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A Non-Choice: Sexual Orientation

A Non-Choice: Sexual Orientation. Chapter 10. People who are predominately attracted to the opposite sex. HETEROSEXUAL. People who are predominately attracted to the same sex. HOMOSEXUAL. Persons who engage in sexual activity with both sexes. BISEXUAL.

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A Non-Choice: Sexual Orientation

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  1. A Non-Choice: Sexual Orientation Chapter 10

  2. People who are predominately attracted to the opposite sex HETEROSEXUAL

  3. People who are predominately attracted to the same sex HOMOSEXUAL

  4. Persons who engage in sexual activity with both sexes BISEXUAL

  5. “The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.” • The Vocation to Chastity: 2358 Catechism of the Catholic ChurchHomosexual Inclinations

  6. Homosexual Tendencies Homosexual Activity A person who performs genital sexual actions with someone of the same sex is engaging in homosexual activity • Homosexuality is determined not by what a person does but what a person feels • A person who feels strongly and exclusively attracted to persons of the same sex is said to have homosexual inclinations Difference Between Homosexual Tendencies and Homosexual Activity

  7. The awakening of sexuality is confusing and unsettling period for all teens. Images Heterosexuality or Homosexuality

  8. Homosexuality Not a choice about sexual tendencies We do have a clear choice about sexual activity Catholic Church Sexual activity outside a valid heterosexual marriage is morally unacceptable and therefore wrong and sinful Including premarital sex, homosexual genital behavior Homosexual persons are called to a life of celibacy

  9. Homophobia The irrational fear and hatred of homosexual. (groups, individuals, societies) Violent dislike or hatred of homosexual persons Fear of associating with homosexuals Irrational fear of being considered “gay” Vulgar and abusive language and jokes Physical violence Condemnation, discrimination and persecution of homosexuals

  10. Know that you are good and loved by God • You are not alone • Growing up homosexual can be difficult (don’t over-emphasize your sexuality) • Don’t decide too soon that you are homosexual • There are people you can talk to about your sexual questions and worries • Support groups for homosexual teens and parents • Don’t have a choice about you sexual orientating, but you have many choices to make about the responsible use and development of your sexuality Message to Teen with Homosexual Inclinations

  11. The basic relationship during your high school years should be friendship • Both heterosexuals and homosexuals con confuse infatuation and intimacy • Catholic moral teachings are the same for homosexual teens as heterosexual teens---genital sexual activity outside of marriage is forbidden • Exploitation …both homosexual and heterosexual teens need to be aware that involvement in any kind of non-loving, non-committed sexual activity is morally, physically, and psychologically dangerous Message Continued

  12. For every individual to learn to be a truly loving person • UNSELFISH…THOUGHTFUL…FORGIVING…COMPSSIONATE Challenge

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