
Cultivating Digital Wellness: Rethink Before You Post

Promote digital wellness and citizenship through making safe, healthy decisions online. Explore the impact of online words and actions, using the "Rethink" app to foster responsible digital behavior and combat cyberbullying effectively.

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Cultivating Digital Wellness: Rethink Before You Post

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  1. RETHINK Before You Post Grade 6-8 Citizenship Lesson #2

  2. Digital Wellness – Big Idea Ensure students, at every grade level, have the tools, resources, and skills to interact personally, socially, and educationally in the real world and in digital spaces. Encourage all students to make safe, healthy, and positive decisions to live a digitally balanced life in our technology-rich world.

  3. WELLNESS = BALANCE IS BEST • I will maintain a balance between digital and face-to face interactions in life. Digital wellness refers to the state of one’s physical and mental health in the Digital Age. It is making intentional decisions to improve the healthy use of technology. This does not mean eliminating technology from our lives BUT to balance its use with healthy face-face interactions. CITIZENSHIP = BE THE BEST YOU • I will be responsible, ethical, honest and literate in today’s digital world. ETIQUETTE = IT’S COOL TO BE KIND • I will choose to be positive with others online. SAFETY = BE AWARE • I will be safe online and protect private information.

  4. PREPARATION • Video: RETHINK: Link in Slide #6 • Download RETHINK app to demonstrate how it works. Available on App Store and Google Play Store 4

  5. LEARNING INTENTIONS 2-2 HOW DO YOU TELL A PERSON’S TRUE INTENTIONS & IMPACT OF ONLINE WORDS AND ACTIONS. “RETHINK” •Learn to “RETHINK” before posting. •How does what we post online affect others? •What are the implications of negative posts? •Problem solve potential challenges to responding to cyberbullying. 5

  6. ACTIVATE -VIDEO Watch the video below by clicking on the image. RETHINK Before you Type 11:00

  7. ACQUIRE –THINK-PAIR -SHARE RETHINK is an app that you install on your phone. It prompts you with the message below if you type up a hurtful message. Do you think receiving this message would help you RETHINK before you post? 1.Take a moment to think silently about these questions. 2.Then, take turns sharing your response with your partner. 7

  8. ACQUIRE - BRAINSTORM Although RETHINK filters out MANY hurtful phrases, it does miss some. Brainstorm phrases that would be harmful/hurtful to the recipient. HURTFUL PHRASES 8

  9. APPLY –CREATE Trisha mentions in her video that 9 out 10 victims of cyberbullying don’t even report that they are being cyberbullied? WHY do you think this is? WHAT do you can be done to counteract this? Thinking about these questions (and the hateful statements you have brainstormed as a class), develop a poster that can be displayed in the classroom outlining 10 strategies that an adolescent could do if being cyberbullied. (Think beyond just the stop-block-tell strategy). 9

  10. Teacher Notes Take Home Resources Extension Activities Backgrounder •Students can create their own app that would help adolescents either PREVENT negative/hurtful posts OR GUIDE adolescent in the right direction to receive help if cyberbullied. •Create PSA on the phrase, “Words Can Hurt”. •Develop game statements/scenarios to play the game “Step to the Line” •http://www.rethinkwords.com/ •Family Tips for Fighting Cyberbullying •BC Crisis Helpline •Cyberbullying.Org •Canada Privacy Website-Online Privacy House Rules •BC Crisis Helpline •Cyberbullying.Org •Canada Privacy Website-Online Privacy House Rules •http://www.rethinkwords.com/ •Teens and Mental Health in a Digital World •Digital Wellness and SEL

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