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Who Votes?

Who Votes?. Govt 311: Lecture 4. Vote-B-Gone Cartoon. http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2004/election/cartoons/cartoon.html. Why Do Young People Not Vote?. Erikson & Tedin p.50. An Economic Way of Thinking About Voting. Benefit. A person will vote if the benefit is greater than the cost:.

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Who Votes?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Votes? Govt 311: Lecture 4

  2. Vote-B-Gone Cartoon http://www.pbs.org/pov/pov2004/election/cartoons/cartoon.html

  3. Why Do Young People Not Vote? • Erikson & Tedin p.50

  4. An Economic Way of Thinking About Voting Benefit A person will vote if the benefit is greater than the cost: Probability of casting decisive vote x Benefit Pr[Decisive] x Benefit Cost < + Duty C < PB + D

  5. 2008 General Election Turnout Rates

  6. Why Do People Vote? • Significance of office (F&Z p.44) • Contact by political parties • Coverage by media • A clear choice between candidates • Competitive elections

  7. Who Votes? • High “Socio-Economic Status” or SES. • High Income & Education (Homeowners) • The “socially connected” who are a part of their community. • Older People • Married Persons • Labor Unions, Government Workers, Farmers • Frequent Church Attendance • People who are registered to vote

  8. Turnout Should be Going Up According to Richard Brody: • There are higher levels of “socio-economic status” (SES) in the society • It is easier for people to register to vote

  9. Lower Costs = Higher Turnout? • Registration Deadlines Have Decreased • Residency Requirements Have Decreased • Some States Permit Election Day Registration • Motor Voter (1993 NVRA) • Provisional Balloting (2002 HAVA) • Absentee and Early Voting

  10. A Typology of Participation

  11. Is Low Turnout “Bad”? YES Those who vote are different from those who do not. NO Increased voting is a sign of discontent.

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