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NQC 4 Tajweed Rules

NQC 4 Tajweed Rules. The Two Types of Errors 1: Major Errors اللحن الجلي 2: Minor Errors اللحن الخفي. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules. Five Signs of Major Mistakes To recite one letter in place of another. الهَمدُ – الحمد To add a letter. إِيْنَّ الّاذيْنَ - إنَّ الَّذِيْنَ

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NQC 4 Tajweed Rules

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  1. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules The Two Types of Errors 1: Major Errors اللحن الجلي 2: Minor Errors اللحن الخفي قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  2. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules Five Signs of Major Mistakes • To recite one letter in place of another. الهَمدُ – الحمد • To add a letter. إِيْنَّ الّاذيْنَ - إنَّ الَّذِيْنَ • To delete a letter. وَلَمْ يُلَدْ - وَلَمْ يُوْلَد • To change the Harakah. الْحَمْدَ لله - الْحَمْدُ لله • To give the Jazm a Harakah. أَنَعَمَتَ- أَنْعَمْتَ قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  3. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules Four Signs of Minor Mistakes • To recite a Mufakham (full mouth) letter Murqqaq (empty mouth). خَالِديْنَ - خالدين • Discarding the Ghunnah . إنَّ الَّذِيْنَ • Discarding the Ikhfa. وَلَمْ يُلَدْ - وَلَمْ يُوْلَد • Discarding the Madd. الْحَمْدَ لله - الْحَمْدُ لله قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  4. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules The rules of Ist’aazah and Bismillah Reciting Ist’aazah is necessary before reading the Qur’an When starting a Surah, it will be necessary to recite Bismillah Except Surah Tawbah (9 . سورة التوبة ) قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  5. NQC 4 Tajweed Rules Isti’aazah and Bismillah in the beginnig of a Surah This can be done in four ways: • Wasl al- Kul • Fasl al- Kul • Wasl al- Awwal- Fasl al- Thani • Fasl al- Awwal- Wasl al- Thani Wasl: to recite together Fasl: to recite seperately قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  6. NQC 4 The Rules of Raa • If the Raa has a Fatha (رَ) or a Dhammah (رُ)the Raa will be reacted with a full mouth. رَسول-رُسل • If the Raa has a Kasra the Raa will be recited with an empty mouth. رِجَال • The rules of Raa Mushaddad (رّ) is the same as above. مِنْ شرِّ – شَرُّ- شَرًّا قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  7. NQC 4 The Rules of Raa Saakin before a Mutaharriek • If the Mutaharriek before the Raa Sakin has a Fatha or a Dhammah the Raa will be recited with a full mouth. أَرْسَل- تُرْجَعُون • If the Mutaharriek before the Raa Sakin has a Kasra the Raa will be recited with an empty mouth. طَهِّرْ بَيْتِي قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  8. NQC 4 The Rules of Raa Saakin, before it a Saakin before that a Mutaharriek • If the Mutaharriek has a Fatha or a Dhammah then the Raa will be recited with full mouth. وَالْفَجْر- مِنْ نُّوْر • If the Mutaharreik has a Kasrathen the Raa will be recited with an empty mouth. وَلاَ بِكْر قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  9. NQC 4 The Rules of Raa • If before the Raa Sakin there is a Yaa Sakin then this Raa will be always recited with an empty mouth. نِعْمَ النَّصِيْرْ • If after the Raa Saakin there comes any letters of Musta’liyah (خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ)then the Raa will be recited with full mouth. مِرْصاد- قِرْطاس- فِرْقَة قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  10. NQC 4 The Rules of Alif • Seven Letters of Musta’liya (خُصَّ ضَغَطٍ قِظْ)Mufakham letters- خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ • if before an Alif there is a letter from the letters of Musta’liya then that Alif will be recited with a full mouth. خَا لِدين – ظالمين- غافر الذنب قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  11. NQC 4 The Rules of Alif • All letters besides the letters of Musta’liya are Muraqqaq. • if before an Alif there is a Muraqqaq letter then that Alif will be recited with an empty mouth. والْبَاطِن- من النَّاًصِحِيْن قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  12. NQC 4 The Rules of the Laam in the name of