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29 Apr 2011 DoDAF - DM2 WG Agenda

29 Apr 2011 DoDAF - DM2 WG Agenda. Unassigned Change Requests. # Title Source 621 Systems transitioning to Services Thornburg 624 measureOfType Boundaries Schaefer 626 Naming / Description pattern in PES Schaefer 627 Canada Comments Ramotar 628 XMLTagsBoundToNamingSchema conflict Hines

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29 Apr 2011 DoDAF - DM2 WG Agenda

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  1. 29 Apr 2011 DoDAF - DM2 WG Agenda

  2. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 621 Systems transitioning to Services Thornburg 624 measureOfType Boundaries Schaefer 626 Naming / Description pattern in PES Schaefer 627 Canada Comments Ramotar 628 XMLTagsBoundToNamingSchema conflict Hines 632 The definition of the PES is inadequate for describing the views content. Sandridge 633 Monster Matrix Schaefer 636 DoDAF Website PDFs Caron 639 Interoperability is DAS, not JCIDS Chan 640 Change def for Capability Dalpini 642 associationOfInformation Hines 643 resourceInLocationType Schaefer 644 "Distinguishing Arch Desc from DescDistinguishing Service Desc from AD or Desc" "ThornburgLaskey" 646 tuplePlace, placeType Schaefer 647 Remove temporalBoundary classes Schaefer 650 Documentation for LDM to PES mapping Schaefer

  3. Discussion and Way Ahead • Business Services – higher level reification accomplished by Joint Action • Def of Business Service in FEAF • 2.3 (Tom Baron) and drafts being worked on via Walt Okon (Dave Mc) • http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/e-gov/fea/ • See if there is a list of qualifiers for “Services” (all) • Get Dr. Bernard’s slides and post – Dave Mc • Check SRM – still around and if not where did it go • NIST EA Model link that supports FEA – Dave Ellis • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_Enterprise_Architecture_Model • Look at JARM – 10-layer model, Dave Mc from slides from conference • Joint DoDAF 2.0 meeting hosted by Marine Corps • Agenda to address this issue • Review core process matrices -- all

  4. Draft Common Approach • Services may include business services, enterprise services, and other technical service components. (DRAFT)

  5. SRM from v23, 2007 • 2.3 Service Component Reference Model (SRM) • The SRM is a business-driven, functional framework classifying Service Components according to how they support business and performance objectives. It serves to identify and classify horizontal and vertical Service Components supporting federal agencies and their IT investments and assets. The model aids in recommending service capabilities to support the reuse of business components and services across the federal government. IT investments can be service providers or consumers. Service providers allow consumers to reuse their business and technical capabilities. The SRM is organized across horizontal service areas, independent of the business functions, providing a leverage-able foundation for reuse of applications, application capabilities, components, and business services. It is structured hierarchically as depicted in Figure 3.

  6. NIST Enterprise Architecture Model • NIST Enterprise Architecture Model is applicated the following frameworks: • FDIC Enterprise Architecture Framework is the Enterprise Architecture framework of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). • FEAF : The 1999 documentation of the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Version 1.1 explains how the NIST Framework is used as a foundation of the FEA Framework.[1] • NWS Enterprise Architecture : Enterprise Architecture of the National Weather Service[7]

  7. FSAM Logical Data Model

  8. I/C JARM

  9. Strategic Goals Business Services (modeled as “workflow”) Information and Data Enabling Applications Host Infrastructure Information Assurance CV’s OV’s (not SvcV’s!) DIV’s Some SV’s and SvcV’s + some StdV’s Other SV’s (SV-2 and Locations, e.g., facilities) and associated StdV’s StdV’s and some OV-6a’s and SV-10a’s Top-Level FEAF X DoDAF Views

  10. Some of what I think I heard

  11. The word parts • Systems include humans – interchangeable – so saying business services are human doesn’t work • The performer of a business service, like the performer of any activity, doesn’t have to be known or specified • Bussiness services are modeled as workflow (activity sequences) • Enabling services are modeled as performers • Both enjoy “loose coupling” otherwise known as late binding: • Performer-level binding is negotiated late • In everyday IT can be “run time” • In mission critical IT, is more like “build time” (see Cathy Emeroy, Chief Architect, PEO-IWS) • For business services, can be either. • Late binding is enabled by service description, discovery, negotiation, and agreement

