, sex ratio and feeding capacity of the predatory mite A. exsertus

  14. Source of the predatory mite:- A. exsertus individuals were collected from Navel orange trees at Qalubia governorate and identified by fruit Acarology Dept. Masse rearing of the predatory mite:- Citrus leaves were used as substrate for rearing the predator mite when fed on kinds of food mentioned above. Biological studies of the predatory mite at 28± 1 cº and R.H. 70 ± 5 :- Newly deposited eggs of A. exsertus were collected from laboratory culture and singly placed on citrus leaf discs ( 1.5 cm diameter) in Petri dishes with wet cotton wool pad . The discs provided with different food kind and kept in incubator at Temperature and relative humidity mentioned above . The dishes were examined twice daily Methodology

  15. . Duration of the developmental stages of predatory mite A. exsertus fed on eggs, immature stages of T. urticae, eggs of L. beckii and pollen grains at 28± 1 cº and R.H. 70 ± 5

  16. . Effect of food type on oviposion period , longevity, and fecundity of the predator A. exsertus when fed on three kind of food

  17. . Rate of consumed prey by male and female of predatory mite A. exsertus fed on eggs, immature stages of T. urticae and eggs of L. beckii at 28± 1 cº and R.H. 70 ± 5

  18. البحث الرابع:- Effect of different plant extracts against Two spotted spider mite , Tetranychus urticae Koch and predatory mite , Phytoseiulus persimilis A.-H.تأثير سمية بعض المستخلصات النباتية ضد العنكبوت الاحمر العادى والمفترس الاكاروسى Tetranychus urticae Koch Phytoseiulus persimilis A.-H. Mangoud , A. A. H. and A. M. Halawa

  19. The aim of study 1- The present study was conducted to evaluate some plant extract as alternate materials of Acaricides against Tetranychus urticae. 2- Study of the side effect of these materials on the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimiliss

  20. Source of Tetranychus uricae and Phytoseiulus persimilis The predator and prey were obtained from stock culture maintained in two separated greenhouses belong of Plant protection research institute at Dokki and reared at 25cº and 65% RH. On kidney bean leaf in lab. Plant extracts used :- Garlic , Pink flower , black seed Three concentrations ( 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 ml l ml ) were tested . Mortality was recorded after 1, 3, 7 days after application The experiment design : Five adult individuals from T. urtica and P. persimilisplaced on bean leaf discs ( 1.5 cm diameter) in Petri dishes with filter paper and wet cotton wool pad . The predator discs were provided with T. urtica as food and kept in incubator at Temperature and relative humidity mentioned above . . The toxic effect for the tested materials was evaluated by dipping of leaf discs with the treated organisms in each concentration for five seconds and left to dry (Siegler,1947). Methodology

  21. % Mortality of T. urticae and P. persimilis affected by plant extracts at concentrations ( 1, 0.5, 0.25 ml / liter ) after one, three and seven days from treatments

  22. LC50, LC90 and slope value of plant extracts at concentrations ( 1, 0.5, 0.25 ml / liter ) after one, three and seven days from treatments against T. urticae and P. persimilis

  23. البحث الخامس:- Biological studies on the predatory mite, Saniosulus nudus Summer when fed on eggs of purple scale Lepidosaphes beckii and date palm pollen Halawa, A.M. and Aziza, F. A. El- Safty دراسات بيولوجية للمفترس Saniosulus nudusعند تغذيته على الحشرة القشرية الارجوانية Lepidosaphes beckii وحبوب لقاح نخيل البلح

  24. The aim of study • This study aimed to throw some light upon the Effect of two types of food on biological aspects of predatory mite, S. nudus • Effect of two constant temperature( 16 C° and 24 C°) on incubation period , oviposion period, longevity , fecundity and feeding capacity of predatory mite, S. nudus

  25. Effect of two types of food at temperature degrees 16±1C° and 24±1C° and R.H. 70±5% on main aspects of S. nudus

  26. Effect of two types of food at temperature degrees 16±1C° and 24±1C° and R.H. 70±5% on longevity duration and fecundity of S. nudus

  27. Food consumption of S. nuduswhen fed on L. beckii

  28. البحث السادس:- Biological studies on the mango red mites Oligonychus mangiferus (R.&S) on two mango cultivars Halawa, A. M. and El-Sebaay, M.M. دراسات بيولوجية على اكاروس المانجو الاحمر على صنفين من المانجو Oligonychus mangiferus

  29. The aim of study • The purpose of the present study is studies the effect of two • mango cultivars on biological aspects of O.mangiferus at • temperature 25 ±2C° and R.H. 65 ±5%.

  30. Effect of two mango cultivars on life cycle of O.mangiferus at temperature 25 ±2C° and R.H. 65 ±5%.

  31. Effect of two mango cultivars on longevity, fecundity and generation of O. mangiferus at temperature 25 ±2C° and R.H. 65 ±5%.

  32. شكراً لحسن استماعكم د/ علاء محمد حلاوه

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