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Animation and Development of Science Education

Animation and Development of Science Education. How animation can be used as a didactic tool in Science !. The target group and its needs Persona of the main target group Approach and structure Suggestions to subjects. Didactical and Science Education. Didactical

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Animation and Development of Science Education

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  1. Animation and Development of Science Education How animation can be used as a didactic tool in Science !

  2. National Centre for Development of Science Education The target group and its needs Persona of the main target group Approach and structure Suggestions to subjects

  3. Didactical and Science Education National Centre for Development of Science Education Didactical "The word (didactical) is often used to refer to texts that are overburdened with instructive or factual matter to the exclusion of graceful and pleasing detail so that they are pompously dull and erudite". (Enc.Brit)

  4. Didactical and Science Education National Centre for Development of Science Education Valuations tied to reasons, selections, organizing and preparing the syllabus

  5. Key questions National Centre for Development of Science Education What ? Why ? How ? Who is the pupil ? Svein Sjøberg

  6. The Danish Curriculum in Science Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik

  7. The Danish Curriculum in Science Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik The close by surrounding world The teaching shall leed the pupils towards acquiring knowledge and skills that enable them to undersøge hverdagsfænomener, herunder farver, lys og tyngdekraft beskrive dele af lokalområdet for andre sortere materialer og stoffer efter egne kriterier og enkle givne kriterier demonstrere ændringer af stoffer og materialer, bl.a. smeltning og opløsning beskrive udvalgte dyr og planter kende de naturområder, hvor navngivne planter og dyr lever kende menneskets sanser undersøge enkle kropsfunktioner, herunder bevægeapparatet give eksempler på forhold, der har betydning for deres egen sundhed, herunder søvn, mad og trivsel anvende vigtige regler for god hygiejne undersøge enkle forhold vedrørende vejret kende forhold, der karakteriserer de forskellige årstider

  8. Skills and competences National Centre for Development of Science Education Typology of developing expertise (5 steps) Dreyfus & Dreyfus Developing competences

  9. Skills and competences National Centre for Development of Science Education

  10. Dreyfus & Dreyfustypology of developing expertise (5 steps) National Centre for Development of Science Education Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert

  11. Dreyfus & Dreyfustypology of developing expertise (5 steps) Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik • Novice • Rigid adherence to taught rules or plans • Little situational perception • No discretionary judgment • Advanced Beginner • Guidelines for action based on attributes or aspects. • Situational perception still limited • All attributes and aspects are treated separately and given equal importance

  12. Dreyfus & Dreyfus Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik • Competent • Coping with "crowdedness" • Now sees actions at least partly in terms of longer-term goals • Conscious deliberate planning • Standardized procedures and procedures by routine

  13. Dreyfus & Dreyfus Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik • Proficient • Sees situations holistically rather than in terms of aspects • Sees what is most important in a situation • Perceives deviations from the normal pattern • Decision-making less laboured • Uses maxims for guidance, whose meaning varies according to the situation

  14. Dreyfus & Dreyfus Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik • Expert • No longer relies on rules, guidelines or maxims • Intuitive grasp of situations based on deep tacit understanding • Analytic approaches used only in novel situations or when problems occur • Vision of what is possible

  15. Competences in Science Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik A definition Competences in Science is defined as having knowledge of, understanding, practising and being able to take a critical point of view towards natur, science, natural science and technologiin a diversity of connections in wich they do form parts or will be forming parts of

  16. Competences National Centre for Development of Science Education

  17. A room for learning Camilla, 0.b, The Dragonfly National Centre for Development of Science Education

  18. Room for learning Devino, 0.b, concept formation National Centre for Development of Science Education

  19. Keld Fredens • Biking • French fries • Slug, the gastropod mullusk National Centre for Development of Science Education

  20. The stoat National Centre for Development of Science Education

  21. Teaching for Quality LearningJohn Biggs National Centre for Development of Science Education Cognitive level of learning activities Reflect Apply: far problems Hypothesize Relate to principle Apply : near problems Explain Argue Relate comprehend : main ideas Describe Enumerate Paraphrase Comprehend sentence Identify Name Memorize

  22. Teaching for Quality LearningJohn Biggs 1 Extended Abstract thinking Relational thinking National Centre for Development of Science Education Cognitive level of learning activities Reflect Apply: far problems Hypothesize Relate to principle Apply : near problems Explain Argue Relate Comprehend : main ideas Describe

  23. Teaching for Quality LearningJohn Biggs 2 Multistructural thinking Unistructural thinking National Centre for Development of Science Education Cognitive level of learning activities Describe Enumerate Paraphrase Comprehend sentence Identify Name Memorize

  24. Teaching for Quality LearningJohn Biggs and Poul V. Thomsen, University of Aarhus ● ● ● R1 R2 R3 ● ● ● R National Centre for Development of Science Education Extended abstract Relationel Multistructural Unistructural

  25. 95th percentile PIAGETIAN (BIGGS) LEVEL 3B 90th%ile Formal operational 3A/3B 75th%ile 3A Average 2B* 25th%ile 10th%ile 2B 5th%ile Concrete operational 2A/2B 2A 1B 1A 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 AGE (years) Where are the pupils_ - CSMS-survey: 14.000 pupils – England 1978 Extended abstract thinking Relational thinking Multistructural thinking Unistructural thinking National Centre for Development of Science Education

  26. Alignment a la Biggs (- og sund fornuft) Undervisning/ Mål Evaluering materialer Samme SOLO niveau kende beskrive redegøre forklare analysere anvende formulere anvende ’fjernt’ hypotesere planlægge vurdere Facts-baseret Diskurs-baseret Projekt-baseret Huske-baseret Mono/multi- strukturel Relationel Udvidet abstrakt Diskurs-baseret Projekt-baseret Poul V. Thomsen, University of Aarhus National Centre for Development of Science Education

  27. Poul V. Thomsen, University of Aarhus National Centre for Development of Science Education

  28. National Centre for Development of Science Education

  29. National Centre for Development of Science Education

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