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CMPE 473-Internet Programming GROOVY SCRIPTING LANGUAGE. Presented by Seçkin ULUĞ Canan Çelik. Groovy Scripting Language.

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  1. CMPE 473-Internet ProgrammingGROOVY SCRIPTINGLANGUAGE Presented by Seçkin ULUĞ Canan Çelik

  2. Groovy Scripting Language • Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java Platform as an alternative to the Java programming language. It can be viewed as a scripting language for the Java Platform, as it has features similar to those Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. • Groovy uses a Java-like curly bracket syntax which is dynamically compiled to JVM bytecodes and that works seamlessly with other Java code and libraries. • Groovy is currently undergoing standardization via the Java Community Process under JSR-241.In some contexts, the name JSR 241 is used as an alternate identifier for the Groovy language. • Groovy 1.0 was released on January 2, 2007. Groovy 1.1 is currently in beta and supports Java 5 annotations and static imports.

  3. According to the brainchild of superstar developers James Strachan and Bob McWhirter, Groovy is an agile development language that is based entirely on the Java programming APIs. • Groovy is currently in the beginning phase of its Java Specification Request, which was approved in late March of 2004. Groovy is also the scripting language that some claim will forever change the way that Java platform is viewed and utilized.

  4. Basic Properties of Groovy • Groovy is an agile dynamic language for the Java Platform • Builds upon the strengths of Java but has additional power • Makes modern programming features available to Java developers with almost-zero learning curve • Increases developer productivity by reducing structural code when developing web, GUI, database or console applications • continuously integrates with all existing Java objects and libraries • compiles straight to Java bytecode so you can use it anywhere you can use Java

  5. Why Another Language Groovy isn't the only scripting language that is compliant with the JRE. Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk are just three examples of scripting languages that have been successfully ported to the Java platform. This begs the question: Why another language? After all, many of us already combine our Java code with Jython or JRuby for faster application development; why should we learn another language? The answer is that “you don't have to learn a new language to code with Groovy”. Groovy differentiates itself from the other JRE-compliant scripting languages with its syntax and reuse of standard Java libraries. Whereas Jython and JRuby share the look and feel of their ancestors (Python and Ruby, respectively), Groovy feels like the Java language with far fewer restrictions. Groovy employs the features and libraries Java developers are most familiar with.

  6. Agile Development The fundamental tenets of agile development are that code should be well suited to a wide range of tasks and applicable in a variety ofways. Groovy lives up to these tenets by • Making developers free from compilation • Permiting dynamic types • Making easy syntactical constructs • Allowing its scripts to be used inside normal Java applications • Providing a shell interpreter These features make Groovy a remarkably easy language to learn and use, whether you're a seasoned Java developer or newcomer to the Java platform.

  7. Compilation Like many scripting languages, Groovy saves compilation for runtime. This means that Groovy scripts are interpreted when they are run, much like JavaScript is interpreted by the browser when a Web page is viewed. Runtime evaluation comes at a cost in terms of execution speed, which could rule out the use of scripting languages in performance intensive projects, but compilation-free coding offers tremendous advantages when it comes to the build-and-run cycle. Runtime compilation makes Groovy an ideal platform for rapid prototyping, building various utilities, and testing frameworks.

  8. Getting started.. • Groovy requires Java, (1.4 or greater is required). • Groovy can be downloaded from http://dist.codehaus.org/groovy/distributions/ • Add a new System variable with the name GROOVY_HOME and the value of the directory groovy was installed in. • Run groovyConsole.bat by double clicking on the icon in the bin directory of the Groovy distribution. • Type in the groovy console or your groovy file the magical sentence: println "Hello, World!“ • Groovy files can be run (actually compile and then run) by typing groovy file_name.groovy from the command line also Groovy console can be copiled by simply pressing CTRL+R . • As expected, result is: Hello, World!

  9. Running Groovy Files • Running the script Emailer.groovyin Groovy is as easy as typing groovy Emailer.groovy on a command line. If the same Java file (Emailer.java) wanted to be run an extra command: javac Emailer.java, followed by java Emailer should be written. This might seem trivial, you can easily imagine the advantage of runtime compilation in a larger context of application development. • Groovy also permits scripts to drop a main method in order to statically run an associated application.

