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Unit #6 Exam Review Quiz 2012-2013

Unit #6 Exam Review Quiz 2012-2013. Grade:. «grade». Aquatic Science. Subject:. «date». Date:. 1. Associating a stimulus with a punishment or a reward defines:. A. Classical/Pavlovian Conditioning. B. Imprinting. C. Brood Parasitism. D. Innate Beahvior. 2.

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Unit #6 Exam Review Quiz 2012-2013

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  1. Unit #6 Exam Review Quiz 2012-2013 Grade: «grade» Aquatic Science Subject: «date» Date:

  2. 1 Associating a stimulus with a punishment or a reward defines: A Classical/Pavlovian Conditioning B Imprinting C Brood Parasitism D Innate Beahvior

  3. 2 Male aggression occurs for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT: A The aggression is often used to mask major deficiencies in the male’s genes B The aggression allows for a safer environment for that male’s offspring C The aggression, when correctly applied, ensures paternal certainty D The aggression allows strong males to control large amounts of territory to attract females

  4. 3 All of the following are considered part of cognition EXCEPT: A innate behavior B problem solving C learning D conscious awareness

  5. 4 When considering genetics, which method of reproduction is most beneficial for all males in a population: A monogamy B polygamy C polyandry D promiscuity

  6. 5 Which of the following is FALSE when considering a fixed action pattern: A A fixed action pattern can play an important role in the survival instincts of a species B An animal will break the fixed action pattern if it is not appropriate or can cause damage to the individual or kin C A fixed action patter can be described as a stereotypical innate behavior D A fixed action pattern can play an important role in an individual’s defense of territory

  7. 6 Which of the following is a predictable change for an aquatic species in its resting state A Color becomes more dull to blend in with surroundings B Color becomes brighter to stand out from surroundings C The species will float on top of the water D The species grows poisonous barbs to fend off predators

  8. 7 Cognition (higher-level thinking) includes all of the following, EXCEPT: A Spatial orientation B Self- awareness C Fixed action patterns D Problem Solving

  9. 8 The formation of _________ is directly connected to the start of active predation A Chordates B Craniates C Vertebrates D Chondrichthyes

  10. 9 The embryonic nerve cord, which develops from a fold in the ectoderm, will become the ___________ in adults. A spinal cord B instestines C backbone D mesoderm

  11. 10 Based on morphology, a squid that ambushes its prey from a camouflaged position would most likely have A A small beak B A large number of chromatophores to change color C 3 tentacles instead of 5 D Fewer suction cups on each tentacle than a free-swimming squid

  12. 11 An innate behavior: A must be learned B is developmentally fixed C is developmentally flexible D must be taught

  13. 12 The sockeye salmon has one of nature's most dramatic generational migrations. They spend all of their life in the ocean & then migrate hundred of miles back to the streams in which they were born. This type of migration is called: A catadromous B anadromous C salt-to-fresh polyandrous migration D fresh-to-salt annual migration

  14. 13 The notocord of an embryonic chordate becomes the _________ in adults A spinal cord B digestive tract C mesoderm D backbone

  15. 14 Which of the following would help an aquatic organism that uses brood parasitism as a reproductive method: A hatching before the other eggs in the brood B hatching after the other eggs in the brood C being much larger, as an adult, than the other offspring in the brood D being much smaller, as an adult, than the other offspring in the brood

  16. 15 All of the following describe true timings of a migration, EXCEPT: A Clownfish migrating twice a day from one side of a small coral reef to the other in search of food B Thousands of sting rays migrating from Florida to Mexico each year following their migratory prey C Salmon migrating from the ocean to the freshwater spawning ground of their birth, spawning there, and then dying D A group of species that migrate to shallow waters each night to feed and return to the dark depths before sunrise

  17. 16 Great white sharks have a defined head, strong jaws, and a spinal cord surrounded by vertebrae. These characteristics make sharks craniates, chordates, vertebrates and____________ A Notochordates B Ray-finned fish C Lobe-finned fish D Gnathostomes

  18. 17 The most ancient living organism with a backbone is/are the A lamprey B hagfish C humans D echinoderms

  19. 18 All things being equal, an aquatic species will go for the __________ prey in optimal foraging A Smallest B Largest C Fastest D Slipperiest

  20. 19 Eye spots are often found on or near which fin: A pectoral B caudal C pelvic D first/spinous dorals

  21. 20 Counter shading is used by aquatic species so that A A predator from above will see the contrast of this organism from the deeper water B A predator from below will see the contrast of this organism from the sky above C A predator below this organism will be unable to distinguish this organism from the shallow water and sky above D A predator above this organism will be unable to distinguish this organism from the shallow water and the sky above

  22. 21 The most ancient living organism that is a craniate is the A lamprey B hagfish C human D echinoderm

  23. 22 Action & reaction to stimuli defines A Brood parasitism B Fixed action patterns C False action patterns D Animal behavior

  24. 23 Which of the following is an example of commensalism: A A goat fish sifting through sand, finding, then eating small crustaceans B A clownfish living inside of an anemone C An aquatic flea living off of a pigmy seahorse D A pigmy seahorse using camouflage to hide within a coral

  25. 24 Lobe-finned fish are important for evolution because: A Lobe-finned fish transitioned from calcium phosphate bones to cartilage bones B Lobe-finned fish developed strong pectoral and pelvic fins as precursors to the legs of tetrapods C Lobe-finned fish were the first to develop poisoned dorsal fins D Lobe-finned fish could easily move from fresh water to salt water

  26. 25 All of the following are required for a group of schooling fish to move effectively, EXCEPT: A Optomotor reactions B Vision C A lateral line D Spinous dorsal fins

  27. 26 Which of the following is a catadromous migration: A A freshwater eel migrates to the estuary where it was born to spawn B A salmon migrates from the ocean to the stream where it was born to spawn C A sword fish migrating from the open ocean to the coral reef where it was born in search of mates D A beluga whale migrating from the deep ocean where it feeds to epipelagic waters where it mates

  28. 27 Which of the following is FALSE when considering animal behavior: A Animal behavior can be selected for through population evolution B Animal behavior is defined as an action or reaction to stimuli C Animals behave in a way that maximizes their fitness D Animal behavior requires cognition

  29. 28 Which of the following would be most advantageous for a species who’s offspring need protection, food, territory that can only be provided by multiple males: A Monogamy B Polygyny C Polyandry D In vitro fertilization

  30. 29 When considering a situation in which food is very scarce: A A predator will pursue the largest & most calorie –rich prey B A predator will pursue the fastest prey C A predator will pursue prey of an average size D A predatory will pursue any prey that is available

  31. 30 Which of the following is an aquatic example of classical/pavlovian conditioning: A Great white sharks developing countershading as a form of aggressive resemblance B Cichlids (fish) gathering together at the top of their aquarium at the approximate time that they are usually fed C A flounder blending in with the bottom of the ocean (passive resemblance) in order to hide from predators D A dolphin spending a large amount of time and energy to chase down, kill and consume the largest prey in a shoal of bait fish

  32. 31 All of the following are liabilities of shoaling (group) behavior, EXCEPT: A Individuals within the group are more susceptible to disease B Individuals within the group are more susceptible to parasites C Individuals have a more difficult time finding a mate D The group can be more easily located by intelligent predators

  33. 32 You are tasked with observing changes in behavior within a pod of dolphins found in the Gulf of Mexico. You will be observing: A Phenotypic variations B Genotypic variations C Epigenetic variations D Fixed action patterns

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