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Hiking on Yanzikou Trail, Taroko National Park, TW (台灣太魯閣國家公園 燕子口步道健行)

Yanzikou Trail is a must-see scenic trail for all ages in Taroko National Park.<br>u71d5u5b50u53e3u6b65u9053u662fu592au9b6fu95a3u570bu5bb6u516cu5712u8001u5c11u54b8u5b9cu5fc5u904au7684u666fu89c0u6b65u9053u3002

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Hiking on Yanzikou Trail, Taroko National Park, TW (台灣太魯閣國家公園 燕子口步道健行)

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  1. Hiking on Yanzikou Trail Taroko National Park, TW 台灣 太魯閣國家公園 燕子口步道健行 編輯配樂:老編西歪changcy0326 自動換頁 Auto page forward

  2. Zhuilu Trail Toll Booth 錐麓步道收費亭 The starting point of the Yanzikou Trail is the Zhuilu Trail Platform 雁子口步道起點是錐麓步道平台

  3. The Zhuilu TrailPlatform • 錐麓步道 平台

  4. Shanyue Suspension Bridge (open to the public on August 12, 2020.) 山月吊橋 (2020 年 8 月 12 日對外開放) • Zhuilu Suspension Bridge • 錐麓吊橋

  5. Map of Yanzikou Trail 燕子口步道地圖 Yanzikou Trail ( ) Liwu Creek 立霧溪 To Tianxiang 去天祥 LudanCreek 魯丹溪 The start point of Yanzikou Trail is at 179 km of Central Cross-Island Highway. 燕子口步道起點在中橫公路 179 公里處

  6. Yanzikou Trail The Yanzikou Trail was built on the old Central Cross-lsland Highway, with a total length of 1,372 meters and a walk of about 40 minutes. This is a scenic trail suitable for all ages in Taroko National Park. Most visiters only walk halfway. From the Zhuilu Trail Platform (Entrance of the 179K Trail), walk to Jinheng Bridge. The distance is 600 meters and the journey takes about 20 minutes. The trail runs along Liwu Creek, deep valleys and cliffs, beautiful and spectacular scenery, which is a work of nature. Due to frequent falling rocks, it is recommended to wear a safety helmet (provided for free in the park). 燕子口步道 燕子口步道建在舊的中橫公路上,全長 1,372 公尺,步行約 40 分鐘。是太魯閣國家公園一條老少咸宜的景觀步道。 大部分遊客只走一半,從 錐麓步道平台 (179K 步道入口),步行到 靳珩橋,距離 600 公尺,行程約 20 分鐘。 步道沿立霧溪而行,深深的山谷和懸崖峭壁,風景優美,景色壯觀,為大自然鬼斧神工之作。 由於經常發生落石,建議戴上安全帽 (公園免費提供)。

  7. Visitors must wear safety helmets when hiking on the park trails. 遊客在公園步道健行務必戴上安全帽。

  8. Shanyue Suspension Bridge 山月吊橋 • Zhuilu Suspension Bridge • 錐麓吊橋 Liwu Creek 立霧 溪

  9. Yanzikou Stone Tablet 燕子口石碑

  10. There are holes in the cave, the main cave is open to vehicles, and the auxiliary cave is for tourists to walk. 洞中有洞,主洞通車輛,副洞供遊人觀景。

  11. There are many potholes in the marble cliffs of Taroko Gorge, which is the result of long-term erosion of creek and ground water. Swallows often forage and nest here, hence the name “Yanzikou(Swallow Grotto)”. • 太魯閣峽谷的大理石峭壁上有許多壺穴 (坑洞),這是溪流和地下水長期侵蝕的結果。燕子經常在這裡覓食和築巢,「燕子口」因此而得名。

  12. Creekruns through Taroko Gorge, forming a cliff landscape 溪流貫穿太魯閣峽谷,形成斷崖景觀。

  13. Creekruns through Taroko Gorge, forming a cliff landscape 溪流貫穿太魯閣峽谷,形成斷崖景觀。

  14. Cliff inscription "flying swallows welcome guests" 石壁題字「飛燕迎賓」

  15. The intersection of Liwu Creek and its tributary Ludan Creek 立霧溪與支流魯丹溪 (左) 交會處

  16. Along the way, you can only see some fake swallows here, sticking to the iron fence barrier that prevents falling rocks. 沿途只有在這裡看到一些假燕子,粘貼在防落石的鐵栅欄上。

  17. Did you see the Indian Chieftain Rock? 看到 印地安酋長岩 了嗎?

  18. Find it again, by the water. 再找一遍,在水邊。

  19. Viewing platformof Jinheng Park • 靳珩公園 觀景平台

  20. Jinheng Park 靳珩公園

  21. Photo from www Jinheng Park viewing platform is the best place to appreciate the Indian Chieftain Rock. 靳珩公園 觀景平台是欣賞印地安酋長岩最佳位置。

  22. Indian Chieftain Rock: The sunken eye, bridge of the nose, chin, and face dimple are clearly identifiable, and the plants above are like the Indian feather cap. Lifelike and amazing. 印地安酋長岩:下凹的睛眼、鼻樑、下巴、酒窩都清晰可辨,上方的植物像是印地安人的羽冠,維妙維肖,令人稱奇。

  23. The supervisor Jinheng Monument It is memorial to supervisor Jinheng who died during the construction of the Central Cross-Island Highway. 靳珩段長紀念碑:紀念中橫公路建設中殉職的段長靳珩。

  24. Jinheng Park 靳珩公園

  25. Blue Brewing Pavilion 釀碧亭

  26. Monument to workers who died in construction of Central Cross-lsland Highway 開闢中部橫貫公路殉職人員紀念碑

  27. Yanzikou Trail • 燕子口步道 Jinheng Bridge靳珩橋 Ludan Creek 魯丹溪 Liwu Creek 立霧溪

  28. Leaving Jinheng Park 離開靳珩公園

  29. Jinheng Park 靳珩公園

  30. Jinheng Bridge

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