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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 为什么马要站着睡觉呢?. Why Do Horses Sleep Standing up?. Horses often sleep standing up, and most of them sleep in the daytime. Why? Because they are prey animals and they often don’t feel safe if they sleep on the ground.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 为什么马要站着睡觉呢? Why Do Horses Sleep Standing up? Horses often sleep standing up, and most of them sleep in the daytime. Why? Because they are prey animals and they often don’t feel safe if they sleep on the ground.

  3. Horses have long legs, straight backs and big bodies, so they can’t get up very fast. A lion or tiger may attack while a horse sleeps on the ground. Sometimes horses lie down on the ground and take a short nap to rest their legs. But when they do this, one horse in the group will stay on his feet to guard his friends. Next time, when you find a horse standing up, don’t bother it! Maybe it is sleeping.

  4. 快来制做属于你的照片印章吧! Stamp Camera What’s this? A camera or a stamp? Ha! You can take pictures with this stamp camera, and then stamp them on the paper. Nice!

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 attack /='t7k/ v. 攻击,袭击 while /waIl/ conj. 当……的时候 nap /n7p/ n.打盹,小睡 rest /rest/ v.休息,放松 guard /G1:d/ v.守护,守卫 bother /'b^8=/ v.打扰 maybe /'meIbI/ adv.大概,可能

  6. most of ... ……中的大多数 in the daytime 在白天 prey animals 被捕食的动物,猎物 straight back 笔直的背部 stay on one’s feet 保持站立姿势

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. 纸盒人Danbo是我最心爱的玩具! My Favourite Toy,Danbo

  9. What is my favourite toy? Let me tell you. It is Danbo. Danbo is a little cardboard doll. But in fact, he is made of plastic. His head and body are rectangles. His eyes are circles and his mouth is a triangle.

  10. He looks so cute that I like to take photographs of him. I always take him along with me. I put him on the grass, on the bench or beside the window. I think Danbo is curious about the world. He likes to play, and so do I. Danbo is not only my favourite toy, but also my best friend.

  11. 每个孩子都有自己最心爱的玩具,你呢? What’s Your Favourite Toy?

  12. 考考你: 请将玩具的描述与其对应的图片和英语名称连线。

  13. ★ Bob’s favourite toy looks like a robot. Its arms and feet are flexible. ★ Lucy’s favourite toy is soft and fluffy. It has a red heart.

  14. ★ Tina’s favourite toy wears a beautiful dress. ★ Jimmy’s favourite toy can run. And there is a little man sitting in it.

  15. 寒冷的除夕夜,街边蜷缩着一个卖火柴的小女孩……寒冷的除夕夜,街边蜷缩着一个卖火柴的小女孩…… The Little Match-Seller It was so cold on New Year’s Eve. The snow was falling fast. A poor little girl huddled up in the street. She was a little match-seller. Her hands were frozen with the cold. So she lit a match to warm her fingers. Ah! Through the light, she saw a stove. How warm the fire was! But soon, the match went out and the stove vanished.

  16. The little girl lighted a bunch of matches. This time, she saw her old grandmother. “Oh, take me with you,” cried the little girl. “I know you will go away when the matches go out.” Then Grandmother took the girl in her arms. And they flew into the sky. The next morning, people found the dead girl. She was smiling. She had gone to a place with no cold and hunger any more.

  17. 讲学指导 Culture “现代童话之父”安徒生 安徒生(1805—1875),丹麦19世纪著名童话作家,世界文学童话创始人,一生创作了无数脍炙人口的童话故事。我们在课文中学过的The Ugly Duckling(《丑小鸭》)以及本期报纸上的The Little Match-Seller(《卖火柴的小女孩》)都是他的著名作品。 安徒生的童话创作分早、中、晚三个时期。早期童话大多充满幻想乐观的精神,如《丑小鸭》、《拇指姑娘》。中期的童话幻想成分减少,现实成分增加,如《卖火柴的小女孩》。而晚期的童话则更加现实,着力描写底层民众的悲苦命运,揭露社会的阴冷和人间的不平,如《她是一个废物》、《柳树下的梦》。 如今,安徒生的作品已被译为150多种语言,被誉为“现代童话之父”。

  18. 周周练 请阅读文章并完成判断题,正确的用 “T”表示,错误的用 “F”表示。 The New Story of the Ugly Duckling The ugly duckling is not happy, because Mother Duck and the three small ducklings don’t like him. He has no friends. He swims and swims in the pond. One day, he sees two beautiful big swans. They tell him he is a little swan and he can fly in the sky one day. The ugly duckling is very happy. He swims happily in the pond every day. And he plays with the three ducklings.

