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Improving Listening and Speaking with Free Online Tools

Improving Listening and Speaking with Free Online Tools. Katie Bain English Language Fellow Barranquilla, Colombia. Agenda. Principles of Listening and Speaking Instruction “ Computer-Assisted Language Learning” (CALL) and Other Terms to Know Why use Interent-Based Resources ?

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Improving Listening and Speaking with Free Online Tools

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  1. Improving Listening and Speaking with Free Online Tools Katie Bain English Language Fellow Barranquilla, Colombia

  2. Agenda • Principles of Listening and SpeakingInstruction • “Computer-AssistedLanguage Learning” (CALL) and OtherTermstoKnow • Why use Interent-BasedResources? • Learners as Generation Y • MergingPrinciples of Instruction and CALL • Activitiesfor a Gen-Y DominantClassroom

  3. Components of Listening and SpeakingInstruction Meaning-focused input Meaning-focused output Language-focused learning Fluencydevelopment (Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. )

  4. Meaning-focusedInput ReceptiveSkills Students’ mainfocusisonmakingmeaning, understanding, and comprehending the input they are receiving. i + 1 (Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. )

  5. Meaning-focusedOutput ProductiveSkills Thisstrandfocusesonstudentsproducingmeaningfulmeaningfulspeechthatthey can use in thereal world. (Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. )

  6. Language-focused Learning Accuracy Grammar Pronuciation Vocabulary Punctuation Spelling (Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. )

  7. GettingtoFluency Studentsmake the bestpossible use of whattheyalreadyknow. Thestudents’ focusisonconveying and understandingmeaning. (Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. )

  8. Computer-AssistedLanguage Learning • ComputerAidedInstruction (CAI) • The use of computertechnology in the classroom • ComputerAssistedLanguage Learning (CALL) • Computertechnologyforlanguage learning • Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) • The use of the computertechnologytoenhancespeaking, listening, and pronunciationskillsforlanguage learning (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  9. MergingInstructionalPrinciples and CALL

  10. 1981-1999

  11. Generation Y • Gen Yers … • are Digital Natives • wanttoworksmarter, notharder • are kinesthetic and visual • are feedbackdependent • loveentertainment and games • customizetasks • seek a purpose and passion (Reilly, Peter. "Understanding and teaching Generation Y." English Teaching Forum. 1 (2012): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  12. Online Listening and Speaking Tools • Receptive Done by single or single group of users. Studentsreceiveinformationfromtext, images, audio or video. • Interactive Twoor more usersinteract at the same time. Studentsspeak and respondtoothers in real time. (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  13. Activitiesfor a Gen-Y DominantClassroom BeginningStudents IntermediateStudents AdvancedStudents (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  14. BeginningLevelActivity • Listen to an audiofile as a class • Ask students a “gist” question: Example: Was the storyaboutthe Internet ornewspapers? • Listen again and again, withreadinessprompts Example: Listen for…theprediction of thefuture of thenewspaper. List at leastoneprediction. Example: On the Media (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  15. IntermediateLevelActivities Teachers prepare T/F ormultiplechoicequestionsbeforelisteningto an audiofile Studentswork in pairsorgroupstocreate a headlinefor a story Students script and record theirownnarrationto match a topic. Write a HeadlineforThisStory http://www.onthemedia.org/ (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  16. AdvancedLevelActivities • Students re-write and record a more simplifiedversion of an audio segment. • Studentsdiscussto compare and contrasttwo audio files on the samesubject. Example: Listen to a storyon the samesubjectfrom CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. Compare and contrastthedifferences in thewaynewsispresentedorhowdifferentnetworkspresentthesametopic. CNN IRS Scandal Fox News IRS Scandal MSNBC IRS Scandal (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  17. Websites for Activities Ready-to-Go Create-Your-Own www.esl-lab.com www.literacynet.org/cnnsf www.americanenglish.state.gov http://www.voanews.com/ http://www.npr.org/ http://edition.cnn.com/ http://tv.msnbc.com/ http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/kids/ http://www.timeforkids.com/photos-video

  18. InteractiveListening/ChattingOptions www.englishclub.com/esl-chat www.eslcafe.com Skype Google Hangout Facebook Chat or Video Chat Global Schoolhouse (Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  19. More ActivitiesConsider the level of each and howthey are tailoredforGeneration Y. • CooperativeListening • Students listen to a newsquiporstoryseveral times. • Studentsworktogethertoanswerquestions and discusslisteningstrategies. • Example: http://StoryCorp Story (Reilly, Peter. "Understanding and teaching Generation Y." English Teaching Forum. 1 (2012): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.)

  20. Action-Packed Video Clip Show an action-packed video clip. Havestudentswrite and then share sentencesaboutthemwithpartners and then as a class. Example: Indiana Jones Stunts (Reilly, 2012)

  21. Songs Studentsbringsongstoclass and bringclozeactivityhandoutsforthem. (Reilly, 2012)

  22. DigitallyRecordingStudentSpeech Havestudents record and uploadpresentationson Youtube. Record short utterances in class and havestudentssend the videos toeachother and prepare and record responses as homeworkorclasswork. (Reilly, 2012)

  23. CommunityMemberTalk Invite a friendorcolleagueto the class in personorviaskypetodiscuss a topicthatisimportantto the class (the environment, publichealth, education, crime, etc.). Broadcast a Ted Talk. Use the talk as a springboardfordiscussion and research in yourclassroom. http://www.ted.com/ (Reilly, 2012)

  24. Whatother ideas do you have? Work in partners. Use yourcellphonesto record other ideas forusing the Internet toimprovestudentSpeaking and Listeningusing Online Tools. Email themto ktbain53@gmail.com. Videos willbeuploadedto my blog! (Yourconsentisnecessarybeforedoing so! )

  25. Sources Chinnery, George M. . "Speaking and Listening Online: A Survey of Internet Resources." English Teaching Forum. 43.3 (2005): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013. Lowrey, Annie. "Do millenials stand a chance in the real world?." New York Times 31 March 2013, Sunday MM12. Web. 19 May. 2013. Luzon Marco, Maria Jose. "Internet Content-Based Activities for English for Specific Purposes." English Teaching Forum. 1.1 (2002): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013. Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. Reilly, Peter. "Understanding and teaching Generation Y." English Teaching Forum. 1 (2012): n. page. Web. 15 May. 2013.

  26. THANK YOU! Katie Bain ktbain53@gmail.com www.elfellowkbain.wordpress.com www.americanenglish.state.gov

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