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Welcome to Curriculum Night

Welcome to Curriculum Night. Mrs. Morton and Ms. Kelly Fifth Grade 2014-2015. Who is Ms. Kelly as a person?. Who is Mrs. Morton as a person?. Ms. Kelly’s Homeroom. 7:35 – 7:45 Morning Assembly 7:45 – 8:15 Science Enrichment 8:15 – 9 Science with Ms . Kelly

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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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  1. Welcome toCurriculum Night Mrs. Morton and Ms. Kelly Fifth Grade 2014-2015

  2. Who is Ms. Kelly as a person?

  3. Who is Mrs. Morton as a person?

  4. Ms. Kelly’s Homeroom • 7:35 – 7:45 Morning Assembly • 7:45 – 8:15Science Enrichment • 8:15 – 9Science with Ms. Kelly • 9-10 Math with Ms. Kelly (Adv Math leaves.) • 10–11 Round-up / Enrichment • 11–12:15 Reading, L.A. & Social Studies with Mrs. Morton • 12:15-12:35 Recess • 12:35 - 1:05Lunch • 1:05 – 1:40 Reading, L.A. & Social Studies Continued • 1:45 – 2:35Specials • 2:35 - 2:45 Stack & Pack

  5. Mrs. Morton’s Homeroom • 7:35 – 7:45 Morning Assembly • 7:45 – 8:15Science Enrichment with Mrs. Morton • 8:15 – 10:00Reading, L.A. & Social Studies with Mrs. Morton • 10:00-11:00Round-up/Enrichment • 11:00 – 12:15Math and Science with Ms. Kelly • 12:15-12:35 Recess • 12:35 - 1:05Lunch • 1:05 – 1:40Math and Science Continued • 1:45-2:35 Specials • 2:35 - 2:45 Preparing to go home/Dismissal

  6. What Is Bullying? “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.” OBPP Teacher Guide, p. xii

  7. All students will follow these four anti-bullying rules: • We will not bully others. • We will try to help students who are bullied. • We will try to include students who are left out. • If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

  8. Olweus in the Classroom • The four anti-bullying rules will be taught in all classrooms. • Class meetings will be held where students talk about what bullying is. Students will learn why bullying should not happen. They will also learn to ask an adult for help if they see or experience bullying. • Teachers will use positive and negative consequences for following and not following the four anti-bullying rules. • Teachers will work to make the classroom a positive place for students.

  9. Take-Home Message • It is possible to reduce bullying. • It requires a team effort. • It requires a long-term commitment. Look for more information about the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in the Mustang Messenger.

  10. The Curriculum“The Meat and Potatoes”

  11. Our Goals for Your Child This Year • Enjoy learning • Learn how to study • Be prepared to work hard and see the results • Have firm foundation for middle school • Enjoy social and academic success • To realize that being challenged is a good thing

  12. Reading What will they be learning? Comprehension strategies while reading a wide variety of genres : fiction, biographies, informational text, persuasive text, procedural text Media literacy- different types of media and how they compare, points of view of media sources, effectiveness of media How are we going to do it? mini-lessons on important reading skills,novel units and literature circles where skills are applied and literature is critically discussed,book projects, read-alouds

  13. Math What will they be learning? • Place value • +, -, x (3by2), ÷ (2 by 3) • Fractions – adding, GCF, LCM, reducing, etc. • Geometry – angles, how to use a protractor, types of triangles, finding the missing angle, etc. • Measurement – conversions and comparisons METRIC • Statistics and Interpreting Graphs/Charts/Tables • Probability – ratios • Algebraic Expressions – Solve for (y); (20 – 5) - y = 10 • Problem Solving How are we going to do it? • Games, Real-life connections, Hands on manipulatives, Projects, Good old fashioned practice, Daily warm-up to keep skills fresh • Math Textbook – online resources available at home

  14. Writing and Language Arts What will they be learning? English words derived from Latin, Greek, and other linguistic roots, writing process to write fictional narratives, personal narratives, procedural texts, & persuasive texts, parts of speech, writing conventions, research How are we going to do it? writing notebook and larger writing projects, vocabulary & spelling from Latin & Greek roots (2 spelling tests/9 wks., 1 vocab test/9wks.), multi-sensory grammar

  15. Science What will they be learning? • Scientific method, lab safety, Earth science, physical science, life science and anything else we can get our hands on How are we going to do it? • Experiments • Lab as often as we can • Scientific journal (composition notebook) • Science Fair in Fall • Get our hands dirty and play with science • Vocabulary practice and games

  16. Social Studies What will they be learning? Major units: Colonization, The Revolution, The American Identity, Westward Bound, The Civil War, Conflict Abroad & at Home (World Wars, Great Depression, Women’s Suffrage), U.S.A. Today How are we going to do it? research, writing, individual and group projects, geography, music, technology, graphic organizers

