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Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in the Andromeda Galaxy

Phases of the ISM Heidelberg, July 29 – Aug 1, 2013. Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in the Andromeda Galaxy. Andreas Schruba California Institute of Technology Adam Leroy, Karin Sandstrom , Fabian Walter, Alberto Bolatto , Nick Scoville , Julianne Dalcanton.

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Interstellar Medium and Star Formation in the Andromeda Galaxy

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  1. Phases of the ISM Heidelberg, July 29 – Aug 1, 2013 Interstellar Medium and Star Formationin the Andromeda Galaxy Andreas Schruba California Institute of Technology Adam Leroy, Karin Sandstrom, Fabian Walter, Alberto Bolatto, Nick Scoville, Julianne Dalcanton

  2. Regulation of Star Formation in Molecular Gas Ringberg, June 24-28, 2013

  3. CO Map from IRAM 30m 500pc Brick 15 IRAM 30m: 85 pc x 2.5 km/s rms ~ 30 mK

  4. CO Map from CARMA 500pc Brick 15 CARMA: 175 hours 335 p mosaic 20 pc x 1 km/s rms ~ 250 mK

  5. Cloud Decomposition 500pc Brick 15 • CPROPStoo • Rosolowsky & Leroy 2006; • Leroy et al. (in prep) • locate “islands” • break into “clouds” • get moments & flux

  6. Cloud Decomposition 500pc Brick 9

  7. Cloud Decomposition 500pc Brick 21

  8. Cloud Properties I Radius Velocity Dispersion Limit Limit Brick 15 Brick 9 Peak Temperature Limit Aspect Ratio

  9. Cloud Properties II Luminous Mass Virial Parameter Limit Limit Virial Mass ‘Larson’ Parameter Limit Gravitational Stability Brick 15 Brick 9

  10. Linewidth – Size Relation spirals dwarfs outer disk

  11. Luminosity – Radius Relation spirals dwarfs outer disk

  12. Larson’s “Parameter” What controls nature of clouds (ieoffsets)? … concordance of properties for neighboring clouds? fixed external pressure (Field et al. 2011) outer disk spirals dwarfs

  13. Concordance of Cloud Nature? 500pc avg cloud properties (σ2/l) for neighboring clouds

  14. Concordance of Cloud Nature? Distance H2 Surface Density @ 200pc SFR Surface Density @ 200pc Cloud Mass

  15. Cloud Motions

  16. Concordance of Cloud Motions? Distance H2 Surface Density @ 200pc SFR Surface Density @ 200pc Cloud Mass

  17. Grad: Alexia Lewis (U Washington) PHAT SF Histories Poster Brick 16 Brick 15

  18. Grad: Lori Beerman (U Washington) PHAT Cluster Catalog

  19. Julianne Dalcanton (U Washington) PHAT Extinction Map Extinction AV= 1, 2, 3 mag

  20. Julianne Dalcanton (U Washington) PHAT Extinction Map Extinction Brick 15 Figure Credit: Cheoljong Lee (UVA)

  21. Bruce Draine (Princeton) PHAT Extinction Map Dust Mass Figure Credit: Cheoljong Lee (UVA)

  22. Grad: Cheoljong Lee (U Virginia) PHAT Extinction Map Atomic Gas Extinction Molecular Gas Figure Credit: Cheoljong Lee (UVA)

  23. Regulation of Star Formation in Molecular Gas Ringberg, June 24-28, 2013 Final CARMA Survey pointings: 1500 area: 0.1 deg2 ~ 15 kpc2 beam: 20pc x 1 km/s clouds: 500-1000 completion: end 2013

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