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WELCOME TO. What is. This program will allow you to easily receive and respond to leads issued from your Convention and Visitor Bureau…All directly through the Internet!. Receiving a New Lead.

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  2. What is This program will allow you to easily receive and respond to leads issued from your Convention and Visitor Bureau…All directly through the Internet!

  3. Receiving a New Lead Each time the CVB issues a lead to your property, you will receive an e-mail alerting you of the new lead.

  4. How to respond to your lead Open your internet browser Go to www.cvbleads.com Type in your Username and Password

  5. View the lead and attachment(if applicable) Viewing the Lead Clicking on the organization name will allow you to view the lead The lead will be available in the PDF file format and will look the same as the leads you have received in the past If additional information is provided via an attached file, you will also be able to click on ‘view attachment’ paperclip icon. While viewing the lead, you can print it out for your records, if you wish.

  6. Respond to Lead After you have viewed the lead, you can click on the ‘Reply to Lead’ button to initiate your response.

  7. Can you bid on this lead? Each time you respond to a lead you will have the choice of whether you are bidding on this specific lead

  8. If you are not bidding… Click on ‘No’ Go to the bottom of the form and enter a note as to why you are not bidding on this lead. Click on ‘Submit’

  9. If you are bidding… Click on ‘Yes’. Complete details on sleeping rooms, if applicable. Upload a proposal file, if you would like. Enter any notes as needed. Click on ‘Submit’. * Details follow *

  10. Use drop down box to select room types Fill in appropriate rates and number of rooms per dayfor each room type selected

  11. To submit a proposal with your response, click “Browse” to select your file.

  12. Place comments in notes sectionthat applies to lead If you are not bidding on this lead, it is required that you fill in this section, stating why you can’t bid. Click on “Submit” to complete your response

  13. Success! You will see a message at the top of the page confirming that your response was successfully submitted. If at any time you try to submit a response and required information is missing, you will be prompted to complete the information before the response can be successfully submitted.

  14. CVB Follow-Up to Leads You will receive a daily reminder email if there are any leads that have not been responded to and have a due date within a set number of days (determined by the CVB). You will receive the daily e-mail only if you have not responded to leads with an upcoming due date. This single reminder e-mail will list all leads that you haven’t yet responded to and that require a response within the designated time frame. Simply log in to cvbleads.com to submit your response.

  15. Once a group has notified the CVB that they have selected your property, you may receive a request to confirm the room blocks for this meeting. Lead Updates – Definite Room Block Confirmation

  16. Respond to Room Block Request Fill in the number of rooms blocked per day. Enter any notes, as needed. Click on “Submit”. You will receive notification that response has been submitted.

  17. CVB Follow-Up to Room Block Request The CVB will have a certain timeline as to when you will receive an e-mail reminder to submit your information. You will receive the daily e-mail only if you have not responded to room block request within the time frame required. This single reminder e-mail will list all room block requests that require a response within the time frame. Simply log in to cvbleads.com to submit your response.

  18. Once all properties have responded, the CVB will update the lead to a Definite status and all properties that originally received the lead may now receive an e-mail notification of the status change. No response is required. Lead Updates – Definite Booking You can view the definite booking notice by logging in to CVBLeads.com.

  19. Once the CVB receives word from the client that they have selected another city or canceled the meeting, you will receive an e-mail notification. No response is required. Lead Updates – Lost Business You can view the lost business notice by logging in to CVBLeads.com.

  20. Once a group has completed their meeting, the CVB may request that you report your pickup for the event. Request for Pick Up

  21. Log in to CVBLeads.com to respond. Once logged in you will see a listing of all requests that you have been sent broken down by those that you have not yet responded to and those that you have already responded to. Respond to Pick Up Request To respond to a specific request, click on the corresponding “Report Pickup” link. Note: You can also view the original lead by clicking on the “View Lead” link.

  22. Fill in the number of rooms picked up per day. Enter any notes, as needed. Click on “Submit”. You will receive notification that response has been submitted.

  23. CVB Follow-Up to Pick Up Request The CVB will have a certain timeline as to when you will receive an e-mail reminder to submit your information. You will receive the daily e-mail only if you have not responded to pick up requests within the time frame required. This single reminder e-mail will list all room pick up requests that require a response within the time frame. Simply log in to cvbleads.com to submit your response.

  24. Log out

  25. Thank you for participating in the CVBLeads.com program.

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