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Homophones. Manasiti, Ingrid, Danielle. Peak, Peek, Peke, and Pique. Peak. the pointed top of a mountain or ridge the pointed top of anything the highest or most important point or level: the peak of her political career.

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  1. Homophones Manasiti, Ingrid, Danielle

  2. Peak, Peek, Peke, and Pique

  3. Peak • the pointed top of a mountain or ridge • the pointed top of anything • the highest or most important point or level: the peak of her political career. • a time of the day or year when traffic, use, demand, etc., is greatest and charges, fares, or the like are at the maximum: Early evening is the peak on commuter railroads. • widow's peak • a projecting point: the peak of a man's beard. • a projecting front piece, or visor, of a cap. widow’s peak

  4. Peek • v. to look or glance quickly or furtively, esp. through a small opening or from a concealed location; peep; peer. • n. a quick or furtive look or glance; peep.

  5. Peke • short for Pekingese • one of a Chinese breed of small dogs having a long, silky coat. • the standard Chinese language. • the dialect of Peking. • a native or inhabitant of Peking.

  6. Pique • to affect with sharp irritation and resentment, esp. by some wound to pride: She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation. • to wound (the pride, vanity, etc.) • to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.): Her curiosity was piqued by the gossip. • to arouse an emotion or provoke to action: to pique someone to answer a challenge. • Archaic. to pride (oneself) (usually fol. by on or upon).

  7. Please vs. Pleas

  8. Please! • –adverb 1.(used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here. Will you please turn the radio off? –verb (used with object) 2.to act to the pleasure or satisfaction of: to please the public. 3.to be the pleasure or will of: May it please your Majesty. –verb (used without object) 4.to like, wish, or feel inclined: Go where you please. 5.to give pleasure or satisfaction; be agreeable: manners that please. —Idiom6.if you please, a.if it be your pleasure; if you like or prefer.b.(used as an exclamation expressing astonishment, indignation, etc.): The missing letter was in his pocket, if you please!

  9. Pleas • –noun 1.an appeal or entreaty: a plea for mercy. 2.something that is alleged, urged, or pleaded in defense or justification.3.an excuse; pretext: He begged off on the plea that his car wasn't working. 4.Law. a.an allegation made by, or on behalf of, a party to a legal suit, in support of his or her claim or defense.b.a defendant's answer to a legal declaration or charge.c.(in courts of equity) a plea that admits the truth of the declaration, but alleges special or new matter in avoidance.d.Obsolete. a suit or action.—Idiom5.cop a plea, Slang. cop 1 (def. 5b).


  11. Ho vs. Hoe

  12. Ho • interj.  Used to express surprise or joy, to attract attention to something sighted, or to urge onward: Land ho! Westward ho!

  13. Ho continued. . . • n.   Singular ho, pl.hosSlang A prostitute.

  14. Hoe • n.  A tool with a flat blade attached approximately at a right angle to a long handle, used for weeding, cultivating, and gardening.

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