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Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery

Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery. 4604 Grove Ave. Richmond, VA 23226 804-615-3243 www.presbycoalition.org. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery. Terry Schlossberg The Presbyterian Coalition 703-680-4571 Terry@presbycoalition.org

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Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery

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  1. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery 4604 Grove Ave. Richmond, VA 23226 804-615-3243 www.presbycoalition.org

  2. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Terry Schlossberg The Presbyterian Coalition 703-680-4571 Terry@presbycoalition.org http://www.presbycoalition.org/campaign.cfm Sue Cyre Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry 540-898-4244 scyre@swva.net With appreciation to the ministry of OneByOne (www.oneby1.org), and to Presbyterians for Renewal (www. pfrenewal.org) for encouraging this series

  3. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Contents Section 1: Introduction: The Resource Packet Section 2: Compare the current language of G-6.0106b with the proposed language of Amendment B Section 3: The theological question raised by the amendment: James R. Edwards, PhD Section 4: The “discernment” process recommended by G.A. Section 5: Arguments you are likely to hear and arguments you will want to consider making Section 6: Planning ahead for the vote Section 7: Testimony of a life transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  4. Preparing to Defeat the New Amendment B in Your Presbytery Section 1: Introduction • It’s been seven years since we last voted on G-6.0106b • A new twist in theology • A new twist in process

  5. Votes on G-6.0106b Yes No to the standard to the standard • 1996-97: 97 74 • 1997-98: 114 57 • 2001-02: 127 46 • 2008-09: Find the unofficial tally for 2008-09 at http://www.presbycoalition.org/votingresults.cfm

  6. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Contents Section 1: Introduction: The Resource Packet Section 2: Compare the current language of G-6.0106b with the proposed language of Amendment B Section 3: The theological question raised by the amendment Section 4: The “discernment” process recommended by G.A. Section 5: Arguments you are likely to hear and arguments you will want to consider making Section 6: Planning ahead for the vote Section 7: Testimony of a life transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  7. Resources on http://www.presbycoalition.org/campaign.cfm • Voting results by presbytery • Resources to help you prepare • The PC(USA) booklet of amendments for 2008 • Historical information • Resources on “discernment,” parliamentary process, and consensus decision-making • A collection of pertinent email newsletters • Sermons, educational programs, and pastoral care in this area of life • Commentary on matters related to the vote

  8. Contents of the Resource Packet • Prayer Guide • Analysis of the Proposed Replacement to G-6.0106b (Amendment B) • Biblical Background • Debating in Presbyteries • Scientific Evidence • “The Church as Healing Community” • Personal Testimonies of Transformation

  9. To order the 82-page Resource Packet in hard copyContactTerry Schlossberg:Presbyterian Coalitionterryschlossberg@comcast.net703-680-4571orSue CyrePresbyterians for Faith, Family, and Ministryscyre@swva.net540-898-4244

  10. Goal of Campaign To hold the ordination standard of G-6.0106b and all it implies as our witness to the Church and the world.

  11. Objectives • Get out the vote • Get out an informed vote • Use parliamentary process well for a fair hearing in debate and vote

  12. Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Terry Schlossberg The Presbyterian Coalition 703-680-4571 Terry@presbycoalition.org http://www.presbycoalition.org/campaign.cfm Sue Cyre Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry 540-898-4244 scyre@swva.net With appreciation to the ministry of OneByOne (www.oneby1.org), and to Presbyterians for Renewal (www. pfrenewal.org) for encouraging this series

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