Allah الله • If before the two Laams لthere is a letter with a Fat’ha or a Dhammah, then both the ل will be recited with a full mouth. واتَّقُوْالله- سُبْحانَ الله • If before the two لthere is a letter with a Kasra then both the ل will be recited with an empty mouth. بِسْمِ الله- مِنْ عِنْدِ الله قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  13. NQC 4 The Rules of Alif • Seven Letters of Musta’liya (خُصَّ ضَغَطٍ قِظْ)Mufakham letters- خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ • if before an Alif there is a letter from the letters of Musta’liya then that Alif will be recited with a full mouth. خَا لِدين – ظالمين- غافر الذنب قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  14. NQC 4 The Rules of Alif • All letters besides the letters of Musta’liya are Muraqqaq. • if before an Alif there is a Muraqqaq letter then that Alif will be recited with an empty mouth. والْبَاطِن- من النَّاصِحِيْن قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  15. NQC 4 The Rules of the Laam in the name of Allah الله • If before the two Laams لthere is a letter with a Fat’ha or a Dhammah, then both the ل will be recited with a full mouth. واتَّقُوْالله- سُبْحانَ الله • If before the two لthere is a letter with a Kasra then both the ل will be recited with an empty mouth. بِسْمِ الله- مِنْ عِنْدِ الله قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  16. NQC 4The Rules of Meem مّ and Noon نّ Mushaddad • If there is a Shaddahّ on a Meem then the Meem will be recited with Ghunnah. عَمَّ- مِمَّا • If there is a Shaddahّ on a Noon then the Noon will be recited with Ghunnah. إِنَّ- عَلَيْهِنَّ Note: The duration of Ghunnah is one Alif. قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  17. NQC4The Rules of Meem Saakin • Idghaam • Ikhfaa • Izhaar • إدغام If after Meem Saakin مْ there appears another Meem, Idghaam with Ghunnah will take place. أَمْ مَا = أَمَّا قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  18. NQC4The Rules of Meem Saakin 2:إِخفاء If after Meem Saakin مْ there appears the letter ب Ikhfaa Shafawie will take place. تَرْمِيْهِمْ بِحِجارَة 3:إِظْهَار if after Meem Saakin besides the lettersم andبany other letter appears, Izhaar will take place. أَلَمْ تَرَ قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  19. NQC4The Rules of Noon ((نْ Saakin & Tanween • Idghaam • Ikhfaa • Izhaar • Qalb إدغام If after Noon Saakin or Tanween any of the following six letters appears- ي ر م ل و نthen there will be Idghaam. قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  20. NQC4 Noon ((نْ Saakin & Tanween Cont.. • In ل & ر the Idghaam will be without Ghunnah, which is known as Idghaam Taam. خيْرًا لَّهم. منْ رَّحْمَتِه • In the remaining four letters Idghaam will be with Ghunnah, which is known as Idghaam Naaqis. مِنْ مَّقامِك- مِنْ وَّرَقة - ومَنْ يَّعمل - منْ نَّصِرين قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  21. NQC4 Noon ((نْ Saakin & Tanween Cont.. 2:إِخفاء if after Noon Saakin or Tanween besides the six letters- ي ر م ل و ن & besides the throat letters- أ ه ح خ ع غ and also besides the letter ب Ikhfaa will take place قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  22. NQC4 The rules of Madd قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  23. NQC4 • Madd Asli – That Madd which after the letters of Madd there is no Hamza ء or Sukoon ْ • The letters of Madd are three: Alif, Waw Saakin and Yaa Saakin- ا – وْ- يْ نُوْحِيْهَا قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  24. NQC4 • Madd Far’ie : That Madd which after the letters of Madd, there is a Hamzah or Sukoon - يَشاءُ – ضَالِّيْن قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  25. NQC4 قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  26. NQC4 • Madd Muttasil: That Madd which after the letters of Madd the Hamzah appears in the same word. جاءَ- يَشاءُ • Madd Munfasil: That Madd which after the letters of Madd the Hamzah appears at the beginning of the second word. يَا أَيُّها الذينَ آمنوا-كما أَوحيْنا قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

  27. NQC4 • Madd Laazim: That Madd which after the letters of Madd the Sukoon is original قواعد التجويد – القناة الإسلامية

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