  19. The three ducklings soon become big ducks. And the ugly duckling becomes a beautiful black swan. He can fly in the sky. He often comes back to see Mother Duck and the three brother ducks. They are friends now. ( ) 1. The ugly duckling is sad because Mother Duck and the three ducklings don’t like him. ( ) 2. The two big swans know the ugly duckling is a little swan. ( ) 3. The ugly duckling becomes a swan but he can’t fly. ( ) 4. The ugly duckling doesn’t like Mother Duck and he doesn’t come back to see her. ( ) 5. Now the black swan and his brother ducks are friends. T T F F T

  20. Word Bank 超纲词汇 cardboard /'k1:db6:d/n.厚纸板 plastic /'pl7stIk/ n. 塑料 best /best/ adj. 最好的,good的最高级 poor /pU=/ adj.可怜的,贫穷的 frozen /'fr=Uzn/ adj.冻僵的,极冷的 stove /st=Uv/ n. 火炉 soon /su:n/ adv. 不久,很快

  21. vanish /'v7nI5/ v.消失 dead/ded/ adj.死的 hunger/'h29G=/ n.饥饿 flexible/'fleks=bl/ adj. 可弯曲的 Transformer/tr7ns'f6:m=/ n. 变形金刚 in fact 事实上 be made of 由……制成 take along 随身带着 be curious about 对……感到好奇

  22. so do I 我也是,我也一样 not only ... but also ... 不仅……而且…… The Little Match-Seller 《卖火柴的小女孩》,安徒生著名童话 match=火柴,seller=卖方,售货者 New Year’s Eve 新年前夜 huddle up 蜷缩 go out 熄灭 a bunch of 一束 not ... any more 不再……

  23. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  24. 学习之余,别忘了关心一下时事哦! Did You Hear the News? Klaus: John, did you see the news today? John: No, what happened? Klaus: There was a big earthquake in Japan. John: Oh, my God! Klaus: The Japanese Prime Minister was on the news talking about it this morning. And they said two people were killed.

  25. John: Oh, that’s terrible. Klaus: Yes, I can’t believe you haven’t heard about it. They were talking about it on CNN all day. John: Oh, I don’t watch TV often. Klaus: Don’t you watch the news? John: No, I usually read the news online, but I didn’t have time to turn on my computer today.

  26. My Kite My kite is white, My kite is light, My kite is in the sky! Now left, now right, Now low, now high, You see the kite, You see it, you and I.

  27. Beats me. “这句话难道是“打我”的意思吗?错啦!在这里,beat的确有“打”的意思,不过它表示“打败”。所以这句话的真正含义是“你考倒我了”或者“我不知道”。 Sam: Do you know the answer of this question? Jam: Beats me.

  28. Word Bank 超纲词汇 happen /'h7p=n/ v.发生 earthquake /'+:0kweIk/ n.地震 Japan /d3='p7n/ n. 日本 kill /kIl/ v. 杀死 believe /bI'li:v/ v.相信 online /'^nlaIn/ adv. 在网上

  29. Oh, my God! 天哪!(常用于口语) Japanese Prime Minister 日本首相 talk about 谈论 CNN 美国有线电视新闻网,它的英文全称是Cable News Network turn on 打开

  30. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  31. 国王和男孩成了好朋友。 A Flower a Day (II)

  32. Word Bank 核心词汇 use /ju:s/ n.用途

  33. The boy wanted to tell the king he took the flowers. However, his friend told him to be quiet. The boy was afraid. But when the king came near, he confessed. As soon as the boy said he took the flowers, the king went red with anger. However, after he heard that the boy gave the flowers to a girl, he smiled and said, “I couldn’t have thought of a better use for my flowers!” And, from that day, the boy and the king became good friends. They went to the vase and took two of those lovely flowers. One for the girl, and the other for the queen.

  34. Word Bank 超纲词汇 however /haU'ev=/ adv.然而 king /kI9/ n.国王 confess /k=n'fes/ v.坦白, 承认 anger /'79G=/ n.愤怒, 怒火 better /‘bet=/ adj.更好的, good的比较级 vase /veIs/ n. 花瓶 queen /kwi:n/ n. 王后

  35. as soon as ... 一……就 couldn’t have thought of 不可能想出, thought是think的过去式及过去分词 from that day 从那天起 the other (两个中的)另一个

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