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PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ON PRE-DETERMINED OBJECTIVES AND BUDGET Quarter 1 of 2015/16. Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 05 August 2015. Presentation Outline. Context Overview of Performance Information

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  1. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ON PRE-DETERMINED OBJECTIVES AND BUDGET Quarter 1 of 2015/16 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 05 August 2015

  2. Presentation Outline • Context • Overview of Performance Information • Programme performance on pre-determined objectives • Programme 1: Administration • Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination • Programme 3: University Education • Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training (VCET) • Programme 5: Skills Development • Financial Performance

  3. Context • For the 2015/16 financial year, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) introduced new guidelines for performance informationreporting • All departments are required to prepare and submit preliminary performance information to DPME and National Treasury (NT) within 30 days after the end of each quarter • 90 days thereafter final validatedperformance information is expected to be submitted to both DPME and NT • This process is aimed at ensuring that departments submit properly validated and verified information • The report presented here is therefore preliminary performance information on all key delivery targets for the quarter under review

  4. Performance Information: Overview • For the 2015/16 financial year the Department has a total of 43 Key Delivery Targets and identified 31 expected outcomes in the Annual Performance Plan for the system to report on • For the quarter under review there were 10 delivery targets to report Preliminary information shows that: • 3 (30%) of the targets were achieved • 7 (70%) of the targets were not achieved • Further details in this respect will be presented per programme in the following slides

  5. Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Conduct the overall management of the Department, and provide centralised support services • For the 2015/16 financial year, Programme 1 has a total of 6Key Delivery Targets. • For the quarter ending June 2015 Programme 1 was expected to produce an approved ICT procurement plan.

  6. Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination Purpose: Provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of departmental policies and Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa • For the 2015/16 financial year, Programme 2 has a total of 4 Key Delivery Targets • There were no specific performance targets for the quarter ending 30 June 2015 • However, a number of activities were undertaken towards the achievement of the targets planned for the subsequent quarters

  7. Programme 3: University Education Purpose: Develop and coordinate policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system and provides financial support to universities, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme and National Institutes for Higher Education • For the 2015/16 financial year, Programme 3 has a total of 7Key Delivery Targets and identified 17 expected outcomes in the Annual Performance Plan for the university education sub-system. • For the quarter ending 30 June 2015, the Programme had 1 delivery target, namely, an evaluation report on the HEAIDS programme for the 2014/15 financial year approved by the Director-General by June 2015 • The target has been achieved as planned • System performance in respect to the identified expected outcomes will be reported in quarter 3

  8. Programme 3: University Education

  9. Programme 4: VCET Purpose: Plan, develop, evaluate, monitor and maintain national policy, programmes, assessment practices and systems for vocational and continuing education and training, including technical and vocational education and training colleges and post-literacy adult education and training • For the 2015/16 financial year Programme 4 has a total of 8Key Delivery Targets and identified 10expected outcomes in the Annual Performance Plan for the Vocational and Continuing Education and Training sub-system • For the quarter ending 30 June 2015 the Programme had 4 targets and none were achieved • System performance in respect to the identified expected outcomes will be reported in quarter 4 • The following slides provide details in respect to preliminary performance information in terms of the 4 targets

  10. Programme 4: VCET

  11. Programme 4: VCET

  12. Programme 5: Skills Development • Purpose: Promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop skills development policy and a regulatory framework • For the 2015/16 financial year Programme 5 has a total of 7Key Delivery Targets and identified 4expected outcomes in the Annual Performance Plan for skills development • For the quarter ending 30 June 2015 Programme 5 planned to deliver 5 targets and 1 was achieved • System performance in respect to the identified expected outcomes will be reported in quarter 4 • The following slides provide details in respect to preliminary performance information in terms of the 5 targets

  13. Programme 5: Skills Development

  14. Programme 5: Skills Development

  15. Programme 5: Skills Development

  16. 2015/16: First Quarterly Report: Summary • The overall spending rate for the first quarter was 39.4% (including Direct Charges) • The spending rate for the first quarter excluding Direct Charges was 45.2% • The reasons for this high spending trend was due to the uneven transfers made to universities and TVET colleges • Average spending for normal operational activities including compensation of employees was 20.2% • The spending rate on compensation of employees was 20.6% which is lower than the normal trend and is made up as follows:

  17. 2015/16: First Quarterly Report: Summary • The spending rate on personnel remuneration was 19.9% • - Spending on this item was lower than projected due to transfers in respect of TVET and CET Colleges from the Eastern Cape Provincial Education Department that could only take place in June 2015 and funded vacancies for support functions to the TVET and CET function shift that was in process of being filled. • The spending rate on Examiners and Moderators was 84.3% • - Spending on this item was at a high risk and will be influenced by examinations later in the year • - The enrolments in TVET Colleges may further impact on this spending

  18. 2015/16: First Quarterly Report: Summary • Transfer payments and subsidies were processed as planned • Expenditure trends are monitored closely by the Department • Cost saving measures implemented during 2014/15 are still in place • Detail regarding the status of the various programmes and the spending per economic classification is reflected in the next two slides • It should be noted that Programmes 2 and 5 reflect overspending at this stage • This overspending is due to errors in some of the PERSAL interfaces from the various provinces due to link codes • The Department is in the process of correcting these transactions and future quarterly information should have the correct spending detail

  19. 2015/16 Financial Year: First Quarter

  20. 2015/16: Spending Trends per Economic Classification

  21. Thank You

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