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www.fbi-sos.org. Statistics. Approximately 1 in 7 youth online (10 to 17-years-old) received a sexual solicitation or approach over the internet

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  1. www.fbi-sos.org

  2. Statistics • Approximately 1 in 7 youth online (10 to 17-years-old) received a sexual solicitation or approach over the internet • 4% received an aggressive sexual solicitation - a solicitor who asked to meet them somewhere; called them on the telephone; or sent them offline mail, money, or gifts • 34% had an unwanted exposure to sexual material • Only 27% of the youth who encountered unwanted sexual material told a parent or guardian Source: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children www.fbi-sos.org

  3. Program Overview FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing) Internet Challenge • FREE online program that teaches 5th - 8th grade students how to recognize and react to online dangers • Addresses safety concerns associated with chat rooms, social networking sites, email, and cell phones • Developed by the FBI Crimes Against Children Unit at the Miami FBI Office • Administered by the Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation, part of the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida www.fbi-sos.org

  4. Objectives After completing the FBI-SOS Internet Challenge, students will be able to: • Define important terms associated with online safety • Recognize and identify the “red flags” that indicate that they may be chatting with an online predator • Describe at least three ways to protect their privacy when online • Identify ways to decrease risks associated with social networking sites and chat rooms • Recognize and report illegal online behaviors and become familiar with CyberTipline, a mechanism for reporting online crimes www.fbi-sos.org

  5. How it Works Students take web-based quizzes and review specific websites aimed at promoting online safety Pre-Quiz - an online self-scoring quiz to measure current knowledge of internet safety Scavenger Hunt - icons lead students to websites holding specific internet safety information Post-Quiz – students demonstrate what they learned and try to win the FBI-SOS Trophy for their school www.fbi-sos.org

  6. Scoring Students receive 500 points for each correct answer and lose one (1) point for each second it takes them to complete the quiz www.fbi-sos.org

  7. Winning Each month, the school that has the highest combined student scores on the Post-Quiz wins the FBI-SOS Trophy and a visit from an FBI Special Agent www.fbi-sos.org

  8. Getting Started www.fbi-sos.org

  9. Register Your School Visit www.fbi-sos.org and click on “Principals and Teachers” www.fbi-sos.org

  10. Students Register www.fbi-sos.org

  11. Pre-Quiz www.fbi-sos.org

  12. Scavenger Hunt www.fbi-sos.org

  13. Post-Quiz www.fbi-sos.org

  14. Student Results Teachers and students can view results at any time by clicking “Student Results” at the top of the webpage www.fbi-sos.org

  15. Questions? www.fbi-sos.org

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