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3.10 Circulatory Disorders and Technologies

3.10 Circulatory Disorders and Technologies. Unit 3: Animal Systems SBI 3C. Diagnosis and Treatment of Circulatory Disorders. Electrocardiograph: an instrument that detects the electrical signals of the heart Electrocardiogram: the graphical instrument produced by electrocardiograph

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3.10 Circulatory Disorders and Technologies

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  1. 3.10 Circulatory Disorders and Technologies Unit 3: Animal Systems SBI 3C

  2. Diagnosis and Treatment of Circulatory Disorders • Electrocardiograph: an instrument that detects the electrical signals of the heart • Electrocardiogram: the graphical instrument produced by electrocardiograph • The electrocardiogram shows if the heart rate and rhythm are normal or if heart damage has occurred

  3. Electrocardiogram photo

  4. Electrocardiogram video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK0_28q6WoM

  5. Cardiac Catheterization • This procedure is used to show the condition of the coronary arteries and if there are any blockages in these arteries • This is carried out by inserting a catheter (narrow tube) into an artery in the groin area. A dye that is visible on X-ray film is then injected into the catheter in order to determine the exact location of the blockage.

  6. Cardiac Catheterization video clip • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwh3tlFaVm0

  7. Angioplasty • Once the location of the blockage has been identified by cardiac catheterization, a treatment procedure called angioplasty can be carried out. • A second, thinner catheter with a very small deflated balloon attached at the end is put into the first catheter. When the balloon is pushed through the blockage, it is inflated which allows for the passage to be opened and blood flow to increase. The balloon is then deflated and removed. • In most cases, a stent is put in the artery to prevent the artery from narrowing again.

  8. Angioplasty video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwh3tlFaVm0

  9. Coronary Bypass Surgery • Coronary Bypass Surgery uses a piece of vein from another part of the body to bypass the blocked area of the coronary artery in order to supply blood to the area beyond the blockage. • This procedure is higher risk than angioplasty since it requires the doctor to open the chest and operate directly on the heart (called open heart surgery) The recovery period is longer for this procedure.

  10. Coronary Bypass Surgery Video • Video clip shown to patients before they undergo this procedure • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYLNDuGsTEw&feature=related

  11. Cardiovascular Disease • Cardiovascular disease is leading cause of death in North America • Arteriosclerosis: group of disorders which cause walls of blood vessels to thicken, harden and lose their elasticity.

  12. 4 categories of heart disease

  13. Causes of cardiovascular disease • Main cause is artherosclerosis, a form of arteriosclerosis which is due to the build-up of plaque along the inner wall of arteries • The build-up of plaque is related to the excessive intake of fat, which can cause blockages on which the plaque accumulates • This plaque can narrow the artery, causing an increase in blood pressure or eventually entirely block off the artery, preventing the supply of oxygen to the muscle tissues of the heart

  14. Video of plaque buildup • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXdG1txzz78

  15. Myocardial infarction • Myocardial infarction is another word for “heart attack” • This occurs when the supply of oxygen and nutrients to heart is blocked off; normally happens when existing plaque breaks open and triggers formation of blood clots on top of it. • Symptoms of a heart attack are pains in the chest, neck and arms, shortness of breath and nausea

  16. Video of what causes a heart attack • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA2DuxCcO4g

  17. Causes of heart disease • Main risk factors are smoking, physical inactivity, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, poor eating habits, diabetes and heredity (genetics) • Video on causes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cW8__wFXDA

  18. Heart Disease in women: misdiagnosis • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3fz8jYjr6I&feature=related

  19. Prognosis and Prevention • What are things you can do to reduce your chance of developing heart disease?

  20. Try this activity- p. 207 • Use of stethoscope to listen to heartbeat before and after exercise.

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