  12. 15 Apr 2011 DoDAF - DM2 WG Agenda

  13. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 621 Systems transitioning to Services Thornburg 624 measureOfType Boundaries Schaefer 626 Naming / Description pattern in PES Schaefer 627 Canada Comments Ramotar 628 XMLTagsBoundToNamingSchema conflict Hines 632 The definition of the PES is inadequate for describing the views content. Sandridge 633 Monster Matrix Schaefer 636 DoDAF Website PDFs Caron 639 Interoperability is DAS, not JCIDS Chan 640 Change def for Capability Dalpini 642 associationOfInformation Hines 643 resourceInLocationType Schaefer 644 "Distinguishing Arch Desc from DescDistinguishing Service Desc from AD or Desc" "ThornburgLaskey" 646 tuplePlace, placeType Schaefer 647 Remove temporalBoundary classes Schaefer 650 Documentation for LDM to PES mapping Schaefer

  14. Core Process rqmts for SvcV’s • Formal governance • Current • None? • Draft • CJCSI 6212.01F always or’s SV and SvcV together (see table) • Does this reflect 1.5 vs 2.0? • Services are implemented by Systems • Others? • Informal • Reference Architecture Description (DoD CIO, Jun-2010) always includes both (see table) • Others?

  15. Potential CP Uses of Service Info • JCIDS • Capability Views • PPBE • OMB Ex 300/53 rqmt – since FEA (research services info that is being required) • DAS • ISP/6212E/NR-KPP requires service exposure sheets • SE • StdV’s, Service specifications, descriptions, functionality, • CPM • Ops Planning • Service contract, how to execute, SLA’s, costs, • No depth – like a top-level system • Standards for a service at the GTP – look into Marty & Shelton • AI # 621 to fix “systems transition to services”

  16. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT

  17. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT

  18. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT

  19. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT

  20. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT

  21. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT

  22. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT

  23. DoDAF Must Relate to Core Processes DRAFT DRAFT


  25. WG Business Rules Essential for Broad Community Consensus

  26. DoDAF-DM2 CM CR Processing DRAFT for forthcoming CM Plan revision

  27. DoDAF-DM2 CM Detailed CR Processing DRAFT for forthcoming CM Plan revision • In-progress: • Version process

  28. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 566 Monster Matrix review Schaefer 567 Powertypeinstance cardinalities Schaefer 569 Individual for each Individual Type Schaefer 570 Data Dictionary Schaefer 571 Type Type names Schaefer 575 Relationship between Capability and Performer should be derived, not declared Harris 578 Wrong ISO number for 15407 sidney.antommarchi via DKO 580 BTA OV-6c Guidelines in Journal Thornburg 581 BTA AV-2 Guidelines in Journal Thornburg 583 Missing Net Centric RA's john.mcilhaney via DKO 585 Showing Software Processes conrad.capasso via DKO 586 UJTLs Doehnert, Mark 587 Training Resources in Journal Thornburg 588 Track Changes Thornburg 589 Videos of Outreaches Thornburg 590 DoDAF PDF Thornburg 591 DoDAF Releasability Thornburg

  29. CR 637 Resource Definitions follow-up • Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed. • Enter Terebesi source defs • (Wikipedia) A resource is any physical or virtual entity of limited availability that needs to be consumed to obtain a benefit from it. • (dictionary.com) A source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. • (merriam-webster.com) a source of supply or support : an available means —usually used in plural • (Survey of Social Science, Economics Series, vol 5) Resources are the factors of production that are normally derived from the natural environment and are used to produce goods and services. • (Survey of Social Science, Economics Series, vol 5) A resource is basically an anthropomorphic concept that involves the use of material and nonmaterial stuff for human purposes • Gather JP1-02, DAU, …source defs. • (JP 1-02) The forces, materiel, and other assets or capabilities apportioned or allocated to the commander of a unified or specified command. • (DAU) • (IEEE / ISO / INCOSE / AP 233 / ???) • Conduct BORO analysis on SAR example • Use boats, swimmers, equipment, … and see which definitions fit • Find where this was supposed to be: • OASIS SOA RA: Message exchange is the means by which service participants (or their agents) interact with each other. There are two primary modes of interaction: joint actions that cause real world effects, and notification of events that report real world effects. A message exchange is used to affect an action when the messages contain the appropriately formatted content that should be interpreted as joint action and the agents involved interpret the message appropriately. A message exchange is also used to communicate event notifications. An event is a report of an occurrence that is of interest to some participant; in our case when some real world effect has occurred. Just as action messages will have formatting requirements, so will event notification messages. In this way, the Information Model of a service must specify the syntax (structure), and semantics (meaning) of the action messages and event notification messages as part of a service interface. It must also specify the syntax and semantics of any data that is carried as part of a payload of the action or event notification message. The Information Model is described in greater detail in the Service Description Model (see Section 4.1).