  10. Groovy does not require the explicit typing of formal languages such as C++ and the Java language. Java static typing: String myStr="Hello World"; Groovy dynamic typing: myStr="Hello World" As it can be seen there is no need to declare the variable type. There is also no need to use a semicolon after the declaration in Groovy.

  11. Polymorphism in Groovy Another concept getting a new meaning in groovy is polymorphism. One can have all the power of polymorphism without inheritance with dynamic typing. class Song{ length name } class Book{ name author } def doSomething(thing){ println "going to do something with a thing named = " + thing.name } Above are two Groovy classes, ‘Song’ and ‘Book’. Both classes contain a name property. The method ‘doSomething’ takes a ‘thing’ and attempts to print the object's ‘name’ property. Since ‘doSomething’ method does not define a type for its input parameter, any object will work so long as the object contains a name property. Both instances of Song and Book can be used as input for ‘doSomething’ like: mySong = new Song(length:90, name:"Burning Down the House") myBook = new Book(name:"One Duck Stuck", author:"Phyllis Root")  doSomething(mySong) Burning Down the House  anotherSomething = doSomethinganotherSomething(myBook) One Duck Stuck

  12. Variables x = 1 println x 1  x = new java.util.Date() println xTue Dec 01 20:20:59 EET 2007 x = false println x false x = "Hi" println x Hi Any String assignment can contain the pattern ${variablename}, and the value of the named variable will be interpolated into the String:  i=42 println “Hello ${i}” Hello 42

  13. Lists myList = [1776, -1, 33, 99, 0, 9763] println myList[0] 1776 println myList.size() 6 aList = ['python', 'ruby', 'groovy'] println aList[-3] python

  14. Maps scores=["Brett":100, "Pete":"Did not finish", “Andrew":86.87934] It should be noted that each of the values stored inthe map is of a different type. println scores["Pete"] Did not finish println scores.PeteDid not finish Map.each method: printMapClosure = { key, value -> println key + "=" + value } ["first" : "1", "second" : "2", "third" :3"].each(printMapClosure) second=2 third=3 first=1

  15. Conditional Execution amPM =Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.AM_PM) if (amPM == Calendar.AM){ println("Good morning") } else{ println("Good evening") } Good evening

  16. Iterators str = "uncle man“ for (ch in str){ println ch } u n c l e m a n

  17. Closures One of the most interesting syntax extension Groovy provides beyond standard Java is what are called closures. This term has been overloaded in a lot of places in computer science, but for now just similar to inner classes. One difference is that variables can be passed in or out; Groovy closures do not constitute a "lexical scope" the way an inner class does. Below example indicates how to break a String into a List and print it one word per line, both the "long way" and using closures. Without closures: x = "When in the course of human events ...".tokenize() for (val in x) println val With closures, default parameter name: "When in the course of human events ...".tokenize().each{ println it }  square = { it * it } [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect(square) [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]

  18. Closures (2) class Dog{ action train(){ action.call() } } sit = { println "Sit, Sit! Sit! Good dog"} down = { println "Down! DOWN!" } myDog = new Dog(action:sit) myDog.train() Sit, Sit! Sit! Good dog mollie = new Dog(action:down) mollie.train() Down! DOWN! [1, 2, 3].each { val = it val += val println val} 2 4 6

  19. Dealing with Files Groovy's java.io.File class has a newReader method that returns a BufferedReader (and newPrintWriter(), which returns a PrintWriter). java.io.File also has eachLine, which opens the file and reads each line.  myFileName = "C:\\temp.txt" myFile = new File(myFileName) printFileLine = { println "File line: " + it } myFile.eachLine( printFileLine ) File line: first line File line: second line File line: third line filename="C:\\temp.txt"; chars=0; lines=0; words=0; new java.io.File(filename).eachLine { chars+=it.length() + 1 words+=it.tokenize().size(); lines++; } println "\t${lines}\t${words}\t${chars}\t${filename}" 3 6 34 C:\temp.txt

  20. Java.java import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class javaVersion{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int chars=0, lines=0, words=0; String filename=args[0]; BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String it; while ((it = r.readLine()) != null) { chars+=it.length() + 1; words+=new StringTokenizer(it).countTokens(); lines++; } System.out.println("\t" + lines + "\t" + words + "\t" + chars + "\t" + filename); } }