  17. ExpectationsWe have high standards, because we know they can do it!

  18. Fifth Grade Work Policy Goal: • Responsibility • Good work habits • Ease the transition into middle school Homework: • Counts as 10 percent of each subject area’s grade • Average amount of time a 5th grader will spend on homework is 50 minutes per day or 250 minutes per week • Each day, homework should be written in your child's daily planner. Please ask to see the planner each day. This is critical in helping your child learn responsibility. If your child is forgetting to write down assignments, let us know ASAP. • There needs to be a coordinated effort by all of us (parents, teacher, and student) to ensure success. Late Work: • Late papers will be accepted, but points will be deducted from the grade the student earns. Excessively late homework assignments may be assigned a zero! • Work that has not been completed will be completed during recess.

  19. Ms. Kelly’s Homework Reference Guide • Math • Math homework assigned daily Monday-Thursday • Review or redo of items not mastered • Study for quizzes and Tests • Science -Weekly • Motivation Science/Fusion Science due Friday • Study for Vocabulary quiz • Study for quizzes and Tests • Finishing Classwork • Study Hall or Extra Homework • Projects • Science Fair

  20. Mrs. Morton’s Homework Reference Guide • Reading • Should occur nightly • Reading at bedtime is a great routine • Reading log due the first school day of each month for the previous month Studying • Spelling/Vocabulary • Unit tests – Social Studies • Finishing Classwork (individual -- see planner) • Researching/finding informational sources

  21. Rewards for homework Completing homework all week results in: 1. Earning classroom money 2. Enjoying recess with the rest of 5th grade 3. Higher grades and a smarter student 4. A happier teacher :)

  22. Daily Planner Success Step 1- Teacher writes assignments on the board and asks student to copy the assignments into the daily planner. Step 2- Student copies the assignments into daily planner and takes the planner home each day. Step 3- Parents ask to see the planner each day and ground student for life if he/she forgot to take the planner home and/or forgot to write down the assignments. Step 4 – Please let your child’s teacher know right away if you see that assignments are not being recorded.

  23. Planner / Accordion Expectations Planner • Unfinished classwork is additional homework. The student is responsible for recording the assignment in the planner. Accordion • Some items are kept in accordion all year or throughout a unit of study. Please don’t clean out accordion. We will do this every 9 weeks or so in class.

  24. Classroom Discipline Plan – Preventative • Procedures are taught so they know what we expect of them. • Positive reinforcement is always in effect. • $ system to reward their hard work and effort • Engaging activities and lessons to keep them from getting off task • Caring teachers who listen and give mutual respect • Verbal rewards and encouragement

  25. If a student chooses not to follow discipline plan: No news is good news! If your child has a lot of memory joggers, behavior sheets, or we are communicating about behavior concerns this is an indication that your child is losing conduct points.

  26. Copy of Work Policy and Discipline Plan • Full copies of the work policy, discipline plan, and expectations were sent home at Meet the Teacher night. • If need be, let us know, and we can get you another copy . • If you have not returned the signed permission slip page, please do so as soon as possible.

  27. HousekeepingItems

  28. Snacks • Class snack should be healthy • Prefer snacks that do not make a big mess • No assigned time- snack freely!

  29. Birthdays As always: • Celebrations held last Friday of the Month • Please contact homeroom parent if you want to bring something so we can plan for it. • Optional to celebrate with food ***Lakeway Elementary policy**** • Items allowed – one cupcake and water bottle per student • Multiple birthdays – Still only 1 cupcake and 1 bottle of water per student • Drop items by 11:00 in the front office

  30. TxConnect – Grade book • Online grade book that is available to parents • Please be patient – we enter grades as time allows. • If your child has a missing assignment, it will be averaged in as a zero and drastically lower their grade. • Missing assignments will have to be graded and entered into the system – therefore it may not have the most up to date grades. Please email if concerned, but take it with a grain of salt.

  31. Class Websites as a resource • Great way to communicate • Access through Lakeway website then to Teacher Website page

  32. We are looking forA Few Good Volunteers • Please sign up for PTO • Mustang Race to the Finish (no hassle fundraiser) School goal 100% • Fall Field Trip • List of people we can call on for projects

  33. Conferences • October 3rd Friday • Starting at 12:20 until 4:20 • October 8th Wednesday • Starting at 12:20 until 4:20 • Phone conference are also available. Email us if you need a phone or face to face conference. Phone conferences can be made after school or during our conference period. • If this doesn’t work for you, we can schedule a meeting during conference period 1:45 – 2:35(conferences are 15 minutes)

  34. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Loved / Learned Statement?

  35. Thank you for coming! We know this is going to be a successful year!!!

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