  30. Service concept (CR's 516, 518, 523, 560, 387, 398, 621) -- Step 1: Source definitions • Source Definitions: • (Net-Centric Services Strategy, 3/2007): a mechanism to enable access to one or more capabilities, where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with constraints and policies as specified by the service description. • OASIS def of capability – maybe just a dictionary def. Thing that allows you to create a effect in the world • (OASIS SOA RM): A mechanism to enable access to a set of one or more capabilities, where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with constraints and policies as specified by the service description. • (Wordnet): Work done by one person or group that benefits another; "budget separately for goods and services" • (SoAML): A Service represents a feature of a Participant that is the offer of a service by one participant to others using well defined terms, conditions and interfaces. A Service designates a Port that defines the connection point through which a Participant offers its capabilities and provides a service to clients • (Mark Lankhorst, et. al., Archimate Language Primer, Telematica Institut, the Netherlands, p 4.): A service is defined as a unit of functionality that some entity (e.g., a system, organization or department) makes available to its environment and which has some value to certain entities in the environment. • (The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing): Work performed (or offered) by a server. This may mean simply serving simple requests for data to be sent or stored (as with file servers, gopher or http servers, e-mail servers, finger servers, SQL servers, etc.); or it may be more complex work, such as that of irc servers, print servers, X Windows servers, or process servers. E.g. "Access to the finger service is restricted to the local subnet, for security reasons". • (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/ws-support-soa/ ): Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) introduces a highly distributed architecture which assumes multiple consumers executing the same service. In such systems, different consumers can have different quality of service (QoS) requirements for the invocation of the same service. Additionally, new versions of services can be introduced over time, which might require correct routing of requests from different consumers to particular service versions. All of these requirements can be collectively described as service invocation policies. These policies can be either managed separately or incorporated into the service’s definitions. • Dave check Fatma outbrief and McKaskill paper

  31. Service concept (CR's 516, 518, 523, 560, 387, 398, 621) -- Step 2: Pick / formulate definition and relate to Data Dictionary terms • A mechanism to enable access to a set of one or more capabilities , where the access is provided using a prescribed interface and is exercised consistent with constraints and policies as specified by the service description. The mechanism is a Performer. The "capabilities" accessed are Resources -- Information, Data, Materiel, Performers, and Geo-political Extents.

  32. Core Process rqmts for SvcV’s • Governance – what services info is needed to make decision • JCIDS • DAS • PPBE • FEA SRM • CPM • SE • BORO analysis • NCES – collab, chat, search, security, • Cloud • SAR • OPS

  33. More ideas • Presentations: • Ellis • McCaskill • ???

  34. Core Process rqmts for SvcV’s • Formal governance – what services info is needed to make decision • JCIDS • DAS • PPBE • FEA SRM • CPM • SE • BORO analysis • NCES – collab, chat, search • Cloud • SAR • OPS • Current • None? • Draft • CJCSI 6212.01F always or’s SV and SvcV together (see table) • Does this reflect 1.5 vs 2.0? • Services are implemented by Systems • Others? • Informal • Reference Architecture Description (DoD CIO, Jun-2010) always includes both (see table) • Others?


  36. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 521 Service Description Specialization Schaefer 522 Denormalized DB White, C 523 Business vs SoA Service Laskey 524 personTypePartOfPerformer McDaniel 525 Reification levels diagram Bleakley 529 Objectives vs Desired Effects Antoine 532 Conditions Bocast 533 EA Roles Lee 535 SV-1 Inconsistencies Lee 543 Pedigree type McDaniel / UPDM 546 Properties and Measures McDaniel 550 Plans Leichblau 554 Using OverlapType to associate Rules to MeasureTypes and Measures Pierce 555 More Specific association for MeasureOfDesire Pierce 556 Activity to Measure Apart from Condition Pierce 560 UPDM 16 UPDM 2 564 AV-1 and AV-2 for DARS Coffin 565 GTP and GTG consistency with StdV's Coffin