  21. Groovy.groovy filename="C:\\temp.txt"; chars=0; lines=0; words=0; new java.io.File(filename).eachLine { chars+=it.length() + 1 words+=it.tokenize().size(); lines++; } println "\t${lines}\t${words}\t${chars}\t${filename}"

  22. Groovy inside the Java • Easy to embed groovy scripts in java applications • Object oriented approach of groovy language • Three ways to use a groovy script inside a java application • Adopting GroovyShell to evaluate groovy expressions • Dynamic loading and using Groovy classes • Using the GroovyScriptEngine to run groovy scripts

  23. GroovyShell Approach • Uses GroovyShell to execute and evaluate groovy scripts • Follow the steps below: • Include groovy libraries in your classpath • Set binding object for passing the parameters to methods • Use evaluate method of shell to run the script

  24. GroovyShell Approach(Example) TestGS.java import groovy.lang.Binding; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; publicclass TestGS { publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) { Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable( “foobar”, new Integer(2) ); GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell( binding ); shell.evaluate( “println ‘Hello Class!’;” + “calendar = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.AM_PM);” + “(calendar == Calendar.AM) ? println(\”Good morning\”) : println(\”Good evening\”);” + “println ‘foobar is ‘ + foobar;” ); } }

  25. Dynamic Loading Approach • Uses GroovyClassLoader to dynamically create and load your groovy classes • No binding objects required • Follow the steps below: • Include groovy libraries in your classpath • Create groovy class script • Use GroovyClassLoader to parse the script and create the class

  26. GroovyShell Approach(Example) • First create your groovy class script( i.e GSquare.groovy ) and then the test code( i.e TestGCL.java ) GSquare.groovy class Gsquare { public int square( int a ) { return a * a } }

  27. GroovyShell Approach(Ex. Cont’d) TestGCL.java package pkgGroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyObject; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException; public class TestGCL { public static void main(String[] args) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(); Class groovyClass = loader.parseClass( new File(“Gsquare.groovy”) ); GroovyObject groovyObject = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance(); // create an instance // set parameters and call a method Object arg = new Integer( 3 ); Object answer = groovyObject.invokeMethod(“square”, arg); System.out.println( answer.toString() ); } }

  28. Dynamic Loading Approach(2) • Alernatively in dynamic class loading approach interfaces can be utilized • Again no binding objects required • Follow the steps below: • Include groovy libraries in your classpath • Create groovy class script • Use GroovyClassLoader to parse the script and create the class

  29. GroovyShell Approach(Example) • In addtion to your class script you should implement an interface to it in java (i.e MyInterface.java) IGSquare.groovy MyInterface.java class IGsquare implements MyInterface { public int square( int a ) { return a * a } } public interface MyInterface { public int square( int a ); }

  30. GroovyShell Approach(Ex. Cont’d) ITestGCL.java package pkgGroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException; public class ITestGCL { public static void main(String[] args) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(); Class groovyClass = loader.parseClass( new File(“IGSquare.groovy”) ); MyInterface myObject = (MyInterface) groovyClass.newInstance(); int answer = myObject.square( 3 ); System.out.println( answer ); } }

  31. GroovyScripEngine Approach • Uses GroovyScriptEngine to run groovy scripts • Follow the steps below: • Include groovy libraries in your classpath • Set binding object for passing the parameters to methods • Define a root that stores your scripts embedded • Use run method of secript engine to run the script

  32. GroovyShell Approach(Example) • Very similar to shell instead this time you run scripts in .groovy files Key Points: • Binding keeps values assigned in these scripts • Tracing of modification of scripts inside the root defined and updating the other dependent scripts accordingly GHello.groovy output = “Hello, ${input}!” foobar = 2

  33. GroovyShell Approach(Ex. Cont’d) TestGSE.java package pkgGroovyScriptEngine; import java.io.IOException; import groovy.lang.Binding; import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine; import groovy.util.ResourceException; import groovy.util.ScriptException; public class TestGSE { public static void main(String[] args) throws CompilationFailedException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String[] roots = new String[] { “./” }; GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(roots); Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable(“input”, “Class”); gse.run(“Ghello.groovy”, binding); System.out.println(binding.getVariable(“output”)); System.out.println( “foobar is “ + binding.getVariable(“foobar”)); } }

