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Medical Terminology

This review provides an overview of medical terminology and abbreviations commonly used in the field of anatomy and physiology. It covers topics such as catheter insertion, D&C procedure, EKG recording, foreign body airway obstruction, gallbladder function, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, incision and drainage, kidney and bladder imaging, laparotomy, laxatives, nasogastric tube usage, and eye care. Helpful for healthcare professionals and students.

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Medical Terminology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Medical Terminology Abbreviations Week 1

  2. A & P Anatomy and Physiology Anterior and Posterior

  3. bid Twice a day

  4. cath catheter hollow tube inserted into a body cavity to instill or remove fluids

  5. D & C surgical procedure. cervix is dilated (widened) and the lining of the uterus is scraped away Dilation and currettage

  6. EKG or ECG Electro- cardiogram Electrical recording of the heart

  7. FBAO Foreign body airway obstruction

  8. GB Gallbladder Organ found below the liver. Stores bile.

  9. H & H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Hemoglobin: Amount of iron in the blood. Hematocrit: % of solid to liquid in the blood

  10. I & D Incision and Drainage

  11. KUB Kidneys, ureter and Bladder

  12. LAP Laparotomy Cut into the abdominal cavity

  13. MOM Milk of Magnesium A laxative

  14. NG Naso- gastric Nose, stomach

  15. od Right eye

  16. pc After meals

  17. Review I love my A & P class! Anatomy and Physiology

  18. Review Insert cath before GB surgery. Catheter gallbladder

  19. Review EKG, H & H in the am. electrocardiogram Hemoglobin and hematocrit

  20. Review I & D lession rt arm. Incision and drainage right

  21. Review KUB x-ray today. Kidney, ureter, bladder

  22. Review Schedule exploratory lap on 8-28-08. laparotomy

  23. Review MOM 2 ounces if no BM by tomorrow am. Milk of Magnesium

  24. Review Optia clear 2 drops od bid. Right eye Twice a day

  25. Review Ensure 4 ounces per NG bid. nasogastric Twice a day

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