  37. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 566 Monster Matrix review Schaefer 567 Powertypeinstance cardinalities Schaefer 569 Individual for each Individual Type Schaefer 570 Data Dictionary Schaefer 571 Type Type names Schaefer 575 Relationship between Capability and Performer should be derived, not declared Harris 578 Wrong ISO number for 15407 sidney.antommarchi via DKO 580 BTA OV-6c Guidelines in Journal Thornburg 581 BTA AV-2 Guidelines in Journal Thornburg 583 Missing Net Centric RA's john.mcilhaney via DKO 585 Showing Software Processes conrad.capasso via DKO 586 UJTLs Doehnert, Mark 587 Training Resources in Journal Thornburg 588 Track Changes Thornburg 589 Videos of Outreaches Thornburg 590 DoDAF PDF Thornburg 591 DoDAF Releasability Thornburg

  38. Unassigned Change Requests # Title Source 621 Systems transitioning to Services Thornburg 624 measureOfType Boundaries Schaefer 626 Naming / Description pattern in PES Schaefer 627 Canada Comments Ramotar 628 XMLTagsBoundToNamingSchema conflict Hines 632 The definition of the PES is inadequate for describing the views content. Sandridge 633 Monster Matrix Schaefer 636 DoDAF Website PDFs Caron 639 Interoperability is DAS, not JCIDS Chan 640 Change def for Capability Dalpini 642 associationOfInformation Hines 643 resourceInLocationType Schaefer 644 "Distinguishing Arch Desc from DescDistinguishing Service Desc from AD or Desc" "ThornburgLaskey" 646 tuplePlace, placeType Schaefer 647 Remove temporalBoundary classes Schaefer 650 Documentation for LDM to PES mapping Schaefer

  39. DM2 TWG Resource Discussion V 1.0 Paul Terebesi 16 Mar 2011

  40. Heated Discussions Just like friction causes fire, frustration causes heated arguments. Frustration often stems from different parties having a different understanding of the topic of discussion. Three main sources of frustration: Linguistic overloading. “IE”, “achieve” Different/Inconsistent reification point of view. Different personal experiences and understandings on “how” something gets done. Each party assumes the conditions and methods they believe are in use is commonly understood by all. We are working from different use cases in our own minds.

  41. Image If You Will…a World Without DoDAF Try to suspend the on-the-fly impact analysis. Evaluate if the information makes sense on its own.

  42. DoDAF 2.0 Definition of Resource Data, Information, Performers, Materiel, or Personnel Types that are produced or consumed. • This weak definition, defines RESOURCE by its subtypes and (Author’s opinion) has lead to inconsistency in the DM2.

  43. So Simple, Even a 3rd Grader…

  44. Resource Definition (1/2) A resource is any physical or virtual entity (e.g., a transmission, piece of information, rules) of limited availability that needs to be consumed to obtain a benefit from it. (Wikipedia) A source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. (dictionary.com) (merriam-webster.com) a: a source of supply or support : an available means —usually used in plural b: a natural source of wealth or revenue —often used in plural c: a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life d: computable wealth —usually used in plural e: a source of information or expertise

  45. Resource Definition (2/2) “Resources are the factors of production that are normally derived from the natural environment and are used to produce goods and services.” (Survey of Social Science, Economics Series, vol 5) “A resource is basically an anthropomorphic concept that involves the use of material and nonmaterial stuff for human purposes” (Survey of Social Science, Economics Series, vol 5) anthropomorphic (adj) Ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human, especially to a deity. (dictionary.com) From an anthropomorphic POV, all resources can perform activities.

  46. Resource Taxonomy(multiple sources: Survey of Social Science, Economics Series, vol 5, and Wikipedia) Al Natural (Wo)Man Made It’s People!!! Animals Land Oil Coal Systems Buildings Bridges Water Gold Air Skills Doctrine Instructions

  47. Definitions Natural Resources (economically referred to as land or raw materials) occur naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form. (wikipedia) Biotic Resources are obtained from the biosphere, such as forests and their products, animals, birds and their products, fish and other marine organisms. Mineral fuels such as coal and petroleum are also included in this category because they are formed from decayed organic matter. (wikipedia) Abiotic Resources include non-living things. Examples include land, water, air and ores such as gold, iron, copper, silver etc. (wikipedia) Human Resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations. (wikipedia) Capital Resources are man made resources. (need a reference source) Tangible Intangible

  48. High Level Impact We would be able to easily capture animals, oil, water, money, and other things that were previously difficult to classify. Systems and Services should fall under Capitol Resource. Personnel and Organization (Types) would fall under Human Resource.

  49. Backup Slides

  50. State The condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes. Paul’s interpretation: At any moment in time, state is the condition of an object with respect to a time varying property. Report.Status = “Draft” Report.Status = “In review” Report.Status = “Final”

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