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ENVIRONMENTAL AND POLLUTION MANAGEMENT by K Subramaniam , PJK [Master Envt ; B.Sc.( Hons )( Envt & Occ.Health ); Dip.RSH]. INTRODUCTION. The objective of this module is to introduce : various concepts in environmental management various approaches to pollution management.

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  1. ENVIRONMENTAL AND POLLUTION MANAGEMENTby K Subramaniam, PJK[Master Envt; B.Sc.(Hons)(Envt & Occ.Health); Dip.RSH]

  2. INTRODUCTION The objective of this module is to introduce : • various concepts in environmental management • various approaches to pollution management



  5. 1. WASTE MANAGEMENT HIERACHY (Preferred philosophy) Prevention 4R (Reduce,Reuse, Recover,Recycle) Treatment Disposal

  6. A New Waste Management Model http://www.fermanagh.gov.uk/WasteManagementHierarchy

  7. A Preferred Model http://www.aggregatepros.com/DefinitionsWasteManagement.html

  8. 1. WASTE MANAGEMENT HIERACHY • A move from a policy and regulatory enforcement towards the hierarchy of control i.e to move from: • Regulation to voluntary approach • Preventing / avoiding disposal

  9. 1. WASTE MANAGEMENT HIERACHY Legal provisions: • the provisions in the EQA 1974, • the regulations that promote the move from the approach of Disposal Prevention; and, • voluntary initiatives.


  11. Its ABUSE…

  12. 2. COMMAND AND CONTROL / END OF PIPE APPROACH Characteristics Prescribing: • emission standards and • technology standards

  13. General process Flow Diagram for End-of-pipe Treatment System www.eeaa.gov.eg

  14. COMMAND AND CONTROL Advantages • Easy to enforce • Seemingly “fair” to all sources

  15. COMMAND AND CONTROL Disadvantages • No incentives to go beyond the standards • No drive for technological innovation • May be costly to achieve a certain desired output


  17. Cleaner Production Assessment Is Divided In Five Phases. (USEPA, 2004)

  18. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION Characteristics - CP aims to prevent the generation of waste and emission at the outset - It is opposed to EOP/command and control approach which treats the waste after it has been generated

  19. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION Definition of Cleaner Production • “the continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy to processes and products to reduce risks to humans and the environment”

  20. http://www.ecoefficiency.com.au/

  21. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION Forproduction processes CP includes: • conserving raw materials and energy • eliminating toxic processing materials • reducing the quantity and toxicity of all emissions and wastes

  22. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION For products CP approach focuses on: • the reduction of environmental impacts along the entire life cycle of a product, • from raw material extraction to the ultimate disposal of the product, • by appropriate product design

  23. Option Generating Process (USEPA, 2004)

  24. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION Benefits of CP • Cost-saving through reduced wastage of raw materials and energy • Improved operating efficiency of the plant • Better product quality and consistency because the plant operation is more predictable • Recovery of some waste materials

  25. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION Tools and techniques of CP • Good Housekeeping • Material Substitution • Technology / Process Modification • Recycling • Design for Environment (DFE)

  26. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION CP terms • Eco-Efficiency • Waste Minimization • Pollution Prevention • Green Productivity

  27. 3. CLEANER PRODUCTION CP in action in Malaysia by DOE • CP unit in EiMAS • CP introduced in revised AS9 form • CP introduced in WWCS report • Smarter ideas for RMK9.


  29. 4. WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY What is whole effluent toxicity? • testing a wastewater discharge with aquatic organisms to assess the discharge's toxicity • WET is a standardized protocol (ex the Standard Methods

  30. 4. WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY Understanding WET - An effluent may be complying with all the individual parameter limits but does it guarantee that it will not cause any detrimental effects of the aquatic organisms? • WET attempts to answer this question and quantify the effects • WET is an aquatic toxicity/bioassay test

  31. 4. WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY Understanding WET • Acute test (24 to 96 hrs) • Chronic test (~ 7 days)

  32. WET Freshwater Chronic Test Species Invertebrates: • Ceriodaphniadubia Fish • Pimephalespromelas- Fathead Minnow Algae • Selenastrumcapricornutum

  33. Test Data • Typical dose response where mortality increases as the concentration of effluent in the mixture increases. • LC50 would be somewhere between 25% effluent and 50% effluent. 6.25 % Effluent 12.5 % Effluent 25.0% Effluent 50.0% Effluent 100.0% Effluent Control 0% Mortality 0% mortality 20 % Mortality 40% Mortality 80% Mortality 100% Mortality New Jersey Saline Acute Test Species

  34. Test Result Calculated point estimate or a Pass fail test where a concentration, usually that which is considered a critical concentration of effluent in the recieving water or ambient toxicity test measured against a control Examples of Pass/Fail Acute test Instream waste concentration equals 75% statistical evaluation using a student-t test compares mortality rates of ambient or IWC sample against a control. Is there a “significant statistical difference between the two results” New Jersey Saline Acute Test Species

  35. Grab vs. Composite • Grab samples offer “snap shot” of effluent • Composite samples offer “average view” of effluent • NJDEP requires sampling based on discharge type • Continuous discharge – 24 hour composite sample • Intermittent discharge – grab or composite each day that is representative of discharge

  36. Grab vs. Composite • Type of sample and frequency of collection is dependent upon the use of the data and the discharge the test is intended to represent. • Samples are not to be used after they have been held for 72 hours. • Samples are to be chilled during or immediately upon collection to 4oC.

  37. WETMonitoring a fathead minnow test Opossum Shrimp Pimephales promelas

  38. WET Procedures

  39. Pimephalespromelas Adults are small fish typically 43 mm to 102 mm, and averaging about 50 mm, in total length. Photo by Karen McCabe from Animal Soup

  40. Tests Results in Canada http://www.ec.gc.ca/


  42. 5.a) Understanding bubble concept • draw an imaginary bubble around the whole plant • find the most efficient way of controlling the plant's emissions as a whole.

  43. BUBBLE CONCEPT AND EMISSION TRADING Example of the bubble concept • In a automobile paint shop, • two sources of VOCs are: • painting operations and • degreasing process • If it is more cost-effective to control VOC release from degreasing process, then concentrate efforts on this activity and less control on the painting operations as long as the total VOC load is maintained or reduced

  44. BUBBLE CONCEPT AND EMISSION TRADING Characteristics of the bubble concept • Plant managers can propose their own emission standards: • tightening where it is least costly, and • relaxing where pollution control costs are high • The bubble policy leads to less pollution control? • NO!!! but less expensive pollution control.


  46. EMISSION TRADING Emission trading • Options availableto reduce emissions: • pollution control technology • switching to cleaner fuels • improving energy efficiency • increasing renewable energy use Emission reduction credits (ERCs)

  47. EMISSION TRADING Emission trading • Emission reduction credits (ERCs) provide an incentive to find the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions • ERCs can be sold, traded, or banked for future use

  48. EMISSION TRADING How does Emission trading reduce pollution? • By purchasing and retiring ERCs • Once ERC is retired, it can no longer be bought, sold, or used to offset pollution • Individuals and businesses can reduce pollution by buying and retiring emission reduction credits/emission allowances/offsets

  49. EMISSION TRADING Emission offsets • Industries to reduce or sequestrate emissions outside its operations (at different location) • emission trading between a new or modified source of air pollution and an existing source • Consumers & businesses can "offset" their pollution by buying and retiring the emission reduction credits created by someone else

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