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Welcome to Cassidy Paving

Cassidy Paving is a reliable paving company in Massachusetts and southern NH, offering professional and top-quality asphalt repair, maintenance planning, and paving services for commercial and industrial properties. With their proactive approach to asphalt maintenance, they work closely with their clients to understand their property layout, health and safety regulations, and business vision to deliver paving projects on time, budget, and facility needs

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Welcome to Cassidy Paving

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WelcometoCassidyPaving ThankyouforconsideringCassidyPavingforyourcommercialand industrialpavingneeds.Ourteamofexperiencedprofessionalsis dedicated to providing the highest quality asphalt paving services in Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. We specialize in commercialandindustrialpaving,asphaltrepair,maintenanceplanning, snowremoval,andhomedrivewaypaving.Ourproactiveapproachto asphaltmaintenanceensuresthatyourroads,walkways,andparkinglots remainintopconditionallyearround.

  2. OurServices AtCassidyPaving,weofferarangeofservicestomeetyourcommercial &industrialpavingneeds.Ourservicesinclude: AsphaltPaving AsphaltRepair AsphaltMaintenancePlanning SnowRemoval HomeDrivewayPaving

  3. OurProcess AtCassidyPaving, we followarigorousprocesstoensurethatour clients receive the highest quality paving services. Our process includes: InitialConsultation SiteAssessment PlanningandPreparation PavingandInstallation FinalInspectionandMaintenance

  4. OurExpertise At Cassidy Paving, we have the experience, equipment, and manpowertohandleanysizecommercialorindustrialpaving projects. Our team of experts has handled some of the largest pavingprojectsintheMassachusettsandsouthernNewHampshire area. We understand the importance of delivering high-quality pavingservicesontimeandwithinbudget.Weworkcloselywithour clients to ensure that their paved areas meet their specific needs andvision.

  5. WhyChoosus? Choosing Cassidy Paving means choosing quality. With our experienced team, top-notch equipment, and commitment to usingonlythebestmaterials,youcantrustthatyourcommercial or industrial paving project will be completed to the highest standards.Wehavetheexpertiseandresourcestohandleanysize projectandensurethatyourpavedareasaresafeanddurable.

  6. Contactus Phoneno.+1866-978-9788 Email:info@cassidycorp.com Location:53FondiRd,Haverhill,MA,UnitedStates,Massachusetts SocialLinks

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