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Welcome…. …in the Geosciences Department at the University of Bremen. Orientation days for master beginners. For all - today 12.00 am MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences & IODP Core Repository

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  1. Welcome…

  2. …in theGeosciences Department at the University of Bremen

  3. Orientation daysformasterbeginners For all - today 12.00 amMARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences & IODP Core Repository Guidedtour, meetingpoint: GEO lecture hall, room no. 1550, Ursula Röhl, Holger Kuhlmann 1.30 pmDepartment tour and Campus tour meetingpoint: GEO foyer, studenttutors 3.00 pmEAGE studentchapter – information meetingpoint: stugAroomno. 1320, studenttutors 4.00 pmBarbecue meetingpoint: outside, entranceofthe GEO-building, studenttutors

  4. Friday, October-11th Pflichtveranstaltung für ALLE Masteranfänger an der Uni Bremen!!! 8.00 am Sicherheits- und Brandschutzübung (in German) HS 1010, Silvia Moore For Marine Geosciences and Geowissenschaften 11.15 amIntroductiontobothprograms GEO-lecture hall, Ulrike, teachers

  5. For Marine Geosciences and Geowissenschaften 11.15 am Introduction GEO lecture hall, Ulrike 11.30 am Master of Science PhysicalGeography, Environmental History: Presentationofelectivemodules GEO lecture hall, teachers 12.00 Master of Science Marine Geosciences: Introductionto modules GEO lecture hall + foyer, Ulrike and teachers 2.00 pm Master of Science Geowissenschaften: Einführung in die Module GEO lecture hall + foyer, Ulrike and teachers

  6. For all Monday, October 14 Start ofthelectureperiod (14 weeks) Check your time table For Materials Chemistry andMineralogy 11.00 am Officialintroduction GEO roomno. 1490, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Fischer MANDATORY for all masterbeginners!!! Friday, Nov. 8 at 8.00 am Lab securityinstructions & firedrill(in English) Partly outside – weatherproofedclothesnecessary Lecture Hall building, roomno.: HS 2010 Silvia Moore

  7. Important Websites

  8. http://www.uni-bremen.de www.uni-bremen.de Information forstudents • direct link to • coursecatalogue • StudIP • semesterdates etc.

  9. Information-portal GEO-Homepage www.geo.uni-bremen.de

  10. Information-portal GEO-Homepage www.geo.uni-bremen.de • program description • study plan • regulations • module handbook • courses list • staff members • research groups • dates • information material

  11. Information-portal GEO-Homepage www.geo.uni-bremen.de

  12. Access to the web-portals • With the semester documents you also get your personal university account- details for e-mails according to: • XY@uni-bremen.de and the corresponding password. Warning: Please check your e-mail-postbox regularly or set up forwarding! • Uni-WLAN (eduroam): Use with your university account. Furnishings: instructions at the Centre for Networks (ZFN) • Your Uni-Account is also the access to the eLearning portal StudIP.

  13. Uni-e-mail Account • createyourXYZ@uni-bremen.de + password (ZfN) email account on your PC/laptop • accountis registered on the infomail-tool-list ofthe University • !Importantinformationaddressedto...@uni-bremen.deislegalydeliveredtotherecipient ! • forwardingincominge-mailstoyourfrequentlycheckede-mail box ispossibleandeasilydone.

  14. Course-management-portal StudIP https://elearning.uni-bremen.de/ • communication teachers/students • application for courses • time table tool • Up- + Download area

  15. - Login withXYZ@uni-bremen.de + password (ZfN) • usethesearchfeatureforyourcourses • registerfor EACH course, youwanttojoin • createyourtimetableunder ‚myplanner‘

  16. Registering in StudIP Für Studienanfänger in Geowissenschaften Pflichtbereich: Modul: Mastertagung Modul: Analyse geologischer Prozesse im Gelände Wahlpflichtbereich: 3 Kernfachmodule Kernfach: Paläontologie/Geobiologie Kernfach: Petrologie Kernfach: Sedimentologie Kernfach: Hydrogeologie Kernfach: Geophysik Kernfach: Ingenieurgeologie, Geotechnik Kernfach: Glaziologie oder optional 1 Kernfach aus Marine Geosciences oder Environmental History Sie registrieren sich in StudIP für ALLE Kurse, die zu einem Modul oder Kernfach gehören

  17. Registering in StudIP For beginners in Marine Geosciences Compulsory: Module: Master Conference Module: Marine Field and Lab Practice Compulsory elective: choose 3 core subject modules Core subject: Marine Resources and Geotechnology Core subject: Biogeochemistry Core subject: Marine environmental Archives Core subject: Climate Change Core subject: Sedimentary Structures and Processes Core subject: Physics and Petrology of the Ocean Crust Or optional courses from PEP or Environmental History of in total 15 CP Pleaseregister in StudIPfor ALL coursesofonemodule

  18. Registering in StudIP For beginners in Materials Chemistry and Mineralogy Compulsory: Module: Analytical Methods I Module: Mineralogy Module: Crystallography Module: Chemistry Module: Materials Science Pleaseregister in StudIPfor ALL coursesofonemodule

  19. Special offerfor international students Study –Buddy program • gethelpandinformationfromadvancedstudents • irregularmeetingswithstudenttutors • letintroduceyouto program-specificaspects • getclosertogetherintoourstudentcommunity

  20. Special offerfor international students

  21. Summary • Find yourlogin/password on yourstudentdocuments • Create yourxy@uni-bremen.dee-mailaccount • Connect with W-LAN on campus • Register foryourcourses in StudIP • Voluntaryfor international students • Register forthestudy-buddy program • Laterfor all students • Register forexams (informationbySusanne, Miriam) • Getyourlogintothe Geo-homepage andtheuse • ofthe computer-room, Geobuilding (withSusanne, Miriam)

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