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General Purpose

General Purpose. INFORM ENTERTAIN PERSUADE. How Adults Learn. Adults learn better when they are motivated by the topic, the facilitator the training tools used

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General Purpose

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  2. How Adults Learn • Adults learn better when they are motivated by the topic, the facilitator the training tools used Adults will learn better in an atmosphere of support, trust and empathy

  3. Role of Facilitator it is your responsibility to share your knowledge and to provide examples of real life experiences as you see necessary. You are the Change Agent

  4. Time Management

  5. CONTENTS • Introduction • Knowing your management style • Prioritization • Dealing with procrastination • Power tools for time management

  6. Benefits of time management Efficient Successful Healthy

  7. Obstacles to effective time management Unclear objectives Disorganization Inability to say “no”

  8. Obstacles to effective time management Interruptions More interruptions Periods of inactivity

  9. Obstacles to effective time management Too many things at once Stress and fatigue All work and no play

  10. What can we do?

  11. Time is a Non Renewable Resource • Once it is gone, it is gone. • You will never see this moment again. You can make money; you can’t make time. An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time (Chinese proverb).

  12. Management M E N Manage T I M E

  13. 1. The Present

  14. 1. The Present Yesterday is History Tomorrow’s a Mystery But Today is a Gift That’s Why They Call it The Present

  15. 2. 86,400

  16. Picture this: Each day your bank deposits $86,400 in your checking account. You have to spend it all in one day. You can’t carry over any money to the next day. Eighty Six Thousand Four Hundred

  17. What would you do? • You’d spend it all, Right?

  18. 24 hours per day X 60 minutes per hour X 60 seconds per minute = 86,400 Seconds

  19. Every Second Counts • Spend every second in an efficient and productive way • If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours.

  20. To Realize the Value of: • ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. • ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. • ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. • ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed. • ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. • ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. • ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident. • ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

  21. Knowing Your Time Management Style Exercise 1

  22. PRIORATIZATION To arrange or list a group of things in order of priority or importance It helps you to allocate your time where it is most-needed and most wisely spent, freeing you and your team up from less important tasks that can be attended to later. Or quietly dropped.

  23. The ABC System The ABC system is the “grandfather” of prioritizing strategies. In a nutshell, it says that all tasks can—and should—be given an A, B, C value

  24. A tasks A tasks are those that must be done, and soon. When accomplished, A tasks may yield extraordinary results. Left undone, they may generate serious, unpleasant, or disastrous consequences. Immediacy is what an A priority is all about.

  25. B tasks B tasks are those that should be done soon. Not as pressing as A tasks, they’re still important. They can be postponed, but not for too long. Within a brief time, though, they can easily rise to A status.

  26. C tasks C tasks are those that can be put off without creating dire consequences. Some can linger in this category almost indefinitely. Others—especially those tied to a distant completion date—will eventually rise to A or B levels as the deadline approaches. Exercise 2

  27. The Index Card/Post-it System • Write each of your duties on a separate index card • Then place them in order of importance or needed action. • These systems of prioritizing have two considerable advantages. First, they permit a team of people to prioritize, because a number of people can, at once, see and manipulate tasks. • Second—and more important—they enable you to see at a glance, without rummaging around on your desk for a list, exactly what your next task should be, saving a few moments of your precious time.

  28. The Inventory System • is primarily results-oriented • the inventory approach assumes that you learn the most by reviewing how you handled the day, then applying what you learned to the next day’s behavior. • Evaluating the relative productivity of each day’s activities is central to this system.

  29. The Payoff System • The payoff approach certainly fits well into a long tradition of viewing time as a sort of currency. • “Time is money,” Exercise3:

  30. The Pareto Principle • the idea is that by doing 20% of work you can generate 80% of the advantage of doing the entire job

  31. PARETO ANALYSIS IS A SIMPLE TECHNIQUE THAT HELPS YOU TO IDENTIFY THE MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM TO SOLVE. • To use it: • List the problems you face, or the options you have available • Group options where they are facets of the same larger problem • Apply an appropriate score to each group • Work on the group with the highest score


  33. The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness

  34. Causes of Procrastination Internal Causes External Causes

  35. Internal Causes These are primarily inner rooted • Fear of Change • Addiction to Cramming • Tendency to over commit • Fear of Failure

  36. External Causes your environment can impose procrastination on you. • Overwhelming tasks • Unclear task flow • Unclear goals • Unpleasant tasks

  37. Power Tools for Time Management Five Essential questions when choosing any time-saver, whether electronic or paper based, ask yourself five questions: 1. Do I need it? 2. Do I need all its features? 3. Is it user-friendly? 4. How reliable is it? 5. Will it become outmoded too quickly?

  38. The Ultimate Tool Your Environment

  39. Is The Jar Full? • Stephen Covey in his book, First Things First, shares the following story experienced by one of his associates:I attended a seminar once where the instructor was lecturing on time. At one point, he said, "Okay, time for a quiz." He reached under the table and pulled out a wide-mouthed gallon jar. He set it on the table next to a platter with some fist-sized rocks on it. "How many of these rocks do you think we can get in the jar?" he asked.

  40. After we made our guess, he said, "Okay. Let's find out." He set one rock in the jar . . . then another . . . then another.  I don't remember how many he got in, but he got the jar full. Then he asked, "Is this jar full?"  Everyone looked at the rocks and said, "Yes."

  41. Then he said, "Ahhh" He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. Then he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar and the gravel went in all the little spaces left by the big rocks. Then he grinned and said once more, "Is the jar full?"

  42. By this time the class was on to him. "Probably not," we said.  "Good!" he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in and it went into all of the little spaces left by the rocks and the gravel. Once more he looked and said, "Is this jar full?"  "No!" we roared. 

  43. He said, "Good!" and he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in. He got something like a quart of water in that jar. Then he said, " Well, what's the point?"  Somebody said, "Well, there are gaps, and if you work really hard you can always fit some more things into your life."

  44. "No," he said, "that's not really the point. The point is this: Put the Big Rocks in First

  45. THANK U!

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