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Plant & Animal Cells

Plant & Animal Cells. The Discovery of Cells. Robert Hooke in 1663 looked at plant cells under a microscope and thought they looked like the cells monks lived in within their monasteries.

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Plant & Animal Cells

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  1. Plant & Animal Cells

  2. The Discovery of Cells • Robert Hooke in 1663 looked at plant cells under a microscope and thought they looked like the cells monks lived in within their monasteries. • As our microscopes became more powerful over the years, we have learned a great deal more about the inner workings of the cell.

  3. Cell Theory • The cell theory outlines the importance of cell to living things. • Cells are the basic structures that make up living things. • Cells dictate the function of living things. • All cells come from preexisting cells. • The average human body contains between 10-100 trillion cells. • 100,000,000,000,000 cells!!!

  4. Cell Organelles • A cell is like our body in that it has a number of parts that must all work together in order for the cell to function properly. • These little parts within the cell are called organelles (little organs). • Organelles look after a number of jobs within the cell such as… • Intake of nutrients • Movement • Growth • Responsiveness • Gas exchange • Waste excretion • Reproduction

  5. The cell membrane is a protective barrier around the cell. It controls what goes into or out of the cell. Security!!! Cell Membrane

  6. The cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles. It contains the nutrients that the cell needs to survive. The Work Place!!! Cytoplasm

  7. The nucleus is the control centre of the cell. It controls all cell actvities. The nucleus is where you will find the DNA for the cell. Nucleolus inside. The Boss!!! Nucleus

  8. The mitochondria produce energy for the cell. Cellular Respiration Sugar  ATP!!! Powerhouses!!! Mitochondria

  9. Ribosomes are the tiny protein builders within the cell. Proteins are the “working molecules” of the body. Workers!!! Ribosomes

  10. The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts and packages proteins for delivery within or out of the cell. The Golgi makes vesicles for transport. Shipping & Receiving!!! Golgi Apparatus

  11. The ER is a series of tubes made of the same stuff as the cell membrane. Rough ER helps make proteins with the ribosomes. Smooth ER makes fats and oils. Endoplasmic Reticulum

  12. Vacuoles and vesicles store nutrients, waste and other substances. Vesicles can also be used for transporting substances in the cell. Storage rooms & Boxes!!! Vacuoles & Vesicles

  13. Lysosomes digest materials in the cell using enzymes. The breakdown invaders and old parts of the cell. Bouncers & Recyclers!!! Lysosomes

  14. The cytoskeleton is made of protein filaments and helps the cell maintain its shape. Structure equals Function!!! Iron Girders!!! Cytoskeleton

  15. The cell wall is only in plant cells and it is a rigid frame that provides strength, protection and support. The Great Wall!!! Cell Wall

  16. The chloroplast is only in plants and it carries out the process of photosynthesis. They make glucose…sugar!!! Solar Panels!!! Chloroplasts

  17. Animal Cells

  18. Plant Cells

  19. Who has both plant and animal cells???

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