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What is Civics?

What is Civics?. 1. Source: http://www.jfsabq.org/images/citizenship.gif. Why We Need Government?. Source: http://www.gwumc.edu/edu/radiology/capital3.gif. Democracy. Source: http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/discovery/disc2001v16n1/democracy.jpg.

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What is Civics?

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  1. What is Civics? 1 Source: http://www.jfsabq.org/images/citizenship.gif Why We Need Government? Source: http://www.gwumc.edu/edu/radiology/capital3.gif Democracy Source: http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/discovery/disc2001v16n1/democracy.jpg One purpose of government is to provide for the Common Good of the people A Monarchy is a government ruled by a King or Queen The American government is a Democracy. In a Democracy the people have the power. Some people live in communist governments or under a dictatorship where freedom isn’t available. We live under several levels of government who all provide services to citizens. Civics is the study of citizenship and Government Governments provide citizens with many essential services.

  2. Citizenship Process 2 Source: http://www.geocities.com/athenian_republic/main.htm Immigration Source: http://members.tripod.com/pippee/agenealogy.html Legal and Illegal Aliens Source: http://www.lslawyers.com/images/immigration.gif An illegal immigrant is someone who does not have permission to be in the country. The United States is a nation of people who immigrated here from many parts of the world. The process of trying to become a citizen requires that a person be at least 18 years old. Working for low wages has been one reason why some immigrants find jobs easily. The final part of being naturalized is to swear an oath of loyalty to the United States. A “green card” or permanent visa allows a legal alien to remain in the US. The process of becoming a citizen is called Naturalization. The lure of the US had always been the promise of a better life.

  3. Paying Taxes 3 Source: Voting Source: http://www.selwyn.govt.nz/images/voting%20hand_copy(1).jpg Obeying the Law Source: http://www.videoretailer.com/images/vrtest/anti%20theft%20laws%203.jpg Jury duty is required because all citizens must participate if fair trials are to take place. One responsibility citizens should take seriously is the chance to volunteer to make your community a better place. Education is a duty of all citizens because it leads to a better lifestyle. Sometimes modern technology makes getting an education more difficult. The Selective Service System requires all males over 18 to register for a possible military draft. Taxes are a duty because they pay for the services provided by the government Obey the Law is a basic duty of citizens and it may save our lives. Voting is an important responsibility of citizens although it is not required.

  4. Sources of Our Rights 4 Source: http://www.thisnation.com/media/photos/constitution.jpg The Civil Rights Movement Source: http://www.chefjuke.com/mom/images/drop-05.jpg Equity Issues Today Source: http://www.lib.niu.edu/ipo/ii9511101.jpg Affirmative Action programs are designed to give preferences to women and minorities. Because of terrorist concerns, government surveillance has become a civil liberties issue. The ultimate source for our rights in a democracy belong to the people themselves. The Constitution is the source of all our rights. The Civil Rights Movement attempted to gain equal rights for all people. The legal definition of marriage has become a major issue in recent years. Affirmative Actions programs themselves have come under fire for reverse discrimination. We have many rights but they are still limited.

  5. The Census 5 Source: http://www.iog.wayne.edu/transitions/pics/census.jpg A Nation of Immigrants Source: http://www.whyy.org/immigrants/images/home.jpg A Changing Nation Source: http://www.censusscope.org/us/s12/c95/chart_race_graph_1.gif The Census occurs every ten years to count the population and to ask questions about Americans. One of the primary sources of our population was the migration of immigrants. Hispanic Americans are the fastest growing part of the US population. Some parts of the US are densely populated while others are thinly settled. The US is often called a melting pot because of all the diverse people who live here. Hispanics are the fastest growing group, but that group is very diverse. Urban growth is a major concern of many Americans in the modern age. The US is becoming a more racially diverse nation

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