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R&D for b - beams : tests with stable and radioactive ions

R&D for b - beams : tests with stable and radioactive ions. With contributions from E. Wildner, C. Volpe , T. Mendonca, S. Mitrofanov , J. Nolen. The b - beams. As proposed at the end of FP7-EURONU, last summer. The b - beams. The b - beams.

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R&D for b - beams : tests with stable and radioactive ions

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  1. R&D for b-beams:tests with stable and radioactive ions With contributions from E. Wildner, C. Volpe, T. Mendonca, S. Mitrofanov, J. Nolen

  2. The b-beams As proposedat the end of FP7-EURONU, last summer

  3. The b-beams

  4. The b-beams Several issues to solveat the same time. Need to achieve high fluxes. - Stress on production, ion source - Machine stability, space charge issues at injection - Machine activation, protection, impedance - Decay ring dimensioning: thisis the cost driver - And of course, if at CERN, compatible withotherphysics programs Success : most of the identified show-stopperscouldbeaddressed. Yet a >1 Bi$ (sorry £, €) machine, w/o detector For whatphysicsreach (CP violation, mass hierarchy, etc); competingwithotherprojects in EU and elsewhere

  5. How would the TSR beusefulfor thisfield Weneed to inject 160mA 7Li++, Elsewesimply test withwhat Is available, but HIE-EBIS highly Desired. Whatis new:

  6. The b-beamsTesting the 8B/Li collection device S. Mitrofanov et al, CRC, Louvain la Neuve

  7. The b-beamsElse tests in direct kinematics Free flowing Li target (Soreq, ANL, IFMIF)

  8. The b-beams Exploiting intense sources of beta-decaying isotopes atg=1 for neutrino physics Espinoza, Lazauskas, Volpe arXiv:1203.0790v2 (sept 2012)

  9. Other neutrino physicsat TSR Exclusion plots for sterile neutrinos search1e11-1e13 8Li/s, 1kton detector, 5 yrs Whileitisshownthatalmost no advantages are obtained for storedg=1 vs point sources isotopes, for instance looking for sterile neutrinos …

  10. Other neutrino physicsat TSR 1e13 8Li or 8B/s, 1ton liquid Ne detector If the method of isotope production isvalidatedat the TSR, thiscouldbeused for n-nucleus coherentscatteringmeasurements

  11. Conclusion The TSR is an ideal test stand for the concepts yet to bevalidated for the production of the high Q ions for b-beams and other applications It canbe a precursor for a dedicatedfacility or for the decision to place a suitable detector at intense sources of radioisotopes.

  12. Reserve

  13. Other neutrino physicsat TSR And a last approach: Measuring neutrino mass with radioactive ions in a storage ring Lindroos et al., arXIv 0904.1089 To reachdmn <0.2eV, one needsdp/p<1e-5, Q~10keV, and observe 1e18 decays.

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