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Chordates, Cartilaginous & Bony Fish

Phylum Chordata<br>Invertebrates<br>Vertebrates<br>Cartilage Skeletons<br>Bony Skeletons<br>Chordate Classes<br>Marine Biology<br>High School Science<br>

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Chordates, Cartilaginous & Bony Fish

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  1. - Animals that have a notochord, a dorsal hollow tubular nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, endostyle/thyroid gland, and a post-anal tail. - Marine invertebrates - segmented marine invertebrates - chordates with backbone - Jawless fish - Fish with cartilaginous skeletons - Fish with bone skeletons

  2. includes all animals with dorsal nerve cords and notochords.  Being divisible into symmetrical halves on either side of a unique plane. 

  3. Provides both mechanical and signaling cues to the developing embryo. It is a flexible rod and primitive beginning to the backbone.

  4. a marine invertebrate animal

  5. a segmented marine invertebrate animal "fish-like" benthic filter feeding chordates 

  6. “aa·stee·ik·thee·eez”

  7. fleshy, lobed, paired fins, which are joined to the body by a single bone.

  8. In a closed circulatory system, the blood stays within blood vessels. In this way, blood is kept separate from body tissues. This system has a heart that pumps blood through a continuous circulation pattern.

  9. Barbelsare used to aid in the acquisition of food in bodies of water that have low visibility due to low light conditions or murky waters. The taste receptors are able to detect enzymes in the water and help the fish identify if it is from a possible food source or possible sources of danger.

  10. are special sensing organs called electroreceptors, where they can form a network of mucus-filled pores. • Used to locate prey and navigate

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