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WELCOME PRESIDENTS 2012-13. by PDG Rajkumar Bagadia Mobile: 98212 13150. The Day is About YOU. This day is about YOU, each one of you Mr. President Elect. You are the leaders in your respective Rotary Club for the year 2012-13 and there is so much to be curious about it.

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  1. WELCOMEPRESIDENTS 2012-13 by PDG Rajkumar Bagadia Mobile: 98212 13150

  2. The Day is About YOU • This day is about YOU, each one of you Mr. President Elect. • You are the leaders in your respective Rotary Club for the year 2012-13 and there is so much to be curious about it. • The SPARK within you that will make the Rotary year 2012-13, a different year, a distinctively different Rotary year. • I am standing today facing the future… • You are the Future, You represent Hope, You represent Enthusiasm. • And I am the Past, I represent Experience, maybe I represent some Wisdom. • The past and the future are present here in this auditorium to plan and build the future of Rotary. • “Experience is a comb which nature gives to a man after he is bald.” • As I grow bald, I thought of sharing my comb with you all.

  3. Presidentship: The Most Important Assignment • In Rotary, the most important assignment is that of the Rotary Club President. You are elected and selected by your club members to be the president. • You all will have several opportunities to be the district chairman, district officer, Assistant Governor and even the District Governor. • But believe you me my friends serving as the Club President brings greatest joy and satisfaction to a Rotarian than serving in any other office. • We all are members of our respective Rotary club and you will have an opportunity to serve and lead your club as its highest officer in 2012-13. • You will be serving your own home club. It is like serving your own motherland. And through your club you will also serve the local as well as the world community.

  4. Rotary Club Gives Us an Identity in Rotary • District is a geographic grouping of clubs for RI administrative purposes. It is not an entity, nor an organization. Even the district governor is not a member of the district as it has no members. • Similarly, the RI president is not a member of the Rotary International. • It is the Rotary club which gives us an identity in Rotary, hence the great joy of serving our own club as its president cannot be compared with any other assignment in Rotary.

  5. Learn the Art of Rotary Leadership • “Every generation needs a new Revolution” so said Mr. Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the USA towards the end of his illustrious life in 1809. • We all witnessed one such revolution just last week. • ‘Peaceful Turbulence’ is the hall-mark of Rotary. For the new generation of Rotary leaders there are plenty of opportunities. • For you all now is the time to learn the art of Rotary leadership and also to find out the opportunities available to you as the Club President in 2012-13.

  6. Basic Management Skills • In the field of business management, it is widely accepted fact that good business managers must have the FOUR basic skills: • Competency • Capability • Character, and • Commitment • These four propositions are equally relevant to Rotary leadership. • Rotary leaders are the trend-setters, who can optimize the resource-utilization which will ultimately result in social upliftment in our community.

  7. Leadership Qualities • In Rotary, leadership is aligning people towards common goals and empowering them to take the required action needed to achieve the goals. • In the words of Mr. Narayan Murthy, leadership is all about COURAGE TO DREAM BIG. • Just a week ago, India won the World Cup and now the management experts are busy analyzing the leadership qualities of the Indian captain. • Dhoni’s astute captaincy is the hallmark of Indian cricket and If you observed him keenly: he was very cautious at first, eschewing every risk. Then slowly he took charge. • Dhoni walked into the field as a cricketer; he left as a superman. And if you noticed, Dhoni was the coolest man at Wankhede after hitting the match-winning six.

  8. YOU can Make a Difference • What contributes to satisfaction in any endeavor is a feeling that ‘you have made a difference.’ Life is in fact, feeling good about yourself – the pride, the ability and the opportunity to do things – to make a difference. So, start thinking: think of a good idea, an implementable idea and when the time comes implement your good idea with 100% enthusiasm. • Don’t just tell people what you imagine for the future; ask for their help in making it a reality. Be specific about what you expect your people to do and why??

  9. President ship: The Most Important Assignment • Rotary is a great and wonderful institution and realizing its true potential depends very much on the quality, the persistence and the commitment of its leaders. My dear new leaders of Rotary I welcome you all to most wonderful, exciting and rewarding year of your life. • Good luck in your journey….my friends and May the God be always with you!!!!

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