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Why Conversion Tracking is Absolutely Essential for Your PPC Campaign When you launch you Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns

f you are looking for the best pay per click agency in Denver to streamline your PPC campaigns and make the best use of your budget while effectively managing your conversion tracking

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Why Conversion Tracking is Absolutely Essential for Your PPC Campaign When you launch you Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns

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  1. Why Conversion Tracking is Absolutely Essential for Your PPC Campaign When you launch you Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, success can be difficult to measure. Conversion tracking is a core element in measuring the success of your campaigns and a critical step in tracking your PPC campaign and keywords. Conversions are a positive and measurable action by users on your ad and then on your website or via a call, submission or sale. Since every business is different, your campaign goals will be different, however, no matter what your business goals are, conversion tracking will provide you the data that can help you to determine the ROI of your campaign to make informed marketing actions. The three most prominent ways of tracking conversions that will give you the highest level of assurance are direct website reporting, Google Analytics, and customer feedback. This article will help you understand why you should take full advantage of the benefits of conversion tracking for driving maximum results (leads, calls, sales, etc.) from your PPC campaigns.

  2. Make Profitable Advertising Decisions If you or your PPC agency think that running a PPC ad campaign would be enough to generate maximum sales, it’s time to increase your knowledge. Tracking all the significant actions taken by your users after clicking your ad will help you to make more informed and profitable decision. Are they clicking and then bouncing? Are they taking actions or just browsing? Are you sending them to the pages correlated to the KW’s based on your ads? Determine Which Keywords are Working for You Of course, impressions and clicks on your ad from the keywords searched contribute to your brand awareness but they lack in informing the campaign ROI to your business. With conversion tracking and recording data, you will determine which keywords and ads are facilitating conversions. This way, you can remove or replace under-performing keywords and other elements of your ad copy. Facilitate Improved User Experience User experience directly impacts your PPC campaign as it highly contributes to click- through rate, quality score, bounce rate and conversions. By tracking and testing variations, you will be able to identify and optimize each component. Try to optimize one aspect of the funnel at a time. Start you’re your ads and KWs. Get the best conversions you can and then start testing your website or landing pages to increase conversions after someone clicks on the ads. Track Offers and Promotions that Drive Sales You can incorporate exciting offers or promo codes in your PPC campaigns and track sales for a specific promotion. You can also use specific promo code to learn behavioral attributes of your target audience and what influences them to click. Tracking conversions and analyzing data help you make smart marketing decisions and help you know where to focus your future campaigns for driving sales is critical, otherwise you are wasting your money. So, take off your blindfold, put on your glasses, and start tracking conversions and optimizing today! If you are looking for the best pay per click agency in Denver to streamline your PPC campaigns and make the best use of your budget while effectively managing your conversion tracking, contact Colorado Digital Experts today! Original Source: https://medium.com/@coloradodigitalexperts/why-conversion- tracking-is-absolutely-essential-for-your-ppc-campaign-19b448c2c485

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