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Best Quality Green Coffee Malaysia by Cloudcatcher

Under the Project Origin Greens we serve variety of Green Coffee Malaysia that is loved by our customers & we also believe in art of giving & for every 1KG Roasted Coffee Bean Malaysia Sold $1.00 will be donated to charity. For More Details Visit our website https://www.cloudcatcher.asia

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Best Quality Green Coffee Malaysia by Cloudcatcher

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  1. Green Coffee Malaysia, Wholesale Roasted Coffee, Green Coffee Distributors, Coffee Bean Malaysia, Coffee Manufacturer in Malaysia By: Cloudcatcher Asia

  2. TYPES OFCOFFEE Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under highpressure through finely ground, compacted coffee.This process produces an almost syrupy beverage by extracting both solid and dissolvedcomponents.

  3. Turkishcoffee Turkish coffee is a method of preparing coffee where finely powdered roast coffee beans are boiled in a pot (cezve), with added sugar (depending on taste), before being served into a cup where the grounds settle. This method of serving coffee is common throughout the Middle East, NorthAfrica,

  4. Macchiato • Macchiato, means'stained', is an Espresso with a dash of foamed milk. At first sight it resembles a small Cappuccino.

  5. IrishCoffee • Irish coffee (Irish: Caifé Gaelach) is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and brown sugar, stirred, and topped with thick cream. The coffee is drunk through the cream. The original recipe explicitly uses cream that has not been whipped, although whipped cream is often used. Sugar should be brown and not white 3/13/2012

  6. six ounces of hot, fresh brewedcoffee 1 teaspoon of brown sugarfor sweetness 1 ½ ounces of your favorite Irishwhiskey heavycream

  7. Oliang • Commonlyknown as Thai iced coffee, is an iced coffee drink which blends the coffee together with soybeans, corn, sesame seeds, and other additives. It is traditionallybrewed

  8. CafeBreva A cappuccino made withhalf andhalfmilk, insteadofwholemilk

  9. FlatWhite It is a coffee beverage originating from Australia and New Zealand. It is prepared by pouring micro foam(steamed milk from the bottom of a pitcher) over asingleshotor double shotof espresso.

  10. Indian (Madras) filtercoffee It is also known as Filter Coffee is a sweet milky coffee made from dark roasted coffee beans(70%-80%) and chicory (20%-30%), It is served with coffee to milk ratio ofusually 3:1. 3/13/2012

  11. Viennacoffee • A "Vienna coffee" is the name of a popular traditional cream based coffee beverage. Itis made by preparing two shots of strong black espresso in a standard sized coffee cup and infusing the coffee with whipped cream (as a replacement for milk and sugar) until the cup is full. Then the cream is twirled and optionally topped off with chocolate sprinklings. The coffee is drunk through the creamtop

  12. Cafe LatteFreddo • It is a type of cold coffee. Cafe LatteFreddo is an espresso mixed with cold milk in similar proportions as a Cafe Latte that is usually shaken well with ice in a cocktail shaker.

  13. Liqueurcoffee • A liqueur coffee is a coffee drink with a shot of liqueur. It is usually served in a special liqueur coffee glass, often with whipped cream andsugar.

  14. CaféBombon • It is Popular in Valencia, Spain, and spreading gradually to the rest of the country, acafé bombón is an espressoservedwith sweetened condensed milk in a 1:1 ratio. The condensed milk is added tothe espresso.

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