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R sistance aux anti-plaquettaires Les outils de la mesure

. . Introduction. La litt?rature a montr? l'existence fr?quente d'une h?t?rog?n?it? de la r?ponse plaquettaire et de l'impact biologique de ces traitements. De nombreux tests sont utilis?sUne "r?sistance"?? l'Aspirine et/ou au Clopidogrel a souvent ?t? ?voqu?e mais diff?rentes d?finitions et dif

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R sistance aux anti-plaquettaires Les outils de la mesure

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    14. The VerifyNow System has been designed for ease of use. Any test for the system is based on two simple steps: Step 1: Insert cartridge The analyzer identifies the assay type and displays the information on screen. Step 2: Insert sample tube The vacutainer tube with whole blood sample is inserted with the stopper end down into the cartridge. The VerifyNow Analyzer then automatically processes the sample. The result is available in less than five minutes. Since the cartridge and sample are disposed of as one component, the user is never exposed to blood during the testing process. The VerifyNow System has been designed for ease of use. Any test for the system is based on two simple steps: Step 1: Insert cartridge The analyzer identifies the assay type and displays the information on screen.

    15. As described in the previous slide, the VerifyNow process that occurs in the mixing chamber/detection well mimics platelet aggregation in the body. When the agonist activates the platelets, these platelet bind to fibrinogen-coated microparticles and result in aggregation. This is similar to the actual steps that occur in vivo, as shown in the figures at the bottom.As described in the previous slide, the VerifyNow process that occurs in the mixing chamber/detection well mimics platelet aggregation in the body. When the agonist activates the platelets, these platelet bind to fibrinogen-coated microparticles and result in aggregation. This is similar to the actual steps that occur in vivo, as shown in the figures at the bottom.

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