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Parent/Carer Information session

Parent/Carer Information session. Tuesday 11 th September 2018 5 pm. Mission Statement. Enriching Lives Unleashing Possibilities Building Futures

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Parent/Carer Information session

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  1. Parent/Carer Information session Tuesday 11th September 2018 5pm

  2. Mission Statement Enriching Lives Unleashing Possibilities Building Futures At the Opossum Federation, we believe that all pupils deserve high quality education which engages, inspires and challenges; so that everyone meets their full potential. We strive to create a safe and happy learning environment which promotes independence and high expectations of all. We are committed to providing opportunities which promote open mindedness, empathy and celebration of the rich and diverse community which we serve; so that everyone is able to contribute positively to society. We are dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle choices so that our students can meet their physical and emotional needs. We are determined that our students will be successful and will leave us as confident, highly educated pupils.

  3. ParentMail • New platform for the use of: • Sending emails and messages • Gaining consent (educational visits) • Reporting absence • Completing termly meal patterns • Paying for voluntary contributions/school clubs etc. • Download the free app for mobile use- notifications/ emails etc. • Must sign up for a ParentMail account for EACH child • All parentpay (old site) credit (money) will be transferred to ParentMail • ParentMail ‘helpdesk’- am and pm in the playground this week and after this meeting

  4. Curriculum Overviews • Literacy and Maths are taught discretely. The skills of writing are also practised daily through Journal writing (9-9:20am) • Reading is taught during Guided Reading sessions • The curriculum is mapped into topics which are linked to either Geography/ History • PE and music are taught by specialist tutors To view your child's curriculum map please visit the Oakhill website

  5. Phonics: Year 1 onlySATs: Year 2 only Year 1 phonics test: Year 2 SATs tests: Week commencing 11th June 2017 Tests whether children have learnt to decode to an appropriate standard Maths test- arithmetic and reasoning (2 papers) Reading test Grammar, punctuation & Spelling tests Administered and marked by class teachers Take place during May

  6. Statutory assessments Year 6 SATs: • Week commencing 13th May • Reading paper • Grammar, punctuation & spelling x2 papers • Maths: • Arithmetic paper- quick recall of facts required • Reasoning paper x2 To be successful: • 100% attendance • Saturday School, breakfast club, booster groups, • Complete daily home learning • Exemplary attitude and behaviour

  7. Y6 Study Breakfast Club • Daily: 8:15-8:55am • Breakfast (cereal, milk, water & fruit) served between 8:15-8:30am- self-service • Self-register • Enter via Reception, Alders Avenue gate opened at 7:55am • Secondary ready: self- study, organisational skills, punctuality

  8. Y5 Residential programme • Gilwell Park: • 1 night • Gilwell Park, Chingford- travel by train • £45 approx. - £20 deposit Autumn term, final payments by February • Variety of activities- orientation, camp fire, climbing etc. • Collect permission slip and info from the table at the back

  9. Y6 Residential programme • York • 2 nights • York, travel by train • £150 approx.- £20 deposit Autumn term, final payments by March • Variety of activities- orientation, museum visits, York Minster, dinner at a restaurant, shopping, team games (£15 spending money) • More information will be given at designated parent sessions

  10. Reporting to Parents/Carers • Autumn: Open Evening- 27th September to discuss Key Skills and initial progress at the start of the year (NO written report card). There will be an opportunity to view your child’s books • Spring:Annual written report outlining achievement and progress in all areas. Open Evening- March 2019 - opportunity to discuss report • Summer: Written report card outlining levels of achievement. Open evening- July 2019 – opportunity to discuss end of year achievement.

  11. Working in partnership: at home • Learning of number facts, quick recall of TIMES TABLES/Number Bonds- 15 minutes practise daily • Daily reading for at least 15 minutes (asking questions about the text). • Talking with your child about their learning that day, getting them to show you what they have been learning. • Completing Mathletics (Maths revision). • Bug Club • Complete set pages in home learning workbooks (Grammar and/ or Maths) • Home learning projects- half termly (emailed during the first week of term) • Home learning logs- completed daily • Half termly poetry recital • Home Learning information sheets

  12. Write what Maths activity has been completed e.g. practised number bonds to 10 and any other home learning which has taken place Write the name of the book and page numbers read Write completion of Literacy activity Practised recital of poetry Promotion of healthy choices: food swap, exercise, less screen time etc. Teacher and parent signature (not comment)


  14. PE

  15. Educational Visits Visits help to enrich learning by providing real life experiences. Parent volunteers are often essential for school visits –we appreciate your support. Please be sure that you are able to commit before offering to accompany a visit as the trip may have to be cancelled in the event of lack of supervision. Although donations towards trips is voluntary, they cannot go ahead without sufficient contributions.

  16. Health and Medication • Please inform the school about your child’s medical condition. • Some conditions will require an Individual Healthcare Plan which we will develop together. • The only medication which can be administered at school is prescribed medication. These must be signed in/out via the school office and not given to teachers/ children • Please do not keep your child home for minor coughs and colds • No birthday treats allowed in school (for class or individuals)- in class/ playground

  17. Dropping and Collecting your child • Please ensure that you are on time to avoid any distress for your child • If you are unavoidably delayed, please phone the school office to let us know who will be collecting your child. You will be asked to provide a password which the collector will know. • Please ensure that you have informed the school office of all adults you have authorised to collect your child. • All collectors should be at least 16 years old. Please discuss any exceptional circumstances with a school leader • For the safety of all children and adults, please respect the ‘no stopping’ zig zag lines on Alders Avenue and the double yellow lines in Brookfield Path. Allowing children to get out of a car in the middle of the road is very dangerous; please do not stop in the street to drop your child off.

  18. Attendance & Punctuality Poor attendance will affect our Ofsted grading of ‘Outstanding’.

  19. Healthy Lunches • Delicious meals are available every day, cooked in our school kitchen. • All meat is halal. • Vegetarian and meat options are served every day. • School meals are free for all children in Years R, 1 and 2. • Packed lunches must not include sweets, chocolates or fizzy drinks. It should contain fruit/ vegetables. • Nut free school

  20. Positive Behaviour • Platinum Pride programme • Every child begins the day on ‘green’ • Positive learning and social behaviour choices lead to moving up the scale. • Negative learning or social behaviour choices result in moving down the scale. Parents will be telephoned in the event of a ‘red’ behaviour • The school’s expectations are based on the principles in the UN Rights’ Respecting programme

  21. Staying in Touch • We communicate in a number of ways: email information, face to face, weekly bulletins, half termly newsletters and importantly through the school’s website. Please check this regularly for updates. • http://www.oakhillschool.org.uk

  22. Problem Solving School website: school information- policies & reports- communication chart

  23. Thank you for attending today’s meeting. If you would like more information, please see one of the members of staff. We look forward to working in partnership with you

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