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Treatment for Those that Suffer from Anxiety

As a qualified hypnotherapist and psychotherapist I am in the lucky position that I live my passion every day, which is to help people to understand themselves better and concentrate on lifeu2019s positive moments. My main areas of interest is to assist clients with those issues that can affect their lives negatively, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of confidence, weight management, post-traumatic stress disorder and showing them how to quit smoking, for instance. I believe a positive state of mind is one of the important building blocks for a happy, fulfilled life. My sessions are calm and aimed at showing clients how to progress from an unhappy head space to reaching a point where they take control of their lives once more. I work from rooms in Cheltenham and Cirencester. For more information about my services, please visit https://cotswoldhypnotherapy.co.uk/

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Treatment for Those that Suffer from Anxiety

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  1. Treatment for Those that Suffer from Anxiety Treatment for Those that Suffer from Anxiety The world has become a fast – and often unfriendly – place for many individuals, and more than ever before thousands of people approach professionals for anxiety treatment. These professionals can be doctors that may prescribe medicine to suppress the worst feelings of being anxious, they may be psychologists and psychiatrists, they may be therapists such as a hypnotherapist, for example. There are many professionals out there that can assist people that feel they are anxious, nervous and scared all the time. A lot will depend on individual circumstances when the best way of treatment is suggested or considered. Some may feel their doctor has helped them enough to face the world again, others may feel their psychologist is the right person for them in terms of the anxiety treatment they will benefit from. More than ever before other, alternative methods are being considered too, such as, for example, hypnotherapy.

  2. This kind of therapy, for example, is offered by hypnotherapists, those professionals that employ methods whereby a certain state of hypnosis is induced to relax the patient in order to bring about positive change. Very often this kind of treatment or therapy is offered in addition to other forms of treatment such as medication or visits to the psychologist or psychiatrist, and not necessarily in isolation, as the only form of treatment. It is important to note that no two patients are ever the same and therefore anxiety treatment is designed with the individual’s situation and circumstances in mind. Anxiety can be caused by various factors, and at times individuals do not recognise the condition for what it is. It is typically a fear of unknown situations and the fear of how to react in certain circumstances. Because people are different and have different life experiences it makes sense that not everybody is armoured with the same kind of self-confidence to address these issues. An example of this social anxiety that makes people anxious are, among, the following: going to social events where there are many people. This can intimidate some people and they may need anxiety treatment. The same is true for many other situations such as being the centre of attention, being watched by others, working in groups, job interviews, public speaking, dating. There are numerous examples to illustrate the point. If, in the above – and many other – examples a person feels uncomfortable or afraid, he/she could well be suffering from anxiety disorder

  3. and intervention may be the solution, be that a medical professional or other therapist such as a hypnotherapist, for example. Of course most people feel a certain anxiety during, say, a job interview, but the moment one feels that these feelings become overwhelming then it may be unnatural and anxiety treatment may be necessary. When these feelings start to interfere with one’s daily life it is indeed the time to consider talking to a therapist. Very often this anxiety manifests itself as a physical problem such as increased heart rate, or shortness of breath or shivering and shaking, for example, or not being able to talk. These are examples of the effect of severe anxiety and call for treatment. There are different forms of anxiety than can cause misery in a person’s life and a good therapist is trained and experienced enough to offer the kind of anxiety treatment that can restore the balance once more. Some of these are the following: recognisable phobias; social anxiety disorder; obsessive behaviour and the effects of PTSD, for example. Good therapists are the ones to diagnose these and other disorders and they are therefore the people to talk to once you feel that anxiety about issues and events makes your life miserable.

  4. Depending on the therapist one approaches, there are different treatments available such as psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy, and of course hypnotherapy which is gaining ground all the time. In this case a mild form of hypnotherapy is applied to help the patient overcome their (often) irrational fears. As a qualified hypnotherapist and psychotherapist I am in the lucky position that I live my passion every day, which is to help people to understand themselves better and concentrate on life’s positive moments. My main areas of interest is to assist clients with those issues that can affect their lives negatively, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of confidence, weight management, post-traumatic stress disorder and showing them how to quit smoking, for instance. I believe a positive state of mind is one of the important building blocks for a happy, fulfilled life. My sessions are calm and aimed at showing clients how to progress from an unhappy head space to reaching a point where they take control of their lives once more. I work from rooms in Cheltenham and Cirencester. For more information about my services, please visit https://cotswoldhypnotherapy.co.uk/

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