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The Von Trapp’s

The Von Trapp’s. By: Kellie Trammel. Georg Von Trapp. Born in April 4, 1880. Died May 30, 1947. (67)

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The Von Trapp’s

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  1. The Von Trapp’s By: Kellie Trammel

  2. Georg Von Trapp • Born in April 4, 1880. Died May 30, 1947. (67) • His father, August Ritter Von Trapp, was a Naval officer. His mother, Hedwig Wepler Von Trapp. He had an older brother, Werner von Trapp, died in World War 1 in 1915. His older sister, Hede von Trapp, is a famous artist. • Georg married me, Agathe Whitehead and we had 7 kids.

  3. Maria Augusta Kutschera • Born in 26 January 1905. Died 28 March 1987. (82) • She was orphaned before her 7th birthday and graduated from the State Teachers College for Progressive Education in Vienna at age 18, in 1923. She wanted to become a nun, so she entered in Nonnburg Abbey. • She was then asked to tutor one of the children of the Von Trapp family.

  4. Maria & Georg • Maria came to the Von Trapp family in 1926 as a tutor for one of the kids. Georg was married to Agathe Whitehead von Trapp, who was dying from Scarlet fever. • Maria and Georg married in November 26, 1927. She married him because she fell in love with the children, not Georg.

  5. The Von Trapp kids • Mine & Georg kids: Georg & Maria’s kids: • Rupert Von Trapp (1911-1992) Rosmarie Von Trapp (b.1921) • Agathe Von Trapp (1913-2010) Eleonore Von Trapp (b. 1931) • Maria FranziskaVon Trapp (b. 1914) Johannes Von Trapp (b. 1939) • Werner Von Trapp (1915–2007) • Hedwig Von Trapp (1917–1972) • Johanna Von Trapp (1919–1994) • Martina Von Trapp (1921-1951)

  6. Financial Problems • In 1939 Georg Von Trapp found himself financially ruined. He had transferred his savings, held until then by a bank in Austria. The bank failed due to a worldwide depression. • To survive, the Trapps sent away most of their servants, moved into the top floor of their home and rented out the empty rooms out to students of a Catholic University. The archbishop sent Father Franz Wasner to stay with them as their chaplain and they started singing.

  7. Music • LotteLehmann heard the family sing, and said they should perform in concerts. • After performing at a festival in 1935, they became a popular touring act. • Shortly before the German annexation of Austria in 1938, the family traveled to Italy and then to the United States for a concert tour, and their home was confiscated by the Nazis.

  8. The USA • In the 1940’s the family moved to Stowe, Vermont. • The ran a music camp when they were not touring. • 1944 Maria and her stepdaughters applied for U.S. citizenship. • Georg never applied to become a citizen. • Rupert and Werner became citizens by serving during World War ll • Rosmarie and Eleonor became citizens by their mother’s citizenship. • Johannes was born in the United States during a concert tour in Philadelphia.

  9. The sound of music • In 1965 they made a movie about the Von Trapps. Though I was never mentioned in it… I am still very proud.

  10. LInks • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_von_Trapp • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Ludwig_von_Trapp • http://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=571&q=maria+von+trapp&oq=Maria+Vo&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.1531.4750.0.6203.

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