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Lasik Surgery What to Expect and How You Can Prepare

https://www.columbuslasikvision.com/about/<br>Columbus LASIK Vision was founded by our Surgeon, William F. Columbus M.D., in 2000. Since then, our practice has grown tremendously in the tri-state region. Columbus LASIK Vision provides the best LASIK surgery using the latest cutting-edge technology available. Our team has performed more than 25,000 LASIK surgeries since the procedure was approved by the FDA in 1996.<br>

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Lasik Surgery What to Expect and How You Can Prepare

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  1. Lasik Surgery: What to Expect and How You Can Prepare Are you considering Lasik surgery? If so, you're not alone. Lasik is one of the most popular types of surgery in the world. It's a quick and relatively painless procedure that can help improve your vision. In this article, we will discuss what to expect during Lasik surgery and how you can prepare for it. We'll also answer some common questions about Lasik surgery. So if you're thinking about getting Lasik, be sure to read this post! LASIK Surgery for Vision Corrections LASIK, or Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis, is a type of laser eye surgery that is often performed to improve eyesight in people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. The focusing system of the human eye comprises the front surface (cornea) and the lens within the eye, which are in charge of converting incoming light rays onto the retina's surface. The power of the cornea, lens and eye length must all be in agreement for pictures to focus on the retina; if any part of this system is out of sync, it is known as a refractive error, which results in a fuzzy picture. When there is a refractive error, one of the following three vision problems arises. ● Nearsightedness (Myopia): A detached retina is an eye condition in which objects that are far away appear blurred. This happens as light rays focus in front of the retina, causing distant vision to become blurry. ● Farsightedness (Hyperopia): It's a situation in which objects that are close to you are harder to see than ones that are farther away. This occurs as a result of light focusing behind the retina rather than on it. ● Astigmatism: It's when everything appears fuzzy. This occurs due on account of numerous focal points where light rays meet. Near and distant objects are blurred. How Does LASIK Work? LASIK (Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis) surgery uses an excimer laser (a type of ultraviolet laser), which is a highly specialized laser. It is used to treat refractive problems, improve vision, and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. It is used underneath a corneal flap (in situ) to reshape the cornea (keratomileusis).

  2. In most cases, the results of LASIK are permanent. However, you may notice some blurring due to slight regressions or natural changes in the eye as you get older. Nevertheless, because the blurring is so minor, most individuals don’t bother to do anything about it. In other cases, people may opt for eyeglasses for particular tasks, such as reading or driving or opt for enhancement surgery. How to Prep for LASIK Eye Surgery?? Before undergoing LASIK eye surgery, there are a few critical steps you should take: 1. If you wear gas-permeable contact lenses, wait at least three weeks before getting laser eye surgery. Furthermore, for at least three days before the examination, don't use any other sorts of contacts. 2. Refrain from wearing any form of eye make-up on the day of and the day before the procedure. Remove all traces of eye make-up from the eyelids and lashes. 3. On the day of the surgery, avoid using fragrant lotions, colognes, perfumes, hair sprays, or gels. This will affect the laser energy and result. 4. Make sure you wash your hair before the procedure, as you cannot wash it for 48 hours after the LASIK surgery. 5. Make arrangements to get a ride home. You'll need someone to drive you to and from your surgical site. Although you may feel the effects of the drug you were given beforehand, your vision might be blurred right after surgery. What to Expect During LASIK Surgery? The LASIK surgery time period should only be a few minutes per eye. However, your session might last for about 30 minutes in total. So, make sure you schedule the surgery at a time when you will not feel rushed and will be able to go home and relax afterward. Here are a few other things you can expect: 1. You will be lying on your back in a reclining chair for the procedure. Medication will be offered to help you relax. 2. After administering numbing drops to your eye, your doctor holds your eyelids open using an instrument. 3. During the procedure, you will be asked to keep your eyes focused on a point of light. 4. Although you may feel a little tingle and hear the laser, the process should be painless. Summing Up

  3. If you are looking for LASIK in Philadelphia, look no further than Columbus Lasik Vision. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible vision through Lasik surgery. Schedule a free consultation today to see if Lasik is right for you!

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