  34. Groovy Markup • Support for various markup languages such as: • XML • HTML • SAX • W3C DOM • Ants • Swing UI

  35. XML-Tree Generation • Manages XML-Tree generation • MarkupBuilder() method is used data = [ 'Seçkin': [ 'eBay':7, 'GittiGidiyor':5 ], 'Canan': [ 'eBay':9, 'GittiGidiyor':4 ] ] xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder() xml.people() { for ( entry in data ) { person( name: entry.key ) { for ( e_shop in entry.value ) { online_shop(){ name( e_shop.key ) rating( e_shop.value ) } } } } }

  36. XML-Tree Generation Result <people> <person name='Seçkin'> <online_shop> <name>eBay</name> <rating>7</rating> </online_shop> <online_shop> <name>GittiGidiyor</name> <rating>5</rating> </online_shop> </person> <person name='Canan'> <online_shop> <name>eBay</name> <rating>9</rating> </online_shop> <online_shop> <name>GittiGidiyor</name> <rating>4</rating> </online_shop> </person> </people> Advantages • General syntactical simplicity • Ease of use of closures and iterators

  37. XML-Tree Parsing xml = """<people> <person name='Seçkin'> <online_shop> <name>eBay</name> <rating>7</rating> </online_shop> <online_shop> <name>GittiGidiyor</name> <rating>5</rating> </online_shop> </person> <person name='Canan'> <online_shop> <name>eBay</name> <rating>9</rating> </online_shop> </person> </people>""" people = new groovy.util.XmlParser().parseText( xml ) people.person['@name'] • Similar to Java • Uses XMLParser() method • Advantage: - Much easier to implement compared to Java

  38. GroovySQL • Ease of JDBC programming with power of closures and iterators A simple code that prints the people’s names in the database: import groovy.sql.Sql import java.sql.DriverManager; sql =Sql.newInstance("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=tempdb", "sa", "sa", "com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver" ); sql.eachRow("select * from GroovySQL", { println it.id + " -- ${it.firstName} ${it.lastName} --"} );

  39. Web Development Groovylet • Groovylet is basically the counterpart of a Servlet in Java • Alternative to servlet • Same with Servlet as programming capabilities are considered • Syntactically simple and easy( groovy )

  40. Using Groovylet • Setting system variables and environment • Place the archives groovy.jar and asm.jar into theWEB-INF/libdirectory and configure the buildpath • Insert the following tags to WEB-INF/web.xml file <servlet> <servlet-name>Groovy</servlet-name> <servlet-class>groovy.servlet.GroovyServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Groovy</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.groovy</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>

  41. Groovylet (Example) • Create a simple HTML file that takes username and password from user and do from action "Login.groovy” Login.html <html> <head><title>Login</title></head> <body> <h3>Enter your credentials</h3> <form action="Login.groovy" method=POST> Username: <input type=text name=username size=20> Password: <input type=text name=password size=20> </form></body></html>

  42. Groovylet (Ex. Cont.’d) Login.groovy def username= request.getParameter("username") def password= request.getParameter("password") if (username == "java" && password == "developer") { response.sendRedirect("home.jsp") session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("name", username) } else { println """ <h1>Login Invalid</h1> <p>Your IP has been logged > ${request.remoteHost}</p> """ paramMap = request.getParameterMap() println "<p>You Submitted:</p>" for (entry in paramMap) { println "${entry.key} = ${entry.value}<br/>" } }

  43. Conclusion • Groovy scripting language is in progress. If you are accustomed to use other languages a lot, it is possible for you to find one more language unnecessary but Groovy seems to be a language in competition with our favorite languages and have the potential to take place of them. • In the meantime, Groovy has a lot going for it. It nicely blends some of the most useful features of Ruby, Python, and Smalltalk, while conserving core syntax based on the Java language. For developers familiar with the Java platform, Groovy provides a simpler alternative with almost no ramp-up time. For developers new to the Java platform, it may act as an easy entry point to the more extensive syntax and requirements of the Java language.

  44. References • groovy.codehaus.org/ • http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/09/29/groovy.html • http://www.indicthreads.com/articles/1131/groovy_grails_getting_started_guide.html

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